General We probably going to war boys

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member 3289

Completely shut them off. Zero aid.
Organize flier drops with images from around the world. Spread the word that Kim Jong-un is a lunatic and is hurting the people of NK. Urge people to revolt against him.
He'll kill every last one of his citizens if they tried.

The guy/family puts the Assad family to shame with their brutality.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
He'll kill every last one of his citizens if they tried.

The guy/family puts the Assad family to shame with their brutality.
Then Plan B. Take out their next missile test before they launch. He's always in the area. Collateral damage. Oops.

member 3289

Yeah, by firing missiles into their airspace, Japan should absolutely respond.
I'm sure they had the technology to see that the missile was not going to land anywhere on Japanese soil, No?

Not saying they shouldn't respond, just that they could probably see it wasn't a threat to Japanese citizens' lives.

member 3289

Then Plan B. Take out their next missile test before they launch. He's always in the area. Collateral damage. Oops.
Pyongyang is dangerously close to Seoul. That's why the US military moved its base further south recently.

The NK regime undoubtedly has a shit ton on conventional weapons pointed at Seoul. If they're attacked, those weapons get sent off immediately, putting the lives of millions of innocent civilians in danger.

We would have to be 100% sure that we could destroy all launch facilities before the North Koreans could launch a counter-strike.

We're not dealing with a regime that plays by the rules of war.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
China has their backs. Are they a 'super power'? That's debatable. But the old axiom holds true: quantity has a quality all its own. And there is like 12 gillion of those little fuckers.
Is China a super power? Did you really just ask that?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I wonder if liberal-shithole Vox are singing a different tune now than they were a few months ago when they published this nonsense.

North Korea is more rational than you think
Curious, what was so bad about the article?

The main point of the article was to warn the Trump administration against assuming Kim was a lunatic.. As that could alter the way they react to his threats.

Dont get me wrong, Kim is a sociopath and is ruthless but I dont think he is as mentally unstable as most media portrays him to be. For anyone to underestimate their enemies is a mistake. Kim might be acting rational in what he understands to be the goals of his regime, which is far from acting out of mental illness.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Is China a super power? Did you really just ask that?

It's debatable.

Little to no ability to project military force beyond their immediate geographic sphere.
Just barely into geopolitics at a level beyond their immediate largest trading partners.

From a sphere of influence at diplomatic or military levels they do not meet the historical criteria by which they should be able to project hard and soft power globally.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Curious, what was so bad about the article?

The main point of the article was to warn the Trump administration against assuming Kim was a lunatic.. As that could alter the way they react to his threats.

Dont get me wrong, Kim is a sociopath and is ruthless but I dont think he is as mentally unstable as most media portrays him to be. For anyone to underestimate their enemies is a mistake. Kim might be acting rational in what he understands to be the goals of his regime, which is far from acting out of mental illness.
These same liberal pukes call Trump mentally unstable, and here we have a country the size of a dog's dick picking a fight with the entire world and they want to watch how they use the term lol

"Kim might be acting rational in what he understands to be the goals of his regime" When a mentally ill person shoots up a grocery store because his neighbour's dog told him they're raising money for the devil, he is also acting rational in what he understands to be his goals.

North Korea is Kim's private sand box, he has more power than just about any other world leader to do what he pleases there. He has a populace that are completely ignorant as to what is going on outside North Korea, who legit think he is a demigod who the entire world fears. He has everything he could possibly want, yet here he is fixing to get himself killed.

These are not the acts of a rational man. This guy is a lunatic, capable of anything and should be treated as such. But mindless liberals will take the side of anyone over Trump, and that's where we get articles like that. It's not underestimating him to call him a lunatic - a lunatic is much more dangerous and needs to be taken much more seriously.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
North Korea - than Iran - than Saudi Arabia - pure destruction -- demolition of the Old World and blowing up of the old statues and history. WHile here at home the race to erase American History is accelerated.

It's the rush to a New World Order where War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom ...CCTV on every Corner and LightPole, Drones flying 24/7 watching every movement, Google - Facebook mass collecting your data following all your movements.

Oh what a beautiful future humanity has in store in coming years ....

The Great Architect is allowing for this misery, it is a final opportunity for those to find Jesus and those to denounce him is the separating of the wheat from the chaff for we are in the final hour and we want to know what side you are on before the great Fire comes to engulf the Globe and put an end to this experiment.


Nov 15, 2015
North Korea - than Iran - than Saudi Arabia - pure destruction -- demolition of the Old World and blowing up of the old statues and history. WHile here at home the race to erase American History is accelerated.

It's the rush to a New World Order where War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom ...CCTV on every Corner and LightPole, Drones flying 24/7 watching every movement, Google - Facebook mass collecting your data following all your movements.

Oh what a beautiful future humanity has in store in coming years ....

The Great Architect is allowing for this misery, it is a final opportunity for those to find Jesus and those to denounce him is the separating of the wheat from the chaff for we are in the final hour and we want to know what side you are on before the great Fire comes to engulf the Globe and put an end to this experiment.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
North Korea - than Iran - than Saudi Arabia - pure destruction -- demolition of the Old World and blowing up of the old statues and history. WHile here at home the race to erase American History is accelerated.

It's the rush to a New World Order where War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom ...CCTV on every Corner and LightPole, Drones flying 24/7 watching every movement, Google - Facebook mass collecting your data following all your movements.

Oh what a beautiful future humanity has in store in coming years ....

The Great Architect is allowing for this misery, it is a final opportunity for those to find Jesus and those to denounce him is the separating of the wheat from the chaff for we are in the final hour and we want to know what side you are on before the great Fire comes to engulf the Globe and put an end to this experiment.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
These same liberal pukes call Trump mentally unstable, and here we have a country the size of a dog's dick picking a fight with the entire world and they want to watch how they use the term lol

"Kim might be acting rational in what he understands to be the goals of his regime" When a mentally ill person shoots up a grocery store because his neighbour's dog told him they're raising money for the devil, he is also acting rational in what he understands to be his goals.

North Korea is Kim's private sand box, he has more power than just about any other world leader to do what he pleases there. He has a populace that are completely ignorant as to what is going on outside North Korea, who legit think he is a demigod who the entire world fears. He has everything he could possibly want, yet here he is fixing to get himself killed.

These are not the acts of a rational man. This guy is a lunatic, capable of anything and should be treated as such. But mindless liberals will take the side of anyone over Trump, and that's where we get articles like that. It's not underestimating him to call him a lunatic - a lunatic is much more dangerous and needs to be taken much more seriously.
Basing foreign policy that might result in war on the fact a few 'liberal pukes' call Trump mentally unstable is not the smartest path to take.

What may not be rational to me or to you might be rational to another person.

USA needs to understand his mindset to understand what would best deter him. To just assume he is crazy, is short sighted.



TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
Lmao at the US "going to war"
The corporate, nanny state has been in perpetual war for a couple of decades now.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has been observed moving what appeared to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) towards its west coast, South Korea’s Asia Business Daily reported on Tuesday, citing an unidentified intelligence source.

The rocket started moving on Monday, a day after North Korea’s sixth nuclear test, and was spotted moving at night to avoid surveillance, the report said. North Korea has launch facilities for its missile program on its west coast.

South Korea’s defense ministry said they were unable to confirm the contents of the report. The ministry said in parliament on Monday that North Korea was considered ready to launch more missiles, including ICBMs, at any time.


top korean roofer
Oct 21, 2015
If US decides to attack, they should go all in and conduct constant bombing campaigns while different ground troops insert via sky and amphibious landing and ease off on the bombing as the troops close in to all the known missile launch sites or location of Kim JongUn.

Remember when Saddam supposedly had WMD, US invaded Iraq with the quickness? They employed something called the "Maneuver Warfare" where they constantly attacked with overwhelming firepower and troops moved from all directions until they reached the core of the opposition to destabilize it completely, not giving them any space or time to breathe. Matter of fact, it was the tactic used by the Secretary of the Defense, Mattis (Then, M.General) when he lead his Marine division into Baghdad. I hope it doesn't get to that point but I think we'll see something very similar other than now Mattis's arsenal expanded to the entire US Military, not just some small Marine division.

I hope it doesn't get to this.