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Report: Donald Trump Selects Goldman Sachs President As National Economic Council Director - Breitbart


Let me be the first to say:

I, for one, welcome our new Oligarch Overlords

Yes my god. Wharton school of law? Goldman Sachs work? Trump is stacking financial cabinets with the cronies!!
Just totally unprecedented in hires for such positions.

Can you imagine if Obama did this? We would have never heard the end of it. Chastizing Trump for such a NEC director choice is only fair...

Gene Sperling - Wikipedia

member 1013

Yes my god. Wharton school of law? Goldman Sachs work? Trump is stacking financial cabinets with the cronies!!
Just totally unprecedented in hires for such positions.

Can you imagine if Obama did this? We would have never heard the end of it. Chastizing Trump for such a NEC director choice is only fair...

Gene Sperling - Wikipedia
Did he appoint Farage yet?

Deleted member 1

Don't be fooled, von der Leyen is a real many-faced hardass. Man I dislike her. Your guy looks like a weasel tho.
General Mattis is everything you wish a man could be...but can't, for no man can be a God.



Nov 3, 2015
Educate us!
First of all, she cheated on her PhD (plagiarism & using sources that do not indicate what she is saying at all), and she is a MD, so that should hit home for you.

Other things are domestic policy stuff. Usual things like trying to box policies through by telling one thing but really having other things in mind, fucking over competitors etc.

Then there was Zensursula (Zensur = censorship, Ursula is her name). Basically what it was, at least what she said it was, is her trying to fight child-pornography. Sounds good eh?

How she wanted to do it, is by making secret lists of sites on the internet, and block them country-wide. These lists would be "live" and require no judge to put them on there, who would do that and why, who is the authority, what constitutes putting a site on there? All not transparent at all.
Of course you could block a lot of stuff you don't want with secret lists, potentially, so that is a very bad policy of secret censorship. Potentially very dangerous for a democracy imo. Secret live-surveillance with blocking in mind.

Furthermore, basically everybody, lawyers, civil-rights-people, IT-dudes, even victims and victim-organizations spoke out against it, as it would not help victims at all, rather than criminals itself.
She used wrong numbers and interpretations to support her stance.
It was seen as her trying to use a sensible topic like that, to gain political favour and for campaigning.
At a press conference for campaigning she actually showed child-pornography to journalists..., to show them how horrible it is I guess, and have them be on her side. What a crude tactic. Some of them actually sued her for that... Weird woman that one. To even get that idea.. there must be something wrong with you.
Thankfully this shit has gone away. Unfortunately she has not though. Her claws are to deep in her party.

She is also very elitist imo and feministically inclined. Going for quotas wanting women to have preferential treatment, or talking about women in the military (like saying something like "our men and women died in Afghanistan for freedom and yada yada bla", when no woman even died there!).
Its just a shit-show with her imo.
What qualification she has to even be on that post is a mystery too. Its none.

I don't trust her as far as I can spit.

Deleted member 1

Basically what it was, at least what she said it was, is her trying to fight child-pornography. Sounds good eh?

I knew where this was going immediately. Oldest trick in book. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. And no one can fight it without being called a pedophile sympathizer.
At a press conference for campaigning she actually showed child-pornography to journalists

da fuq? how do you not get arrested for that?