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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Soo no facts yet! Just stories.
I guess we should all just take your opinion on it instead of an educated law professors.

The United States has the highest inequality of the richest nations. It has the highest incarceration rate by far. It has among the highest child mortality rates. It has the highest youth poverty rate. It has one of the lowest levels of voter registration in the rich countries. In essence, it scores extremely poorly on almost all of the comparative measures when compared with other developed states.
Looks like a lot of facts in there to me.

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I guess we should all just take your opinion on it instead of an educated law professors.
I love it when people quote lawyer's opinions on a subject, like there's a universal "lawyer consensus".

You realize lawyers argue with each other for a living, right? lol


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I love it when people quote lawyer's opinions on a subject, like there's a universal "lawyer consensus".

You realize lawyers argue with each other for a living, right? lol


Jan 28, 2015
Here is the thing about this post and what seems to be liberals in general.

First off- That imaginary line, is real, its the law- Remember that movie Blow, George said the same thing to the judge about coke, didnt work too well, why, again the law
Giant rock floating in space?- To even comment on this would make the person as dumb as the one saying in
Not a patriot, an asshole? So respecting the laws is dumb? So my wife shouldve came here, and me and my whole family illegally and just stayed? Oh ok wow that wouldve saved a lot of time and money.

This is where the whole problem stems. These ideas and thoughts all sound great in la la land but they do not work in the real world we live in, and UNFORTUNATELY neither does, "give me your poor, your tired and your huddles masses". Why doesnt that work you say? Well the same reason some things in the bible no longer apply to how we live today. Evolution. Things change and we must change with them. Something that worked 10 years ago may just not work anymore, forget about 100s of years ago. Look what happens when we do not evolve things, we have this immigration predicament. We need to stop treating people like me who just want the laws to be followed, like shit and called a racist or a biggot or I hate immigrants. That is bullshit I am an immigrant. The only american in my family right now are my cousins and nephew.

I didnt like Obama. Ok good. I am not a racist because of that. I voted for him first time around, but i guess that doesnt count because I didnt vote for him a second time or didnt like the way he ran the country so therefore I am a biggot or racist.

If we are not smarter than the situation that is happening right now, we should just end these types of threads because nothing is coming from it but us hating each other and being as stupid and immature as everyone else we typically make fun of (me included). The idea of holding hands behind a rainbow singing kumbaya together is just not a reality, im sorry. Shit is tough out there, this world is not designed for the weak, and being compassionate has to be a real thing but again that can only go so far to keep order and not have chaos. We as a country can barely take care of the people already here from what I can gather from so many of you out there and the things you say and post etc. how could we take in millions more?

Guns, yeah we need them, sorry again for you. Guns have saved us when we needed it most, no matter what happens there will be mentally unstable people and whether its legally or illegally if they want a gun trust me please, they will get it. Sure we can try to make the laws tougher to weed out the bad, I am all for that, but if you think that will stop anything im sorry it wont, and if you think banning guns altogether in a country like the USA is smart, possible, or happening, again im sorry for you, that is just naivety.

If everyone just really looked at the world today, and where we are, and what is out there, and what we, us on this forum have to deal with everyday, we all can clearly see, life is tough as fuck. The weak do not make it through. You have to really hustle, grind, work, no sleep, stay healthy, make money, feed family, pay car bills, pay mortgage, get healthcare, I could go on all day till all of you have an anxiety attack lol. You get my point.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Here is the thing about this post and what seems to be liberals in general.

First off- That imaginary line, is real, its the law- Remember that movie Blow, George said the same thing to the judge about coke, didnt work too well, why, again the law
Giant rock floating in space?- To even comment on this would make the person as dumb as the one saying in
Not a patriot, an asshole? So respecting the laws is dumb? So my wife shouldve came here, and me and my whole family illegally and just stayed? Oh ok wow that wouldve saved a lot of time and money.

This is where the whole problem stems. These ideas and thoughts all sound great in la la land but they do not work in the real world we live in, and UNFORTUNATELY neither does, "give me your poor, your tired and your huddles masses". Why doesnt that work you say? Well the same reason some things in the bible no longer apply to how we live today. Evolution. Things change and we must change with them. Something that worked 10 years ago may just not work anymore, forget about 100s of years ago. Look what happens when we do not evolve things, we have this immigration predicament. We need to stop treating people like me who just want the laws to be followed, like shit and called a racist or a biggot or I hate immigrants. That is bullshit I am an immigrant. The only american in my family right now are my cousins and nephew.

I didnt like Obama. Ok good. I am not a racist because of that. I voted for him first time around, but i guess that doesnt count because I didnt vote for him a second time or didnt like the way he ran the country so therefore I am a biggot or racist.

If we are not smarter than the situation that is happening right now, we should just end these types of threads because nothing is coming from it but us hating each other and being as stupid and immature as everyone else we typically make fun of (me included). The idea of holding hands behind a rainbow singing kumbaya together is just not a reality, im sorry. Shit is tough out there, this world is not designed for the weak, and being compassionate has to be a real thing but again that can only go so far to keep order and not have chaos. We as a country can barely take care of the people already here from what I can gather from so many of you out there and the things you say and post etc. how could we take in millions more?

Guns, yeah we need them, sorry again for you. Guns have saved us when we needed it most, no matter what happens there will be mentally unstable people and whether its legally or illegally if they want a gun trust me please, they will get it. Sure we can try to make the laws tougher to weed out the bad, I am all for that, but if you think that will stop anything im sorry it wont, and if you think banning guns altogether in a country like the USA is smart, possible, or happening, again im sorry for you, that is just naivety.

If everyone just really looked at the world today, and where we are, and what is out there, and what we, us on this forum have to deal with everyday, we all can clearly see, life is tough as fuck. The weak do not make it through. You have to really hustle, grind, work, no sleep, stay healthy, make money, feed family, pay car bills, pay mortgage, get healthcare, I could go on all day till all of you have an anxiety attack lol. You get my point.
you live in a country that runs child concentration camps for families that only crime is crossing a line on a map.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I love it when people quote lawyer's opinions on a subject, like there's a universal "lawyer consensus".

You realize lawyers argue with each other for a living, right? lol
How about law professors?

How many years of education does that require?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


Feb 2, 2016
Maybe you can help explain my above question?
I've not once attributed it to him.

But bullshitting off the cuff after reading article titles, I'd say cracking down in fraud definitely helped.

And you sure it's been dropping?

I thought i remember reading snap doubled under obama.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I thought i remember reading snap doubled under obama.
Sure you may have read it. Doesnt make it true.

But for real... It could be true, the economy crashed right before Obama took over so it wouldnt surprise me.

Point is, the decline in participation rates that was quoted in the Fox News article showed more of a decline under Obama than Trump in the stat they were basing the headline off.


Feb 2, 2016
Sure you may have read it. Doesnt make it true.

But for real... It could be true, the economy crashed right before Obama took over so it wouldnt surprise me.

Point is, the decline in participation rates that was quoted in the Fox News article showed more of a decline under Obama than Trump in the stat they were basing the headline off.
Wasn't my article nor was I claiming it's trumps doing. Just trying to be a good citizen and answer your question.

Irregardless of who's responsible. It's positive.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Freeloading Rusty @MC Gusto
Since you’re chiming back in on the immigration debate.
Have you come up with an answer to if you believe illegal immigrants should be deported?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Freeloading Rusty @MC Gusto
Since you’re chiming back in on the immigration debate.
Have you come up with an answer to if you believe illegal immigrants should be deported?
No sir.

As I said previously, I just hope y'all feel safer at nights paying to have all these children sitting in detention camps.