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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
You make it sound as if I am pulling facts out of my ass.
When I said H1B workers aren't getting less than American workers, I was referring to the law....
The same law that is in the link... that says they're not supposed to get paid less.

What I didn't see was that some companies are breaking that law by paying them less than their American counterparts.
Okay so maybe I was wrong about there needing to be a change in the law. My bad. It does need to be enforced.
But the difference isn't as significant as you make it out to be:So they're still within the American pay scale... just at the lower end. How is that "out of context"?

$13,000 less for computer programming based on the average computer programming salary, is still $53,000 a year.
Not chump change. Indians will take lower wages in general when they apply, but that is still not exactly orange picking wages
Actively working in the tech industry, and having worked with lots of devs..... If your a dev making 53k a year, your getting fucked.

Deleted member 1

All of silicon valley is built on an h1b racket. Everybody in the industry knows it and has been talked about for over a decade.

How is 20% less not that much? What do you make that has $1000/month+ not matter?

How does this not completely invalidate the entire point I responded to:
Foreign immigrant workers who come here will NOT work for lower wages... they work for the same wages... but they are wanted because they are (usually) more skilled than their 'Murican counterparts

That's just completely false.

At least 20% and $1,000+ a month for my your own numbers... for the educated workers.

Hell, I even link proof that over 80% of the H-1B visas are working for less than the American average wages.

Deleted member 1

And American workers "should be considered first"... why?
Nah... the best interest of the business should be considered first....... and if immigrants are better qualified, or better educated and better for the job than their American counterparts, then they should get the job, and not Americans simply because they were born here.

Ironically, that's the exact reason he flip flops on the work visa.....

I keep reading this and I'm not sure where the message and sarcasm is. Help me out here. Do you really think the benefits of the business are Paramount? Or is that just expert sarcasm that I missing.


Nov 15, 2015
No, you're obviously not a Trump supporter, why would I confuse you with that? Have you seen the articles showing how people with that type of attitude towards trump supporters is actually wrong. I believe @Splinty talked of that earlier. Or do facts that don't at to your narrative not exist in your bubble?
Do you have any solutions to the issues I brought up or are you just going to criticize without offering a solution.
Again, I am not voting for trump.
The fact that you condescendingly tried to explain to me the difference between race and religion indicates more of the bubble you're in. I don't know what gave you the impression that your explanation was needed.
Trump suporters are the type to confuse muslims with being a race which is why his pandering of 'banning muslims' is retarded, since you can't ban people based on religion.
That's all he's been doing
You definitely seem salty...
Actively working in the tech industry, and having worked with lots of devs..... If your a dev making 53k a year, your getting fucked.
Still doesn't change the fact that it is "at the lower end of the scale"...


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
The fact that you condescendingly tried to explain to me the difference between race and religion indicates more of the bubble you're in. I don't know what gave you the impression that your explanation was needed.
Trump suporters are the type to confuse muslims with being a race which is why his pandering of 'banning muslims' is retarded, since you can't ban people based on religion.
You definitely seem salty...
Still doesn't change the fact that it is "at the lower end of the scale"...
It's at the getting fucked end of the scale :)

Oh I'm not salty in the least, I'm just enjoying a political conversation during an election year.


Nov 15, 2015
I keep reading this and I'm not sure where the message and sarcasm is. Help me out here. Do you really think the benefits of the business are Paramount? Or is that just expert sarcasm that I missing.
If you're a business owner... do you hire the best workers for your business regardless of nationality, or do you only hire American workers?
Businesses don't "have to" hire American workers first........ unless there's some new law I'm not aware of.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm about to smoke a fatty because it's Saturday at 4:33 am and I can because Murica.


Pride Never Die!!!
Oct 20, 2015
I'm not really sure how that thinking works. We don't. By far greater than China we need domestic consumer spending to keep it solvent.

First off a huge portion of the debt that was purchased was done at negative interest rates. Right up front we made 2%. China literally said "here please take our money and give us some pieces of paper because your usd is so much more stable than anywhere else we can hide our money"

We are the Reserve currency.
As our economy weakens in our debt becomes easier and easier to pay off. There's a built-in buffering mechanism as such that our own domestic currency is the world's Reserve currency by default.

Japan owns almost as much of our debt is China. And the total external Holdings of our debt is only about one-third with domestic governments and individual's own 2/3.

Why are you not worried about Japan controlling us? You shouldn't be. But there is an undue focus on China and our debt.

Edit- my post has an error. Japan does not own real dollars close to China. I was looking at percentages for a few years ago. Which cover up the reality. China went on a buying spree and does indeed have a much larger portion currently. But I'm still focus on the same point that the great majority of our debt is held domestically and I'm not sure how our government would suddenly become insolvent because of China who holds a minority of our debt
Is this why, like 6 months ago, when the china stock market crashed on fabricated our stock market also dipped? people thinking that them crashing meant us crashing?

it was interesting that the smart money stayed in for the correction that went higher.

Deleted member 1

My Hospital workroom has two televisions. I've had them on the major news networks for 12 hours a day for the last week.

Fox News and MSNBC are two opposite sides of the same coin. Just complete over-the-top caricatures of what actual news should look like. Fox is pretty hilarious but the pretentious smarmy attitudes of MSNBC make me want to punch them even when I agree with their words.

CNN is pretty good for the individual shows but when they bring in any analyst for political things it just goes off the rails and sounds so much like MSNBC I can't stand it.

I just got done watching a segment about all of these Latino voters that are going to become citizens to vote against Trump. They continue to talk about the upcoming Arizona primary as if all of these people in Arizona are going to suddenly become citizens overnight to vote next week. I mean it's not even a good premise and they spent probably eight minutes on this segment.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
My Hospital workroom has two televisions. I've had them on the major news networks for 12 hours a day for the last week.

Fox News and MSNBC are two opposite sides of the same coin. Just complete over-the-top caricatures of what actual news should look like. Fox is pretty hilarious but the pretentious smarmy attitudes of MSNBC make me want to punch them even when I agree with their words.

CNN is pretty good for the individual shows but when they bring in any analyst for political things it just goes off the rails and sounds so much like MSNBC I can't stand it.

I just got done watching a segment about all of these Latino voters that are going to become citizens to vote against Trump. They continue to talk about the upcoming Arizona primary as if all of these people in Arizona are going to suddenly become citizens overnight to vote next week. I mean it's not even a good premise and they spent probably eight minutes on this segment.
Opinion news is the reason for our country's lack of critical thought, imo. It's easier for people to be told how to feel than to form an opinion of their own.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Not a Trump Support per se, but I get it a little bit.

I'll mainly address number 2.

Our economy is the best house in a bad neighborhood. We are at a very tenuous growth right now. We are almost 10 years out from the beginning of the economic down turn and two rounds of President Obama.

The numbers SEEM good on the surface:

5% unemployment. Stocks up. GDP great.

But that is ignoring that huge numbers of adults aren't working. We are at the lowest adult work rate since the 1970's. Those that aren't working are out of the market for years. Those that are working have had 8 years of flat wages that are often lower than what they were 15 years ago.

The economy is thriving by making more with less -- less workers, less pay, less time off.
The deficit is lower year after year!! But its because we ballooned it to almost a trillion dollars a few years ago for things like the "america recovery act" or whatever the "laser" focused jobs bill was supposed to be.

The middle class is still being royally fucked.

Despite where we are as a whole right now, every type we spend a TRILLION dollars and see something like this:

It's easy to understand where the anger comes from.
Not to sound passive about the whole thing, but the race to the bottom is a product of the economic system under which we all live not a product of a specific leaders actions (or inactions). It'd be one thing if these were issues he were going to fix, but not only is he not going to. He's incapable of doing so. I won't even get into the fact that he's part of the problem.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Splinty has answered #2, I'll take a stab at #1.

His key platform promise is to "make 'Murica great again". Because he's the greatest "make America great" guy you will ever have.
He will stop jobs loss by being "the best stop job loss" guy you've ever seen.
And he will make the military stronger by being "the best military strong maker" you've ever seen.

LOL. In case you can't tell, he has no details on his promises. They are feel good hot button promises with no plans....becasue they usually get taken apart when he even hints at a plan.
That's kind of what I'd deduced through watching him speak. Just thought I'd ask for some clarifciation.

At one of the debates he was asked about minorities and police officers and given some disproportionate stats about violence against minorities by police. He responded with "That's a good question...." then went on a tangent about what a great job police do because it's a hard job. He knows this because just yesterday he was talking to *insert local PD* and the crowd went wild. I looked at my friend and said "He wasn't even close to answering that question, was he?"

Although I agree with his sentiment about cops being hard working people with a difficult job, he was asked a direct question that he flat ignored.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
At one of the debates he was asked about minorities and police officers and given some disproportionate stats about violence against minorities by police. He responded with "That's a good question...." then went on a tangent about what a great job police do because it's a hard job. He knows this because just yesterday he was talking to *insert local PD* and the crowd went wild. I looked at my friend and said "He wasn't even close to answering that question, was he?"
That's a debate where there is no right or wrong answer. He had to play it safe by deflecting the question.