Society The "vaccine"

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Nov 14, 2019
I'm going to take a wild guess that you're not a parent.
It genuinely amazes me how a human being can be wrong so successfully. I mean the law of averages says you have to be right at least some of the time. Even by mistake.

But here we are.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It genuinely amazes me how a human being can be wrong so successfully. I mean the law of averages says you have to be right at least some of the time. Even by mistake.

But here we are.
Ok, you're a dad.
Part-time weekend?
How old is your autistic kid?


Nov 14, 2019
Why don't you answer any questions?
Well its pretty rude to call my children autistic. Its pretty rude to assume im divorced. Family insults used to be a no go here.

You’re not coming across as a nice person.

You are a source of amusement to me. You fascinate me. You to me are the retards retard.

I’ve never held back my distain for your views. You‘re an idiot. A weird conspiracy theorist.

lol. Your latest one where you think vaccines don't work and then give examples where they do is hilarious.

Don’t change chuckles, well maybe dial down the family stuff.

Thats not cool.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Well its pretty rude to call my children autistic. Its pretty rude to assume im divorced. Family insults used to be a no go here.
You haven't even confirmed you have a family you fucking moron.
Try answering a direct question for once in your online life rather than doubling down on vague innuendo.
The victim mentality with the leftist hive mind is s sight to behold.

lol. Your latest one where you think vaccines don't work and then give examples where they do is hilarious.
Everyone that read this is rolling their eyes at you.
I'd ask if your wife(exwife?) or child(chidren) could catch the joke & explain it to you, but don't want to get reported on for insulting the family you may or may not have.

The reference to autism is the fact that autism rates have 40x'd since implementation of the 1980 "vaccine" schedule.
A full-time parent would know this.

The fact of the matter is you don't listen to facts, tune out science, and ignore reports, in favor of accepting the peer-delivered facts, science & reports.
You're just a troll or incredibly, like stunningly npc.
You're wrong about everything & double-down anyway.

No Trump didn't "lock down".
Stick to your own country & worship your queens & irrelevant pageantry.


Nov 14, 2019
You haven't even confirmed you have a family you fucking moron.
Try answering a direct question for once in your online life rather than doubling down on vague innuendo.
The victim mentality with the leftist hive mind is s sight to behold.

Everyone that read this is rolling their eyes at you.
I'd ask if your wife(exwife?) or child(chidren) could catch the joke & explain it to you, but don't want to get reported on for insulting the family you may or may not have.

The reference to autism is the fact that autism rates have 40x'd since implementation of the 1980 "vaccine" schedule.
A full-time parent would know this.

The fact of the matter is you don't listen to facts, tune out science, and ignore reports, in favor of accepting the peer-delivered facts, science & reports.
You're just a troll or incredibly, like stunningly npc.
You're wrong about everything & double-down anyway.

No Trump didn't "lock down".
Stick to your own country & worship your queens & irrelevant pageantry.
Well for a guy that can make BAFTA jokes at me I’m pretty sure you know my parenting status. You are obsessed with me.

I doubt Rambo John J @Rambo John J or even SongExotic2 @SongExotic2 would have made that jibe.

You’re a wrong ‘un.

Autism is on the rise. No doubt. But its not life saving vaccine’s genius.

The retards retard


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The lockdowns were the killer. Not the vaccines.

They have ruined as many lives as a real war..

Who'd have thought a biological weapon for a biological weapon would kill as many "as a real war"!!!

Does war have to be declared officially by the BBC before you accept we're in one?
Or is 'reading between the lines' a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY?
Or...too 'independent research'-oriented?

I picture you like a white AOC with a Boris Johnson haircut & Joe Scarborough glasses.


Nov 14, 2019

Who'd have thought a biological weapon for a biological weapon would kill as many "as a real war"!!!

Does war have to be declared officially by the BBC before you accept we're in one?
Or is 'reading between the lines' a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY?
Or...too 'independent research'-oriented?

I picture you like a white AOC with a Boris Johnson haircut & Joe Scarborough glasses.
I said ruined genius…not killed

fucksake. Genuinely the retards retard


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Someones on tilt….

And someone is normal…

the retards retard……
The term "on-tilt" means drunk.
Unless you're drunk, you're wrong once again.

The term "retards retard" makes no sense.
'Man's man' makes sense.
'Retard's retard' doesn't.
Jesus, you've got time in your hands & still can't pull off humOUr.

So, I take it you're still in "vaccine" denial?
"Vaccines" didn't kill & injure millions?
SADS is just a new disease?
Turbo Cancer is just a new thing?
Skin Cancer 10x is from lockdowns?
Insurance companies closing the life-side just a business decision?
Excess mortality is just fentanyl/climate change/lockdown-related?

Where are you told to stand regarding murdering of elderlies in GB?

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
The term "on-tilt" means drunk.
Unless you're drunk, you're wrong once again.

The term "retards retard" makes no sense.
'Man's man' makes sense.
'Retard's retard' doesn't.
Jesus, you've got time in your hands & still can't pull off humOUr.

So, I take it you're still in "vaccine" denial?
"Vaccines" didn't kill & injure millions?
SADS is just a new disease?
Turbo Cancer is just a new thing?
Skin Cancer 10x is from lockdowns?
Insurance companies closing the life-side just a business decision?
Excess mortality is just fentanyl/climate change/lockdown-related?

Where are you told to stand regarding murdering of elderlies in GB?
People who fell for the vaccine scam will continue to be stupid

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
What's this?
It is a poker term, that seems a rather fitting analogy in my perspective

"The more of your stack that you invest in the pot, the greater your pot odds and the chances of becoming pot committed will be. This is why players are naturally more reluctant to fold after investing a large amount of money."

Substitute stack/money, for ego invested.

Gotta be real hard to admit you were wrong about something you injected into your body, or asked others to inject into themselves.
Easier to just ignore that fact, and deflect your frustration elsewhere. Ego won't allow for it so blame and frustration will be placed elsewhere.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
It is a poker term, that seems a rather fitting analogy in my perspective

"The more of your stack that you invest in the pot, the greater your pot odds and the chances of becoming pot committed will be. This is why players are naturally more reluctant to fold after investing a large amount of money."

Substitute stack/money, for ego invested.

Gotta be real hard to admit you were wrong about something you injected into your body, or asked others to inject into themselves.
Easier to just ignore that fact, and deflect your frustration elsewhere. Ego won't allow for it so blame and frustration will be placed elsewhere.
My head hurts reading this
I’m just not that smart

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
My head hurts reading this
I’m just not that smart
Some folks don't want to admit they were wrong, or supported something terrible and destructive. So they place blame elsewhere, instead of admitting the vaccine and vaccine campaign were a crime against humanity.

The reason is Ego.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
My head hurts reading this
I’m just not that smart
It's just his observation.

Then again,
I always found mere observation
in and of itself is a tad rudimentary.
Sometimes, we gotta dig deeper
to mine the true emotional pay dirt.
Thus, we can diagram the source
of the pain and then live it, you know.
Last edited:

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
It's just his observation.

Then again,
I always found mere observation
in and of itself is a tad rudimentary.
Sometimes, we gotta dig deeper
to mine the true emotional pay dirt.

Thus, we can diagram the source
of the pain and then live it, you know.
That hurts also, walk off a short pier please


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Pot Committed

A more commonly used expression is the "sunk cost fallacy". The more heavily someone invests in something (either time, money, emotion or a combination of the three), the more likely they are to continue throwing good investment after bad rather than cut their losses.

I don't agree with the completely anti vax stance many have on here, diseases such as polio didn't just virtually disappear on their own. To each their own though, I'm not going to start a slanging match with anyone about it - none of us are super intelligent and educated disease specialists on here (that I know of) so we're all just restating second hand information to each other.

The COVID-19 vaccine is different, it was rushed out without proper testing and it's unsurprising to see harmful side effects manifesting.