The badassery of Thor

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member 1013

I watched it this morning.

Her final form is quite powerful, in that she can fly and shoot energy and smash small spaceships. Until I see her take the brunt of a dying star, tank a city falling on her head, clean out an army of Frost Giants and their dinosaur, mangle an army of actual demons and mini surtur, tame a dragon, bash the Hulk and chase off Thanos with a five stone Infinity Guantlet, I'll reserve judgement.
Please tell @conor mcgregor nut hugger to stop trolling me

member 1013

I watched it this morning.

Her final form is quite powerful, in that she can fly and shoot energy and smash small spaceships. Until I see her take the brunt of a dying star, tank a city falling on her head, clean out an army of Frost Giants and their dinosaur, mangle an army of actual demons and mini surtur, tame a dragon, bash the Hulk and chase off Thanos with a five stone Infinity Guantlet, I'll reserve judgement.
What did you think of the actual movie?

I thought it was a pretty okay movie. I give it a six out of ten. Couldn’t buy Jude Law or Brie Larson in their roles. Jackson and Mendelson were on point the entire movie. The CGI on Fury and Coulson was amazing. I stopped noticing it after a bit. Ronan was absolutely wasted in this movie although it was cool to see him and Korath back. Annette Benning was great as the Supreme Intelligence and so-so as the original Mar Vel.

The fight choreography and camera work in the fight scenes were terrible. I abhor shakey cam. It’s obvious Brie Larson is terrible at fighting and stunts.

The soundtrack was OK but got a little heavy handed. “Come As You Are” and “Just a Girl” really threw me off even though I enjoy both songs immensely.

I thought the make up and CGI for the Skrulls was great. The Kree looked okay.

I enjoyed getting to see Hala.

Plot wise it was a little tedious waiting for her to find out the truth we already knew.

The final act fell very flat for me and just felt anti-climactic. Like I said, Ronan was completely wasted. Even her overpowering her inhibitor fell flat for me.

Retconning Fury’s eye like that is shitty. All the retconning is actually shitty.

I wish they had introduced her in a better manner than shoehorning her in and retconning the entire MCU.

Also Brie Larson has a weird squeaky voice. I hope she is better in Endgame. I hope the Russo’s direct her better.

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
What did you think of the actual movie?

I thought it was a pretty okay movie. I give it a six out of ten. Couldn’t buy Jude Law or Brie Larson in their roles. Jackson and Mendelson were on point the entire movie. The CGI on Fury and Coulson was amazing. I stopped noticing it after a bit. Ronan was absolutely wasted in this movie although it was cool to see him and Korath back. Annette Benning was great as the Supreme Intelligence and so-so as the original Mar Vel.

The fight choreography and camera work in the fight scenes were terrible. I abhor shakey can. It’s obvious Brie Larson is terrible at fighting and stunts.

I thought the make up and CGI for the Skrulls was great. The Kree looked okay.

I enjoyed getting to see Hala.

Plot wise it was a little tedious waiting for her to find out the truth we already knew.

The final act fell very flat for me and just felt anti-climactic. Like I said, Ronan was completely wasted. Even her overpowering her inhibitor fell flat for me.

Retconning Fury’s eye like that is shitty. All the retconning is actually shitty.

I wish they had introduced her in a better manner than shoehorning her in and retconning the entire MCU.

Also Brie Larson has a weird squeaky voice. I hope she is better in Endgame. I hope the Russo’s direct her better.

Pretty much. The cat CGI was ropey. It was Black Panther/Aquaman level. Watchable but no desire to watch again.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Anyone who's anyone knows Thor was born around 500 AD and weighs 700 pounds(320kg).