Society This Is One Of The Most Apalling Things I've Ever Seen

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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
It delays the bodies milk production and as a result you nurse your child but there's no nutritional value so you're feeding them, but they're also starving to death.
I don't think this is factual. I have a friend who is a prenatal nurse. I will ask her.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I watched it happen with my wife. When we asked we were told it's common.
SOrry to hear that - but...anecdotal.

Stay tuned...
I just sent her a text. Normally I like to ask these questions face to face with her because she's a smokeshow - but I need answers now.

Deleted member 276

It delays the bodies milk production and as a result you nurse your child but there's no nutritional value so you're feeding them, but they're also starving to death.
slightly delays milk on the day of the procedure because the body’s natural production of milk is encouraged by the oxytocin produced while birthing. However, skin to skin contact, latching and the like will allow most women who don’t already have issues with milk production due to other issues to breast feed.

At that point, the baby is in the hospital for the first few days and they have the supplies to feed the baby. They also send you home with some for the transition.

Peruvian Necktiez

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2017
my gf stopped breasfeeding both our boyz for like 2 days and her chi chis closed both times

we had to do the formula milky thingy but we never stole too many


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
slightly delays milk on the day of the procedure because the body’s natural production of milk is encouraged by the oxytocin produced while birthing. However, skin to skin contact, latching and the like will allow most women who don’t already have issues with milk production due to other issues to breast feed.

At that point, the baby is in the hospital for the first few days and they have the supplies to feed the baby. They also send you home with some for the transition.
We were sent home with a baby and a bill for 3 days of parking.

Deleted member 276

We were sent home with a baby and a bill for 3 days of parking.
so your experience means all people experience that?

I am sorry that you had to experience that but I also think that is a specific issue to your personal healthcare treatment and not something to base all decisions on.

I have 3 kids, numerous nieces and nephews, and work in the medical field. I have never seen this happen in my years.

I am not saying it is impossible. Just highly unlikely.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
This has to be NH, merry christmas and a happy new years, hope the family is doing well.

Deleted member 276

This has to be NH, merry christmas and a happy new years, hope the family is doing well.
I doubt it. She would post here but she wouldn’t act like she is a man or hide who she is. Even if she used a new name.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
I doubt it. She would post here but she wouldn’t act like she is a man or hide who she is. Even if she used a new name.
Good point, he has commented on firearms that was knowledgeable on a couple threads which NH hated.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
She said....

Zero change in quality of milk. Quantity can be lessened early on as lack of baby contact due to mother's discomfort. Same difficulties can arise with latching for the same reason - it's hard on mom to hold the baby due to tge surgery. Once the pattern is established there is no difference. Why the fuck are you asking me this?

Peruvian Necktiez

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2017
So much for the great healthcare in Canada, huh...
Nothing wrong with Free Healthcare

I was in and out of the ER on the 24th in 6 hours, Right on tiiime for our traditional family Christmas supper

Very strange, nobody was sick on that day, EMPTY. Must be the magic of the Holidays.

I was in at 5 am and out by noon, CT Scan to my throat (had strep throat from what does dat mouf do? ) done and all.

Cost: $0.00