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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Rumour is that it will be Clinton Foundation emails leaked next. If that has proof of her bribes for favours while SoS then she is fucked.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What's the backstory on that?
Not sure. All I'm finding is they ran against each other in 2008.

Chris Dodd Berates Hillary Clinton for Using Health Care Failure as Lesson in 'Personal Growth'

Democratic presidential candidate Chris Dodd on Thursday criticized rival Hillary Rodham Clinton's rollout of her health care plan, saying she had mismanaged her effort to reshape the system as first lady, resulting in a major policy debacle.

Clinton has described her 1990s attempt to remake the nation's health care system in personal terms rather than acknowledging it for the policy failure it was, Dodd said in an hourlong interview with The Associated Press.

"It should be far more than just a parable of personal growth and maturation. This was about an issue that was critically important to the country," Dodd said. "It was a major effort that failed. There were a lot of reasons that it failed, not the least of which it was mismanaged terribly at the time."

Chris Dodd Berates Hillary Clinton for Using Health Care Failure as Lesson in 'Personal Growth' | Fox News


Nov 3, 2015
So what happens if Hillary drops out of the race now, for whatever reason?

Bernie automatic new candidate?

Deleted member 1

So what happens if Hillary drops out of the race now, for whatever reason?

Bernie automatic new candidate?

First, I'd need to but an air popper for all the popcorn I'd need for the drama. My god I can only hope.

Next, the convention would happen and delegates choose the nominee. Because Hillary has so many delegates and superdelegates it's possible that they could select Sanders or they could go a completely different direction and select somebody that perhaps Hillary gave a nod toward.

None of that will happen though. This Hillary political career is 30 years in the making. No number of scandals has ever stopped the ambition.


Nov 3, 2015
None of that will happen though. This Hillary political career is 30 years in the making. No number of scandals has ever stopped the ambition.
I don't know, if the leak is as big as they say.. one can hope, eh!

I'm not a fan of Kim Dotcom.. but I see no reason why he would lie here.
Well, I do see a reason, he likes to be in the spotlight.. but, Assange said the same thing kinda, so lets see.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
fascinating to see that nutjob pop up talking about the next release and including @MPAA and Dodd, I love that dude and he is definitely connected enough to have been leaked details about what is coming
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15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Also implies Dotcom may have inside sources in the MPAA, which is pretty funny.
I took it as if the next release is MPAA related he is the guy the 'hackers' may have given a heads up, since he is the GOAT MPAA victim


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
the only KIm Dotcom <> Hillary & Dodd connection I can think of is he was raided and locked up in NZ when she was SoS - just DAYS AFTER Dodd signed on as MPAA chief lobbyist...

NZ courts later shit all over the raid and the FBI involvement

Deleted member 1

Is this real life?

If he has an old Reddit account and has been shitposting since June I'm gonna lose my mind.

Deleted member 1

Here a thought.

Hillary Clinton should have her security clearance degraded or revoked. This would be common for anyone else.
The president does not apply to this. So if she is president , this is a moot point.

BUT, there's a tradition of giving the nominees a security briefing such that candidates are better prepared to make their case to the American people.

It seems ludicrous that a non elected official with a history that might be a large reason to not get elected will once again be given access to top secret information. but if the department won't revoke her clearance, guess there's nothing they can do. Still seems to highlight a double standard. Independent of criminality, her clearance should be administratively penalized.