Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Jan 28, 2015
Snip. Talk a little shit, it's all good we all do it, but let's keep it fun and not personal - splinty


First 100
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Four years after Russia was expelled for it's role in the Crimean crisis.

"You can call it anything you want. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you call it. It used to be the G8, because Russia was in it, and now Russia's not in it. Now... I love our country. I have been Russia's worst nightmare. If Hillary got in I think Putin's probably going "Man, I wish Hillary won" because you see what I do. BUT, with that being said; Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting? And I should recommend - and it's up to them - but Russia should be in the meeting, it should be a part of it. Yaknow, whether you like it or not - and it may not be "Politically Correct", but we have a world to run. And in the G7 - which used to be the G8 - they threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back in, because we should have Russia at the negotiating table." -Trump

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
He should pardon Al Roker for shatting himself in the White House when visiting Obama. No longer should Al feel shame for that dark squishy incident. It would also help capture the Gastro-bypass demographic. They all share the same shame of pissing people off with their violent, trumpeting whey protein farts. Not speaking from experience by the way.