Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Trump rolling into Louisiana in late August wearing the full dress shirt and blazer, all potussy...

That's too fucking funny. Trump beating him to Louisiana just goes to show how much he really cares about Hillary being the next President.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm in an army tent training to fight for your freedom. Until weekend leave my internet is basically 3G.

I'm making the Army great again. Don't you worry.
While I respect the tough work the military does they aren't fighting for our freedom anymore. They do the bidding of the powerful globalists like Soros and Bush.

Hope you stay safe and maybe we'll send you a spicy Trump care package :sunglasses:


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Im feeling very confident. You and I both know that this election is running away from Trump.

My offer still stands. I will accept a $100 payoff by Oct 1st to nullify the bet.
I'll counter you with acceptance of a $75 payoff to admit Hillary is a tragic mistake for the Democratic party and Trump will win the election by a landslide.

Otherwise our bet still stands.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
How long before someone in Trump's campaign comes up with the idea of hiring a bunch of cheerleaders for his rallies and dubs them the "Trump-Shakers" only to find out later that 2 of them have a lesbian porn floating around the internet where they make lots of racist remarks?

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
That last thought was caused by this picture where the guy hold the T just didn't want to participate with the rest of the group making it a big sign for a female rapper named T-Rump