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Deleted member 1

Watching that smug closed-mouth-talking Bill Kristol get BTFO has been one of the most satisfying things ever.

Remember that this prick waged a five-year public campaign to attack Iraq. He supported going into Afghanistan Libya going to war against Iran invading Lebanon and more.

He is a prototype realpolitik war-mongering dick. He is everything about the Republican party we should be destroying.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
God Emperor Donald Trump, First of His Name, 45th President of the United States of America, Master of Coin, Maker of Deals, Trigger of regressive leftists, Destroyer of radical Islamists, Protector of the Western World and Builder of Walls will make America great again.

Deleted member 1

You stole the Aztec's land from them and complain when they walk across you man made border?
This isn't close to Accurate history at all.
Something something something about Mexico only owning land for 30 years something something something Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo something something existing peoples were allowed US citizenship something something something something about making Mexico Spain again something something something something something something get on the Trump train if you walk into the Trump rally.

Now on to more important matters...

the shit posting has hit an all-time high.

And just in time for this great news

Deleted member 1

Can you believe that without Donald Trump this was going to be Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush campaign?


Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
This isn't close to Accurate history at all.
Something something something about Mexico only owning land for 30 years something something something Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo something something existing peoples were allowed US citizenship something something something something about making Mexico Spain again something something something something something something get on the Trump train if you walk into the Trump rally.

Now on to more important matters...

the shit posting has hit an all-time high.

And just in time for this great news

While I prefer Trump over that witch, the news down here says Trump supporters get beat up at rallies so Ill pass. Apologies from our news is incorrect.

Deleted member 1

  • 93% of federal prison inmates are men
  • over 2 million incarcerated men and 200000 incarcerated women
Women receive dramatically shorter prison sentences than men for the same crime even according to this liberal rag

Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says

According to Hillary Clinton this is not enough. There needs to be more equality for women in the prison systems

Hillary Clinton: Women as victims of mass incarceration -
From Hillary:
But women aren't the only ones affected when they are sent to prison. The high number of women in prison — and the long lengths of their sentences — destabilizes families and communities, especially their children.

Obviously everybody agrees that our expensive one way street to The Scarlet Letter of incarceration is bad. But targeting the less than 10% of inmates that already get the most favorable sentences? All I see is pandering.

Black women are twice as likely to get get incarcerated white women? How about the fact that black men are more than six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men?

In a study of sentencing in the United States in 1984, David B. Mustard found that males received 12 percent longer prison terms than females after "controlling for the offense level, criminal history, district, and offense type," and noted that "females receive even shorter sentences relative to men than whites relative to blacks

This isn't really about men or women are black and white. It's simply that if you're going to solve that problem you start targeting policies that are going to have the greatest effect. Seems pretty ridiculous to me.

Deleted member 1

While I prefer Trump over that witch, the news down here says Trump supporters get beat up at rallies so Ill pass. Apologies from our news is incorrect.

What can I say, Hillary supporters are quite violent?

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
What can I say, Hillary supporters are quite violent?
Yeah sounds like it man, every night I watch the news they report a Trump supporter has been beaten up, our media is very left leaning and clinically retarded so its hard to gauge what they are pushing.

Deleted member 1


sucks to be in the same age group as these tards

That's actually pretty standard response on Reddit. What a bunch of Dick bags. It's of course no different than the Corollary of your opinion being dismissed because you're 30 instead of 60