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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Not obsessed like yourself. You should focus on supporting the canadian truckers. I thought you were all about workers rights and protesting
I dont support the shit that has drawn your attention to the protest.. which is not the actual origin behind the protest.

Are the 'Canadian truckers' misinformed, yes. The Federal govt in Ottawa doesn't control the provincial mandates, dummy.

There you go with another red herring logical fallacy. Didnt you kids cover basic philosophy or logical arguments during your tax payer funded education? Come on Cody, this is grade 10 shit. I am sure your neighbors would have chipped in another 5 bucks on their taxes to educate you on building a logical statement.

The Big Guy

I support the actual cause... not the shit that has drawn your attention to the protest.

Are the 'Canadian truckers' misinformed, yes. The Federal govt in Ottawa doesn't control the provincial mandates, dummy.

There you go with another red herring logical fallacy. Didnt you kids cover basic philosophy or logical arguments during your tax payer funded education? Come on Cody, this is grade 10 shit.
Covids over eh. You and the other far left wackos are going to have to accept it

You can try to paint this however you want but your goverment is a bunch of cowards that are refusing to follow the science. Mandating trucker get vaccines and then calling them nazis for refusing is hilarious

Trudeau is worse than biden because hes not operating on dementia. That's prime Trudeau

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
your goverment is a bunch of cowards that are refusing to follow the science. Mandating trucker get vaccines and then calling them nazis for refusing is hilarious

Trudeau is worse than biden because hes not operating on dementia. That's prime Trudeau
I agree on these points.

Ive never voted for Trudeau. Maybe you should be pointing these comments towards one of the tmmac members who have voted for Trudy... We all know who you are!

But we should recognize the fact that even if some how the Canadian Federal govt took control of Provincal govt powers to strike down any mandates, America still has a vaccine order in place for Canadian truckers to cross the border, so its all a waste of time until big bad Biden backs down.

My province is scheduled to reduce mandates in just over a week, as planned for weeks but keep listening to your far right media and swollow all that misinformation they're feeding you...... BiDeN CrAcK PiPes, CanaDiaN MandAtes>>!!

The Big Guy

I agree on these points.

Ive never voted for Trudeau. Maybe you should be pointing these comments towards one of the tmmac members who have voted for Trudy... We all know who you are!

But we should recognize the fact that even if some how the Canadian Federal govt took control of Provincal govt powers to strike down any mandates, America still has a vaccine order in place for Canadian truckers to cross the border, so its all a waste of time until big bad Biden backs down.

My province is scheduled to reduce mandates in just over a week, as planned for weeks but keep listening to your far right media and swollow all that misinformation they're feeding you...... BiDeN CrAcK PiPes, CanaDiaN MandAtes>>!!
Just imagine how great it's been living in a free state like Florida this whole time

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Just imagine how great it's been living in a free state like Florida this whole time
I would rather live in BC than Florida.

I get the Florida climate when I visit our space in the Bahamas.

Ill be 140 miles from Miami in March, come at me bro!

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I'll take you deep sea fishing if your intrested
What do you fish for?

We have a boat and gear... and the wifes brother is a dive master.

We go for Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Tuna, Grouper. Dive for 'lobster', conch, Lion Fish.

Give them Barracuda to the locals.



Dec 15, 2018
Stop believing everything the far right media tells you.

No, Biden administration is not giving out crack pipes. Here’s what’s really happening

“These comments are misleading and misinformed,” an HHS spokesperson told McClatchy News in a statement about the crack pipe claims. When asked what the safe smoking kits would specifically include, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said they “may contain alcohol swabs, lip balm, other materials to promote hygiene and reduce the transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis.” “No federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and the Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Rahul Gupta said in a statement Feb. 9. “The goal of harm reduction is to save lives.”
You can kiss my grits...

Wish your fam a speedy recovery


Dec 15, 2018

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
How about that…

Homicides in San Jose were up 24% between 2019 and 2020, and even though 2021’s homicide rate dropped down to historic levels, violent crime was still up 10% overall.
Homicide rates (in San Jose) raised to historical highs under Trump and dropped to historical lows under Biden.


The Big Guy

How about that…

Homicide rates (in San Jose) raised to historical highs under Trump and dropped to historical lows under Biden.

Heres an expert from the far right
Covid lockdowns and "social unrest" caused the spike. Trump was president for 4 years and it wasnt until left wing riots that crime spiked. It was an obvious result of BLM and anti police propaganda

Be sure to read it a little bit

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Heres an expert from the far right
Covid lockdowns and "social unrest" caused the spike. Trump was president for 4 years and it wasnt until left wing riots that crime spiked. It was an obvious result of BLM and anti police propaganda

Be sure to read it a little bit
There was no Covid or BLM riots in 2019, dummy.

The Big Guy

So then how do you explain the massive rise in homicide rates in 2019?
Liberal California policies probably. Did they release a bunch of prisoners or did the DA stop locking people up? I dont have time to see look into it right now im at work. I'm sure theres explanation other than orange man bad

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Liberal California policies probably. Did they release a bunch of prisoners or did the DA stop locking people up? I dont have time to see look into it right now im at work. I'm sure theres explanation other than orange man bad
And the massive drop in murder rates in SJ since 2021?