General Texas bans abortion at approximately 6 weeks

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021


In 2008, he similarly said: "I’m prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception."
Wow, that'll sure show all Biden's deranged cultists who:

* wear Biden hats all year round to show their loyalty to him
* can't criticise him at all, for anything, ever
* wildly cheer every single thing he says, does or lies that he's going to do
* attend his constant campaign rallies that he's holding through his entire term
* mindlessly recite the simple three word chants about shit that is never going to happen, that he's programmed them with

All those Biden cultists will surely be completely unable to criticise him for this or ANYTHING, ever. Good work!


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
The 'fetal heartbeat' that defines Texas' new abortion laws doesn't exist, say doctors
  • Texas' new draconian abortion ban is based on when a fetal heartbeat forms - at six weeks.
  • However, a heartbeat isn't present at 6 weeks, doctors say.
  • A six-week-old fetus doesn't have a cardiovascular system, the sound of the thumping is from the machine.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
The 'fetal heartbeat' that defines Texas' new abortion laws doesn't exist, say doctors
  • Texas' new draconian abortion ban is based on when a fetal heartbeat forms - at six weeks.
  • However, a heartbeat isn't present at 6 weeks, doctors say.
  • A six-week-old fetus doesn't have a cardiovascular system, the sound of the thumping is from the machine.
Pregnant women should be banned from being around drums, so the kid's heartbeat can be heard. I've always wondered what those things were doing in a doctor's office anyway.