I've never been in to competitive sports. I'm not a competitive person. I mostly just played street hockey and basketball for fun as a kid. The only sports team I've ever been on was my 8th grade boys softball team where we one the regional championships. That was the extent of my athletic career.Do/Did you play any sports?
The good guy doesn't always win.What is the hardest lesson in life that you've learned?
The Almafi coast just so my wife could shut the hell up about it...If you could travel anywhere and stay in luxury for a week where would you go?
My wife is cool as hell to tell you the truth. She's gorgeous, but one of those girls who didn't realize how gorgeous she was until after highschool, and she was already mine by then. She's smart, works incredibly hard, has thick skin, a great sense of humor, and really goes above and beyond for me, even after so many years together (even more so now). Sometimes you've just got to admit when you've found someone special, and she's it.Is your wife cool or is she a psycho?
We don't really have serious arguments. We resolve things very quickly, mostly because she doesn't like to stay mad, and its hard for me to stay mad at her. We've both realized that anything worth arguing over is equally worth getting over.What's the most serious argument you and Mrs Fattiecorpuscle have had? How long did it last?
Shavua tovI've never been in to competitive sports. I'm not a competitive person. I mostly just played street hockey and basketball for fun as a kid. The only sports team I've ever been on was my 8th grade boys softball team where we one the regional championships. That was the extent of my athletic career.
I just go to the gym regularly to stay in shape, but no competitive sports for me.
I'm Jewish, that should explain a lot.
I enjoy nerdy things like gadgets, tech, high end audio systems/headphones, etc. When I was younger I did a lot of beat production, and still do now and then when I have time, which isn't often. I try to game when I get a chance, these days I'm mostly just play NBA 2K16. I like taking on side projects, especially web projects. I'm about to launch a new ecommerce store in Canada which specializes in mid to high end headphones and personal audio products.Outside of mma what are your interests?
How can I tell? If I have scabbing from them dragging on the floor, does that count as a yes?Have your balls dropped yet?
Of course I don't shave it. Do you take me as some sort of queer?Ass hair. Shave it or nah?
What annoys me about myself is that I tend to get obsessed with things really intensely for a short period of time, and then I lose interest totally and find it very hard to regain interest, which often leads to unfinished projects, etc.What is your most annoying personality trait?
I used to smoke weed more often in college. Now I probably take a hit maybe once or twice a year at most. I'm not against it at all, I just find I can only smoke around certain people and in certain environments.Are you a weed smoker?
Never been interested in drugs. The only drug I'm intrigued by other than weed is Shrooms, but waiting for the right opportunity to try them. When I get in to the new house I might give them a try.Any drug that interests you but is too dangerous?
Just travelled to a bunch of places. Went to Rome and Paris a couple years ago and got a handjob on the plane on the way to Europe while in my seat.What is the most adventurous thing you've done?
Sort of. Maybe more so now because I'm in much better shape than I was a year ago. I notice a lot more stares these days. Maybe also because I'm married too, I hear that attracts women.Do women flirt with you a lot?
May you have a good week!Shavua tov
what part of canada are you from?I used to smoke weed more often in college. Now I probably take a hit maybe once or twice a year at most. I'm not against it at all, I just find I can only smoke around certain people and in certain environments.
If they do legalize it here in Canada though, I will partake in some edibles and possibly do some vaping.
Weed is the only "drug" I've ever done btw. I've never even smoked a cigarette.
Southern Ontario, just outside Torontowhat part of canada are you from?
In an average day, how many times do you say sorry or apologize?Southern Ontario, just outside Toronto
I'd say at least 6.. Sorry, maybe 7. Shit I'm not sure, my bad.In an average day, how many times do you say sorry or apologize?