No you don’t think so or no you don’t have an answer?No sir.
As I said previously, I just hope y'all feel safer at nights paying to have all these children sitting in detention camps.
No you don’t think so or no you don’t have an answer?No sir.
As I said previously, I just hope y'all feel safer at nights paying to have all these children sitting in detention camps.
Do I have an answer to the immigration problem in America? No.No you don’t think so or no you don’t have an answer?
I’ll try one more time and then maybeDo I have an answer to the immigration problem in America? No.
Do I think the current administration is doing this in an honest attempt to bring about sound immigration policy? No.
Here is the thing about this post and what seems to be liberals in general.
First off- That imaginary line, is real, its the law- Remember that movie Blow, George said the same thing to the judge about coke, didnt work too well, why, again the law
Giant rock floating in space?- To even comment on this would make the person as dumb as the one saying in
Not a patriot, an asshole? So respecting the laws is dumb? So my wife shouldve came here, and me and my whole family illegally and just stayed? Oh ok wow that wouldve saved a lot of time and money.
This is where the whole problem stems. These ideas and thoughts all sound great in la la land but they do not work in the real world we live in, and UNFORTUNATELY neither does, "give me your poor, your tired and your huddles masses". Why doesnt that work you say? Well the same reason some things in the bible no longer apply to how we live today. Evolution. Things change and we must change with them. Something that worked 10 years ago may just not work anymore, forget about 100s of years ago. Look what happens when we do not evolve things, we have this immigration predicament. We need to stop treating people like me who just want the laws to be followed, like shit and called a racist or a biggot or I hate immigrants. That is bullshit I am an immigrant. The only american in my family right now are my cousins and nephew.
I didnt like Obama. Ok good. I am not a racist because of that. I voted for him first time around, but i guess that doesnt count because I didnt vote for him a second time or didnt like the way he ran the country so therefore I am a biggot or racist.
If we are not smarter than the situation that is happening right now, we should just end these types of threads because nothing is coming from it but us hating each other and being as stupid and immature as everyone else we typically make fun of (me included). The idea of holding hands behind a rainbow singing kumbaya together is just not a reality, im sorry. Shit is tough out there, this world is not designed for the weak, and being compassionate has to be a real thing but again that can only go so far to keep order and not have chaos. We as a country can barely take care of the people already here from what I can gather from so many of you out there and the things you say and post etc. how could we take in millions more?
Guns, yeah we need them, sorry again for you. Guns have saved us when we needed it most, no matter what happens there will be mentally unstable people and whether its legally or illegally if they want a gun trust me please, they will get it. Sure we can try to make the laws tougher to weed out the bad, I am all for that, but if you think that will stop anything im sorry it wont, and if you think banning guns altogether in a country like the USA is smart, possible, or happening, again im sorry for you, that is just naivety.
If everyone just really looked at the world today, and where we are, and what is out there, and what we, us on this forum have to deal with everyday, we all can clearly see, life is tough as fuck. The weak do not make it through. You have to really hustle, grind, work, no sleep, stay healthy, make money, feed family, pay car bills, pay mortgage, get healthcare, I could go on all day till all of you have an anxiety attack lol. You get my point.
I love how the anti Trump crowd are lead by a Canadian social worker, an English communist and a black, Thai pro sharia guy.I’ll try one more time and then maybe@jason73 can ask you in Canadian.
Do you believe illegal immigrants should be deported from the US or Canada.
I think they should be assessed and decisions should be made based off their individual cases.I’ll try one more time and then maybe@jason73 can ask you in Canadian.
Do you believe illegal immigrants should be deported from the US or Canada.
I didnt say it was because of Trump. I just posted it because its a good thing.I love Fox News articles.
Can you help me understand how a food stamp participation rate that has been falling for the last 5 years is attributed to Trump?
From your Fox News article :
HAHA I knew that would bit him in the ass. What a moronic thing to say. This guy needs a nap lol.
Gottcha. So then you agree the article title is misleading?I didnt say it was because of Trump. I just posted it because its a good thing.
More than 600 members of the United Methodist Church signed on to a letter Monday condemning Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the Trump administration's policy of separating migrant parents and children at the U.S. border.
In the letter, the group of churchgoers, including clergy and church leadership, accuse Sessions of child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of the doctrine of the United Methodist Church.
They note in the letter that Sessions is a member of Ashland Place United Methodist Church, in Mobile, Ala.
"While other individuals and areas of the federal government are implicated in each of these examples, Mr. Sessions — as a long-term United Methodist in a tremendously powerful, public position — is particularly accountable to us, his church," the letter reads. "He is ours, and we are his. As his denomination, we have an ethical obligation to speak boldly when one of our members is engaged in causing significant harm in matters contrary to the Discipline on the global stage."
The letter comes as President Trump and his administration face backlash over its policy to separate migrant families.
Sessions announced the "zero tolerance" policy earlier this year, saying the Department of Justice would criminally prosecute all adults attempting to illegally cross the southern border into the U.S. As a result, families who crossed together would in some cases be separated, he said.
Trump has repeatedly blamed Democrats for the policy, and administration officials have asserted that only Congress can fix the issue by passing immigration reform.
Members of Congress have introduced legislation to end the practice of separating families, while simultaneously urging Trump to unilaterally stop the separations.
I watch CNN and Fox and a few others from time to time and of course we know whose side Fox is on but to be honest at least with fox we get other news as well. With cnn and others its literally shit on trump 24/7 and that gets old when you actually want to hear and find out other things. I happen to like that show the Five.Gottcha. So then you agree the article title is misleading?
Good old Fox News.
Are you equating Legal immigration with illegal?
I wonder how many of those were won by illegal immigrants?
Pretty impressive that in a matter of minutes he criticizes fox news over headline,then posts that tweet.Are you equating Legal immigration with illegal?
Which goes back to my comment about the left. They want to lump the whole immigration issue up as we just do not want immigrants here as oppose to we just do not want ILLEGAL immigrants here. Im not sure how many times i should say it but here is one morePretty impressive that in a matter of minutes he criticizes fox news over headline,then posts that tweet.