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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
What does he mean "partnered" with? has had contracts with both CNN and NBC. So CNN are PAYING for a service... gee, wonder how they're going to see things?

And of course, Jake Tapper is completely unbiased and just on a search for the truth... lol

^This is a journalist? We're supposed to believe this guy is going to give Trump a fair shake? What a joke.



Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015

The guy is insane, and like any pathological liar you meet, he can’t separate what he wants to be true and what is true. It’s why you see him consistently exaggerating or making up figures “100billion”. He can’t help himself.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Yes. Calling out a moron’s string of blatant lies, is “bias”.
It’s insane that the most vocal journalist who is taking him to task for his constant stream of lies is a Canadian on Twitter.
He and Sanders shouldn’t be able to open their fat mouths without the press calling them out on their statements and making them back up their claims.
Trump is a pig, but mainstream media has chosen to roll in the mud with him, so there is nobody clean in this situation.

The President needs to be held accountable, but we need a fair, unbiased media that's going to call it down the middle.

Right now, CNN and other organisations are involved in the very lucrative "Fuck Trump" business. Ratings are up, revenue is up, they're feeding the anti-Trumpers what they want to hear and raking in the bucks, just like Fox is in the "Yay Trump" business.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
And the reporters in California are profiting from the very profitable “Forest Fires are bad” industry. Their bias is clear. Why don’t they talk about some of the good the first fires are doing?

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Here's a great example of why people don't and shouldn't trust CNN.

They're on the air skewering Trump about how he insinuated the Eagles kneeled for the anthem. And I believe they're technically right, supposedly none of them did kneel.

But they DID protest the anthem by raising fists, with Malcolm Jenkins being one of the more prominent ones to do it.

Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins one of few players left protesting national anthem — but what happens next? - NY Daily News

So instead of being real journalists and giving their viewers the real scoop - "although Trump is wrong about the players kneeling, several Eagles did protest the anthem in a different way" - so you can say "oh, Trump got a bit confused there", they paint it like the Eagles all stood there with their hand to their heart, no protests whatsoever, and crazy Trump is just slinging wild accusations at these poor souls who had nothing to do with the protests. Instead of being a slight error on Trump's part, it becomes this malicious, baseless lie from Trump.

That's what a lot of people don't get about "fake news": the media doesn't necessarily have to lie to be fake news. They can tell the truth about one aspect of the story, but leave out other facts that would act as a counterbalance, thereby promoting the narrative they want. That's not journalism.

What's the real story? Trump misspoke when he made a certain inaccurate claim.

What's the story CNN is telling? Trump is spewing malicious, baseless lies against these poor innocent footballers, because he's crazy and he lies all the time.
Oct 24, 2015
Here's a great example of why people don't and shouldn't trust CNN.

They're on the air skewering Trump about how he insinuated the Eagles kneeled for the anthem. And I believe they're technically right, supposedly none of them did kneel.

But they DID protest the anthem by raising fists, with Malcolm Jenkins being one of the more prominent ones to do it.

Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins one of few players left protesting national anthem — but what happens next? - NY Daily News

So instead of being real journalists and giving their viewers the real scoop - "although Trump is wrong about the players kneeling, several Eagles did protest the anthem in a different way" - so you can say "oh, Trump got a bit confused there", they paint it like the Eagles all stood there with their hand to their heart, no protests whatsoever, and crazy Trump is just slinging wild accusations at these poor souls who had nothing to do with the protests. Instead of being a slight error on Trump's part, it becomes this malicious, baseless lie from Trump.

That's what a lot of people don't get about "fake news": the media doesn't necessarily have to lie to be fake news. They can tell the truth about one aspect of the story, but leave out other facts that would act as a counterbalance, thereby promoting the narrative they want. That's not journalism.

What's the real story? Trump misspoke when he made a certain inaccurate claim.

What's the story CNN is telling? Trump is spewing malicious, baseless lies against these poor innocent footballers, because he's crazy and he lies all the time.
I’m with you fucken CNN, That’s why I watch Fox both sides of the story.


First 100
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Ted Cruz was asked if the president had the authority to self pardon. He paused for 18 seconds and then replied "that is not a Constitutional issue I’ve studied. So, I will withhold judgment at this point."


I wonder what he as thinking during the pause. Maybe saying a little prayer? This was his time to gain some dignity back. I almost expected to hear him say "my name is....Reek". It's really sad to see a man so beaten.

Here is the masterwork from Ted Cruz's unctuous constitutional genius, The Obama Administration's Unprecedented Lawlessness.


Recently, D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh noted, “prosecutorial discretion does not include the power to disregard other statutory obligations that apply to the executive branch, such as statutory requirements to issue rules, or to pay benefits, or to implement or administer statutory projects or programs.” To hold otherwise would allow the President the expansive suspension power of the old English kings.79

79. The pardon power was not seen as suspension or dispensation. Traditional understandings of the pardon portray it not as a policy instrument, but as an instrument for achieving justice or ameliorating political dissent on a case-by-case basis. As Chief Justice Marshall wrote, “A pardon is an act of grace, proceeding from the power intrusted with the execution of the laws, which exempts the individual, on whom it is bestowed, from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed.” United States v. Wilson, 32 U.S. 150, 160–61 (1833). The pardon power carries a scope specifically limited to crimes already committed. The pardon may not apply to acts that have not yet been committed, because it would function as a personal waiver, the impermissible dispensation of the laws. James Pfiffner, Pardon Power, in THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION 203 (Edwin Meese III et al. eds., 2005). As a result, the pardon power does not encompass an expansive policy of nonenforcement under the guise of prosecutorial discretion.

Ted's rebuttal


Seems like more than an academic debate when the president repeatedly mentions it.