I legit made myself LOL when I did exactly as you instructed.There we go! Don't you feel smart and witty now. You sure showed me and my "reality-based verifiable evidence" bullshit. Well done! ?
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1 Nipple Tweek GIF
I legit made myself LOL when I did exactly as you instructed.There we go! Don't you feel smart and witty now. You sure showed me and my "reality-based verifiable evidence" bullshit. Well done! ?
Well let's be real, it was all the response that was going to arrive anyway, so I may as well get ahead of the curve. Not like you were ever, ever going to produce a name that fit the bill and was in any administration other than Trump's, is it. ?I legit made myself LOL when I did exactly as you instructed.
1 Drunk Rating
1 Nipple Tweek GIF
they can write all the books they want. and the money should go to US citizensShould they be forbidden from writing a book or earning money?
I'd like to say I love, love when you repeat a word in a sentence for added emphasis.Well let's be real, it was all the response that was going to arrive anyway, so I may as well get ahead of the curve. Not like you were ever, ever going to produce a name that fit the bill and was in any administration other than Trump's, is it. ?
eactly. hunter biden should not be allowed to sell his "art" for the huge fees that he has or is going toOr their true passion - painting.
Pay to play is a long-standing tradition in DC.eactly. hunter biden should not be allowed to sell his "art" for the huge fees that he has or is going to
supposedly biden passed a law saying that no one can see who bouight the art, so therefore, they wont be able to be influenced
but thats obviously bullshit. people are going to buy the art. celebrate at donor events. and its an unwritten code. biden will do them favors
His press pass should be revoked.
I mean... He can be critical of it but maaaaayyyyyybe wait until we're not about to possibly bomb the shit out of a country that we're trying to escape from?His press pass should be revoked.
What an idiotic thing to be critical of.
Yeah. Keep that one in the back pocket for a slow news day.I mean... He can be critical of it but maaaaayyyyyybe wait until we're not about to possibly bomb the shit out of a country that we're trying to escape from?
The fuck does this even mean?
Don't want kids getting the idea that food is a right.The fuck does this even mean?
Just guessing here...Don't want kids getting the idea that food is a right.
Trump shouldn't have been impeached either. Nor should have Clinton. Impeachment is being used as a "We don't like this person." tool.lol. those corrupt republicans raised the bar very high for inpeachment with their "no votes" to trumps unethical quid pro quo
but they have no shame. so they call for impeachment for absolutely nothing. what tools
You know the bennies that definitely aren't keeping a single person from being bothered to work? That, but with meal programs.The fuck does this even mean?
im gonna agree to disagree thereTrump shouldn't have been impeached either. Nor should have Clinton. Impeachment is being used as a "We don't like this person." tool.
I've seen studies. It has zero effect. Actually, some studies show folks come back to work faster if you can believe that. It's amazing.You know the bennies that definitely aren't keeping a single person from being bothered to work?
Trump was impeached over Russian collusion. An audible had to be called because that case fell apart. It's pretty well documented that come Hell or high water, they were impeaching Trump. I believe Pelosi was quoted as saying "If we don't get him for this we'll find something else." But I could have been fake newsed on that.im gonna agree to disagree there
imo, trump threatened to withhold USA funds to ukraine, unless the ukraine investigated trumps political rival
that was a bridge too far for me. it was a direct attempt to undermine democracy
imo, trump was rightfully impeached and should have been removed. pence should have been our president.
and its theoretical, but id imagine that the state of the nation would be much better had trump been removed
i agree on clinton tho. even tho i hate him, the bj was concentual, right? if so, i could care less
Yeah, so that's what they're referring to. They don't want families to think the school is there for free meals.I've seen studies. It has zero effect. Actually, some studies show folks come back to work faster if you can believe that. It's amazing.
It's just a coincidence that drivers are impossible to retain/hire. And 90% of scheduled interviews don't show up.
And - a new one that just surfaced today - "We don't make that molding anymore. We don't have enough workers to run every line, so we are focusing on the high margin profiles so we can keep the lights on"
ByPass Tracks - the header hardware for closet doors that slide - have lead times that went from their normal 3 weeks to 26 weeks. LMAO. 26 weeks! There are actually new homes that aren't closing because they can't get $40 hardware. I've told builders to put in standard doubles. We can still build those. For now.
What a fucking mess. And it's getting worse - not better.