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Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Clearly. Probably why he voted in favor of a procedure that means nothing gets done for half the day...
right? because the impeachment process, inquiry & trial was all riding on Amash's vote. again, impeachment didn't seem to get in the way of the new NDAA, Patriot Act renewal, spending more ungodly amounts of money, droning in Iraq, etc, etc.

LOL @ thinking nothing is getting done.

It put him in a position where he never has to take a real stand against the popular opinion. All the pressure of being in a party is lifted from him. It takes a lot more fortitude to be Tulsi in the Democratic party than it does Justin Amash as an independant.
IMO, it IS taking a stand & goes against the popular opinion & numbers of both parties. Amash didn't leave the party over impeachment, he left because of the general direction the GOP was heading, I'm guessing impeachment being the final straw. he never once bowed to the pressure...

Tulsi should do the same but still believes in the Democratic party.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
right? because the impeachment process, inquiry & trial was all riding on Amash's vote. again, impeachment didn't seem to get in the way of the new NDAA, Patriot Act renewal, spending more ungodly amounts of money, droning in Iraq, etc, etc.
Yeah, you're kind of proving my point. Bipartisan stuff still gets through and his votes mean nothing.

IMO, it IS taking a stand & goes against the popular opinion & numbers of both parties. Amash didn't leave the party over impeachment, he left because of the general direction the GOP was heading, I'm guessing impeachment being the final straw. he never once bowed to the pressure...
Yeah, he left because in November "I left because I was tired of it!!!" is a lot easier to explain to voters than "Well, it's not that bad." or "Yeah, I'm a turncoat."

Tulsi should do the same but still believes in the Democratic party.
I've been a Raiders fan my whole life, even when they suck. I don't just abandon for the Pats when the gettings good. See how that works?


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Yeah, you're kind of proving my point. Bipartisan stuff still gets through and his votes mean nothing.
so then... he's NOT supporting something that's "holding things up"??? gotcha.

Yeah, he left because in November "I left because I was tired of it!!!" is a lot easier to explain to voters than "Well, it's not that bad." or "Yeah, I'm a turncoat."

I've been a Raiders fan my whole life, even when they suck. I don't just abandon for the Pats when the gettings good. See how that works?
LOL, what? I don't really see how it's relevant to this conversation. he didn't leave one team for another for greener pastures. I agree that would be a bitch move & have been saying it all along.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
You're aware there are issues facing the nation beyond the destruction of the 4th, right?
yep, I'm also not pretending that impeachment is holding congress up right now. I thought that was kinda weak.

Amash isn't being principled, he's being an opportunist.
LOL. says you?

what a GREAT opportunity he has now, both parties fighting for his seat.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
yep, I'm also not pretending that impeachment is holding congress up right now. I thought that was kinda weak.
You know congress now adjourns at lunch because they're so busy impeaching, right?

says you?
or anyone being objective. He just made his reelection campaign as easy as possible. I can't believe people are still falling for these moves.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
When I was in my most formative years Bo was knowin' shit.
Did a book report on this book when I was in 5th grade at a Lutheran School. Had to leave out the parts about him sneaking into his high school girlfriend’s house to get pussy. Great book tho



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Did a book report on this book when I was in 5th grade at a Lutheran School. Had to leave out the parts about him sneaking into his high school girlfriend’s house to get pussy. Great book tho

That makes you born in what, 1980?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Did a book report on this book when I was in 5th grade at a Lutheran School. Had to leave out the parts about him sneaking into his high school girlfriend’s house to get pussy. Great book tho

I read it a bunch of times
Used to think I was going to play all 3 major sports and thought I was a white Bo


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
That's about right.

Was there anything better than prime Bo Jackson?
He was fun to watch that’s for sure
Home run he hit of Rick Reuschel at the Anaheim ASG is still legendary
I was a Chargers fan so I hated the Raiders but this lil digital SOB is the video game GOAT



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I like how the term “Never Trumper” is used to negate any viewpoint from a Republican who is honest enough to call Trump out for what he is. It’s such a easy shorthand for people who want to remain willfully ignorant. “Oh he’s a ‘Never Trumper’? That’s a relief, I don’t have to consider what he’s saying.’

It’s the same fucking thing they’ve done with their “Fake News” shit. ‘Oh it’s an article from the Washington Post?’ I don’t need to read it then.” Only a completely bankrupt, political party would be so invested in keeping people as ignorant as they can. The scariest part is people want to cling to their beliefs so badly that they are happy to remain ignorant and “right” if you give them the slightest chance.

You’ve got people looking up from their Ramen noodles to cheer for the bankers and the Dow Jones, because it’s the only thing they have left to convince themselves Trump has been anything but an embarrassing disaster.

“Don’t listen to Pythagorus, that guy is a “Round Earther”.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Trump to divert an extra $7.2 billion from military for border wall, reports say
  • The administration of President Donald Trump is planning to move an additional $7.2 billion of Pentagon funding to build a border wall, according to several news reports.
  • The White House would shift money from two sources — $3.7 billion from one fund for military construction and $3.5 billion from another for counter-narcotic programs — into a pot to be used for border-wall construction.
  • This according to reports in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post on Tuesday, citing anonymous sources familiar with the plans.