UFC Fight Night 120 Live Discussion - 11/11/17

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
i dont think it even made sense.the kid is kind of an airhead
i think he forgot the line for a bit there...i fel evil again, but i was hoping he would keep blanking out. that'd have been hilarious, and maybe, it would reduce the amount of in ring bible speeches


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i think he forgot the line for a bit there...i fel evil again, but i was hoping he would keep blanking out. that'd have been hilarious, and maybe, it would reduce the amount of in ring bible speeches
im pretty sure he just said a bunch of random bible words and hoped no one noticed

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Just broke my damn garage door motor. So pissed. Wife was supposed to take my truck full of clothes & junk and shit to her inlaws but decided not to, so I pulled it into the garage. It's a super tight fit (I never park the POS in there) and there wasn't enough clearance. Door hit the license plate cover on the front bumper and I guess the force caused the flywheel on the motor to shear off. Fucking sucks!
Damn. And you just fixed that garage door after you had too many bourbons and fucked it up last Christmas.

The Big Guy

Suarez grabbed her by the pussy. Looked like she had a handful of brazillian beef curtains


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
I bet way too much on McGee thinking the odds were nuts, got out of jail, then bet the lot on Quinones, which I wouldn't have been so stupid to do had that money not been in my account. Now I owe back the McGee money too apparently, so the massive mistake is now doubled.

Have a good card everybody, I'm going to catch the view from the side of the nearest bridge.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
thyroid problems also interrupted my Olympic dreams

and my love of women



and booze


hedonism in general.

