General Teacher beheaded in Paris by religion of peace...

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Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
Not a claimed pillar, by most current sects of Islam.

Just the oldest, and most radical. The sects the new branches of Islam are based off.
This is false. The oldest sect in Islam, are fundamentalist/literalist who call themselves salafi. You guys call them wahabis. Even they don’t claim Jihad is a pillar of faith. There’s 5 pillars of Islam. And 6 pillars of iman (faith) none of them include Jihad. Muslims derive the pillars from the Quran, and sunnah (Sayings of the prophet) so unless you can reference in either where it says Jihad is a pillar of faith. Then you’re just making shit up.

The Pendulum

AI Posting
Dec 30, 2015
This is false. The oldest sect in Islam, are fundamentalist/literalist who call themselves salafi. You guys call them wahabis. Even they don’t claim Jihad is a pillar of faith. There’s 5 pillars of Islam. And 6 pillars of iman (faith) none of them include Jihad. Muslims derive the pillars from the Quran, and sunnah (Sayings of the prophet) so unless you can reference in either where it says Jihad is a pillar of faith. Then you’re just making shit up.
I actually already did, a few pages back.

The Koran states, extremely explicitly, that Jihad to defend the Prophet, before his return, is permissible.

As for the six pillars (10, if you ask the Shi'a), how does Belief in Al-Qadar go?

"The last pillar of iman is the belief in pre-ordainment. What this means is
that everything in our lives is already written. It is our duty to know that
whatever Allah wills will occur. Also He is the creator of everything including
our deeds. Allah knows our past, present, and future. Our lives are set, but
that does not mean that we strive any less toward perfection."

Why is that important?

"Nevertheless, both Sunni and Shi’a extremist conceptions of jihad have had a tremendous impact on the West. While the Sunni version is a triumphalist religious ideology incapable of co-existing with Western values or societies, the Shi’a version animates regimes hostile to the West as well."


“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5)
“When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads” (Sura 47:4)
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate” (Sura 9:73)
“The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan” (Sura 4:76)
Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. “Muhammad is God’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Sura 48:29)

I'm sure we could find a common motive across these attacks.

Imagine trying to defend foreign communities rallying together, premeditating beheadings, in retaliation to a picture.



Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
I actually already did, a few pages back.

The Koran states, extremely explicitly, that Jihad to defend the Prophet, before his return, is permissible.

As for the six pillars (10, if you ask the Shi'a), how does Belief in Al-Qadar go?

"The last pillar of iman is the belief in pre-ordainment. What this means is
that everything in our lives is already written. It is our duty to know that
whatever Allah wills will occur. Also He is the creator of everything including
our deeds. Allah knows our past, present, and future. Our lives are set, but
that does not mean that we strive any less toward perfection."

Why is that important?

"Nevertheless, both Sunni and Shi’a extremist conceptions of jihad have had a tremendous impact on the West. While the Sunni version is a triumphalist religious ideology incapable of co-existing with Western values or societies, the Shi’a version animates regimes hostile to the West as well."


“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5)
“When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads” (Sura 47:4)
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate” (Sura 9:73)
“The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan” (Sura 4:76)
Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. “Muhammad is God’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Sura 48:29)

I'm sure we could find a common motive across these attacks.

Imagine trying to defend foreign communities rallying together, premeditating beheadings, in retaliation to a picture.

There’s nothing more frustrating than when a non Muslim, who’s spells Qur’an with a K, tries to tell me what Islam teaches, based on English translations that he’s found on google. The audacity is something else. Jihad is not a pillar of Iman. We don’t care what some twelver shiah believe. None of theIr core beliefs are actually found in the Quran or sunnah. So them believing Jihad is a pillar of iman, is just another example of this. And I’ve never met a shiah personally who has ever claimed that it was a pillar. It’s unheard of to me

The reason those 6 article of faith are pillars, is because rejecting even one of those things mentioned above, takes you out the fold of Islam. You can’t disbelieve in any of those 6 and still be considered a Muslim. They are core fundamental principles that a Muslim follows. Jihad is not just not one of them and thus doesn’t fall under a pillar. There’s also 3 types of Jihad mentioned in Quran and sunnah, and only one is the thing you keep alluding too.

What do you mean before his return? Muslims believe he is dead, and won’t return. Are you getting confused with Jesus ?

I’ll address the first verse you posted. And hopefully you’ll realise your error in posting the rest of them.

First of all when we look at the Quran, no Muslims reads the verse (especially English translations) and then tries to interpret right off the bat using their own limited understanding. Except for two people ironically. Isis, and people like yourself. You both probably have the same exact understanding

What most sensible Muslims do Is return back to the earliest generations and take their interpretation as well as the scholars who are experts in Classical Arabic and Islamic history/theology. This would be a more academic way of interpreting Quran instead of going in blind

Now there’s different types of verses. Some are ambiguous, some are non ambiguous, some are general. Some are commands (amr) some are rulings (hukm) some verses are explained by other verses in the Quran. Some are explained by the prophet (in his sunnah) this is very broad explanation and it’s a lot more detailed than this and is a science in itself but I’ll leave it there for now.

Moving on to the verse surah 9:5 . This verse was revealed while the muslims were engaged in the Battle of Tabuk. The battle was fought as a retaliation against the buildup attack on the city of Madinah by Byzantine Empire in the year 629. It’s not a general verse, and was revealed for a specific time in a specific location at a time during a battle.

If you look at the tafsir for this verse (detailed interpretations) by one of the most known Quran commenters, you will see this is not a general verse and is specific to the battle that was about to be taken at the time. All events leading up and after the battle can be found in Ibn Kathirs tafsir

This is not a general verse for every day living and is never interpreted in such a way. Except by two people like I mentioned earlier. People like you and terrorists

I try bite my tongue a lot on here as I see a lot of uninformed stupid shit being posted. I never sugar coat my religion. And everything I say is from the mainstream, traditional Sunni interpretation of Islam. You might not agree with any parts or Islam, but I’ll tell you straight up what we actually believe and what is total horseshit

The Pendulum

AI Posting
Dec 30, 2015
There’s nothing more frustrating than when a non Muslim, who’s spells Qur’an with a K, tries to tell me what Islam teaches, based on English translations that he’s found on google. The audacity is something else. Jihad is not a pillar of Iman. We don’t care what some twelver shiah believe. None of theIr core beliefs are actually found in the Quran or sunnah. So them believing Jihad is a pillar of iman, is just another example of this. And I’ve never met a shiah personally who has ever claimed that it was a pillar. It’s unheard of to me

The reason those 6 article of faith are pillars, is because rejecting even one of those things mentioned above, takes you out the fold of Islam. You can’t disbelieve in any of those 6 and still be considered a Muslim. They are core fundamental principles that a Muslim follows. Jihad is not just not one of them and thus doesn’t fall under a pillar. There’s also 3 types of Jihad mentioned in Quran and sunnah, and only one is the thing you keep alluding too.

What do you mean before his return? Muslims believe he is dead, and won’t return. Are you getting confused with Jesus ?

I’ll address the first verse you posted. And hopefully you’ll realise your error in posting the rest of them.

First of all when we look at the Quran, no Muslims reads the verse (especially English translations) and then tries to interpret right off the bat using their own limited understanding. Except for two people ironically. Isis, and people like yourself. You both probably have the same exact understanding

What most sensible Muslims do Is return back to the earliest generations and take their interpretation as well as the scholars who are experts in Classical Arabic and Islamic history/theology. This would be a more academic way of interpreting Quran instead of going in blind

Now there’s different types of verses. Some are ambiguous, some are non ambiguous, some are general. Some are commands (amr) some are rulings (hukm) some verses are explained by other verses in the Quran. Some are explained by the prophet (in his sunnah) this is very broad explanation and it’s a lot more detailed than this and is a science in itself but I’ll leave it there for now.

Moving on to the verse surah 9:5 . This verse was revealed while the muslims were engaged in the Battle of Tabuk. The battle was fought as a retaliation against the buildup attack on the city of Madinah by Byzantine Empire in the year 629. It’s not a general verse, and was revealed for a specific time in a specific location at a time during a battle.

If you look at the tafsir for this verse (detailed interpretations) by one of the most known Quran commenters, you will see this is not a general verse and is specific to the battle that was about to be taken at the time. All events leading up and after the battle can be found in Ibn Kathirs tafsir

This is not a general verse for every day living and is never interpreted in such a way. Except by two people like I mentioned earlier. People like you and terrorists

I try bite my tongue a lot on here as I see a lot of uninformed stupid shit being posted. I never sugar coat my religion. And everything I say is from the mainstream, traditional Sunni interpretation of Islam. You might not agree with any parts or Islam, but I’ll tell you straight up what we actually believe and what is total horseshit
Just watch. See how many of them come out in support.

I keep telling you all, it's in their faith, some of the "smarter" ones might stay quiet, but the rest see no problem. They'll encourage it.

Doesn't matter where they're from. Their belief unites them.
Rather amusing you'd tell me what you believe, and not anyone else.

So you explicitly know what people around you think? That Muslim magic must be real, that Nazwar Jaf was singing about.

You'll make 3 appearances to dispute what I'm saying in this thread, with no condemnation.

Prove you're different.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
Rather amusing you'd tell me what you believe, and not anyone else.

So you explicitly know what people around you think? That Muslim magic must be real, that Nazwar Jaf was singing about.

You'll make 3 appearances to dispute what I'm saying in this thread, with no condemnation.

Prove you're different.
Don’t try it mate. You were the one posting verses out of context. I just corrected your misunderstanding by posting a scholarly interpretation of the verse you were misquoting

I can’t tell what Muslims think. I can only say if their beliefs/actions are backed up by the texts they claim to adhere to

I don’t need to condemn anyone, or prove anything. They’re not my responsibility. I don’t know any of these people. We are not a monolith that share the same thoughts and feelings, and to be very frank. If I had to publicly condemn the actions/sayings of some Muslims, I would be here all day.

The Pendulum

AI Posting
Dec 30, 2015
Don’t try it mate. You were the one posting verses out of context. I just corrected your misunderstanding by posting a scholarly interpretation of the verse you were misquoting

I can’t tell what Muslims think. I can only say if their beliefs/actions are backed up by the texts they claim to adhere to

I don’t need to condemn anyone, or prove anything. They’re not my responsibility. I don’t know any of these people. We are not a monolith that share the same thoughts and feelings, and to be very frank. If I had to publicly condemn the actions/sayings of some Muslims, I would be here all day.
So no proof.

And what was this shit then?

"but I’ll tell you straight up what we actually believe and what is total horseshit"

Well, clearly you won't. How about that Sunni scholar on the last page, that wants to drop an atom bomb on the west?

Abu Bakr Al Bagdhadi? Hes a claimed Sunni too.

Seems that's all your main scholars want to do. Attack the west.

Should be easy to condemn attacks on where you live.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
So no proof.

And what was this shit then?

"but I’ll tell you straight up what we actually believe and what is total horseshit"

Well, clearly you won't. How about that Sunni scholar on the last page, that wants to drop an atom bomb on the west?

Abu Bakr Al Bagdhadi? Hes a claimed Sunni too.

Seems that's all your main scholars want to do. Attack the west.

Should be easy to condemn attacks on where you live.
You’re just moving the goalposts. Your initial premise was that Islam and the Quran fundamentally teach and promote terrorism and war with the verses you posted. I proved you wrong and now all you can do is reference actual terrorists Muslims were fighting Abu Bakr al baghdadi and his regime for years, cause they are isis who do nothing but kill and harm innocent people. Mainly Muslims too.

I already said that your understanding of Islam is the same as these terrorist and you’re both wrong, and I’ll happily prove why you’re both wrong. If you’re going to make an argument that their interpretation is the correct one, then I’ll debate you and correct you on this. If I was going to make some sort of moral judgement on Christianity, then I would base it on what the biblical scripture actually teaches, and not on the beliefs of extremist terrorist Christians.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
Who are our main scholars? Can you name them? And which ones said they want to attack the west?

The Pendulum

AI Posting
Dec 30, 2015
You’re just moving the goalposts. Your initial premise was that Islam and the Quran fundamentally teach and promote terrorism and war with the verses you posted. I proved you wrong and now all you can do is reference actual terrorists Muslims were fighting Abu Bakr al baghdadi and his regime for years, cause they are isis who do nothing but kill and harm innocent people. Mainly Muslims too.

I already said that your understanding of Islam is the same as these terrorist and you’re both wrong, and I’ll happily prove why you’re both wrong. If you’re going to make an argument that their interpretation is the correct one, then I’ll debate you and correct you on this. If I was going to make some sort of moral judgement on Christianity, then I would base it on what the biblical scripture actually teaches, and not on the beliefs of extremist terrorist Christians.
There is nothing for you and I to discuss.

You haven't looked at the myriad of information I've posted in this thread.

It isn't difficult to just click through a few pages. Why are terrorists referred to as scholars?

How do you get off equating me, with some harsh words, to someone calling for the literal bombing of the western world?

The same place you live.

And I'm the radical.

How do they start with mainstream Sunni teachings, and get warped so far?

Is it really that far a path from the one your false prophet walked?

Do you believe in one true religion?

How many religions did he want in the Arabian peninsula?

How many raids, and battle did he participate in, against which race? Which religion?



Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
There is nothing for you and I to discuss.

You haven't looked at the myriad of information I've posted in this thread.

It isn't difficult to just click through a few pages. Why are terrorists referred to as scholars?

How do you get off equating me, with some harsh words, to someone calling for the literal bombing of the western world?

The same place you live.

And I'm the radical.

How do they start with mainstream Sunni teachings, and get warped so far?

Is it really that far a path from the one your false prophet walked?

Do you believe in one true religion?

How many religions did he want in the Arabian peninsula?

How many raids, and battle did he participate in, against which race? Which religion?

You’re making claims and I’m refuting them. Can you name these terrorist that you are claiming that Muslims recognise as scholars? Give me their names


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Do you and your friends believe people should be punished for making drawings of Mohamed?

Deleted member 1

You’re making claims and I’m refuting them. Can you name these terrorist that you are claiming that Muslims recognise as scholars? Give me their names
I'm in agreement with your postings. I feel like me making a google pass and then acting like an expert is like watching DIY youtube and then correcting the plumber. The superficial knowledge doesn't make me know enough to understand context and common practice.

Do you think Islam has a larger number of people that hold views that are combative to western principles such as equal rights for sexes, free speech, etc.?

Do you think Islam has a terrorism problem? Not asking about the cause, but are there an outsized group of people invoking your religion for violence? And if so, why?

The Big Guy

  • In Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states, 18% believe military attacks on civilians justified and 14% believe individual attacks on civilians justified.
  • In non-OIC states, 24% believe military attacks on civilians justified and 17% believe individual attacks on civilians justified.
In a regional breakdown, Gallup found that North Americans were most likely to justify military attacks on civilians, while residents of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region were most likely to oppose them. When asked about whether it is justifiable for the military to target and kill civilians:[26]

  • In Asia, 58% said it is never justifiable, 12% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 15% said it depends.
  • In the post-Soviet states, 56% said it is never justifiable, 8% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 20% said it depends.
  • In the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, 85% said it is never justifiable, 9% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 4% said it depends.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, 66% said it is never justifiable, 17% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 11% said it depends.
  • In the United States and Canada, 50% said it is never justifiable, 47% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 2% said it depends.
  • In Europe, 69% said it is never justifiable, 12% said it is sometimes justifiable, and 11% said it depends.

For me the amount of muslims who think attacks on civilians is acceptable is disgusting.

It also seems according to pew that muslims dislike westerners more than we dislike them. So why are they still coming?

America was founded on judeo-Christian values, not sharia law. Keep them covered and in the desert


Deleted member 1

For me the amount of muslims who think attacks on civilians is acceptable is disgusting.
You dropped a few crucial things:

In another 2011 Gallup poll, they surveyed Americans, and found that Muslim Americans were less likely to justify the targeting and killing of civilians than other Americans.[27]

John Esposito, using poll data from Gallup, wrote in 2008 that Muslims and Americans were equally likely to reject violence against civilians. He also found that those Muslims who support violence against civilians are no more religious than Muslims who do not.[28] A later 2011 Gallup World Poll found that, in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, "those who reject military and individual attacks on civilians are more likely to say religion is an important part of their daily lives."[26]

This shit just seems cultural. Which is why its really strange they lump Russia, USA, and Europe together.
Muslim attitudes in different countries vary. Even French and American muslims are on hugely different portions of the fanatical scale (the whole point of this thread) and it seems bizarre to hide their opinions under the same umbrella..

Look at this:

Could be 8% in previous USSR could be 42% in Russia proper.


The Big Guy

You dropped a few crucial things:

In another 2011 Gallup poll, they surveyed Americans, and found that Muslim Americans were less likely to justify the targeting and killing of civilians than other Americans.[27]

John Esposito, using poll data from Gallup, wrote in 2008 that Muslims and Americans were equally likely to reject violence against civilians. He also found that those Muslims who support violence against civilians are no more religious than Muslims who do not.[28] A later 2011 Gallup World Poll found that, in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, "those who reject military and individual attacks on civilians are more likely to say religion is an important part of their daily lives."[26]

This shit just seems cultural. Which is why its really strange they lump Russia, USA, and Europe together.
Muslim attitudes in different countries vary. Even French and American muslims are on hugely different portions of the fanatical scale (the whole point of this thread) and it seems bizarre to hide their opinions under the same umbrella..

Look at this:
View attachment 20235

Could be 8% in previous USSR could be 42% in Russia proper.

View attachment 20236
I seen all that but I was about to remove a toilet and didnt feel like copying everything.

But the good news is the shit pipes are clear

Everyone lay off the fiber


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
Do you think Islam has a larger number of people that hold views that are combative to western principles such as equal rights for sexes, free speech, etc.?
Yes. Majority of Muslims would openly admit to this. Doesn’t mean they can’t cohabitate, since there are many people and groups of people who live in the west that don’t adhere to every single principle and societal norm that is seen as ‘normal‘ by the western, liberal secular way of living. Orthodox Jews for example, very much have the same stance as conservative Muslims on most issues. In fact, there are areas in London, England, where Orthodox Jews have their own communities. They even segregate men and women in these communities, making them walk on opposite sides of the street.

They even have their own hospitals and ambulances in their isolated communities. If you ask these type of Jews their opinion of sex outside of marriage, gender mixing/gender roles, homosexuals, lgbtq etc you will get a lot of similar answers that Muslims will give you. I’m not trying to use jews as an escape goat, but if people are claiming that if you don’t follow or agree with western liberal values then you should leave the west. Then they should hold all religious/political groups to the same standards.

On a side note I would like to add the Muslims are categorically told to abide by the law of the land. So there’s no taking law into your own hands, no calling for shariah. Majority of them will live their life as normal law abiding citizens.

Also. To those who make moral judgements towards Islam or any religion. What yardstick are you using to make that determination? What’s your criteria for what is right and what is wrong? Western liberal values? I’m just curious. Why should I believe that western liberal values is morally superior to my way of living, or a different way of living? Why should I trust the people who wrote these constitutions? I could argue that under the guise of ‘western liberal values’ many atrocious acts have been committed against fellow humans. European countries who consider themselves as ‘western liberal nations’ have committed some of the most gruesome and depraved acts to their fellow human beings.

When your forefathers wrote these constitutions, they didn’t go to villages in India and ask them what they deemed morally and ethically correct. They didn’t go to North Africa or west Africa and asked tribes what they thought was right and wrong. They took it upon themselves to choose what they think is right and wrong. Yet these are the same people that then went to these poorer nations to enforce their way of living. Which completely defeats the whole purpose of liberalism, and then obviously enslaved/colonised/pillaged these people based on their own criteria they already used to determine they are morally/culturally/ethically superior than.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yes. Majority of Muslims would openly admit to this. Doesn’t mean they can’t cohabitate, since there are many people and groups of people who live in the west that don’t adhere to every single principle and societal norm that is seen as ‘normal‘ by the western, liberal secular way of living. Orthodox Jews for example, very much have the same stance as conservative Muslims on most issues. In fact, there are areas in London, England, where Orthodox Jews have their own communities. They even segregate men and women in these communities, making them walk on opposite sides of the street.

They even have their own hospitals and ambulances in their isolated communities. If you ask these type of Jews their opinion of sex outside of marriage, gender mixing/gender roles, homosexuals, lgbtq etc you will get a lot of similar answers that Muslims will give you. I’m not trying to use jews as an escape goat, but if people are claiming that if you don’t follow or agree with western liberal values then you should leave the west. Then they should hold all religious/political groups to the same standards.

On a side note I would like to add the Muslims are categorically told to abide by the law of the land. So there’s no taking law into your own hands, no calling for shariah. Majority of them will live their life as normal law abiding citizens.

Also. To those who make moral judgements towards Islam or any religion. What yardstick are you using to make that determination? What’s your criteria for what is right and what is wrong? Western liberal values? I’m just curious. Why should I believe that western liberal values is morally superior to my way of living, or a different way of living? Why should I trust the people who wrote these constitutions? I could argue that under the guise of ‘western liberal values’ many atrocious acts have been committed against fellow humans. European countries who consider themselves as ‘western liberal nations’ have committed some of the most gruesome and depraved acts to their fellow human beings.

When your forefathers wrote these constitutions, they didn’t go to villages in India and ask them what they deemed morally and ethically correct. They didn’t go to North Africa or west Africa and asked tribes what they thought was right and wrong. They took it upon themselves to choose what they think is right and wrong. Yet these are the same people that then went to these poorer nations to enforce their way of living. Which completely defeats the whole purpose of liberalism, and then obviously enslaved/colonised/pillaged these people based on their own criteria they already used to determine they are morally/culturally/ethically superior than.
@George Thoros is the comparison to our non-SecularJewish brothers accurate?

member 1013

Ok great, so you'd say that's a major difference and it might not be the greatest comparison?
No I think SAJ @SAJ made a good point. Everyone has the right to practice their religion peacefully and we have to treat all faiths equally.