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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
And what's all that fluffy shit? I don't smoke weed so I'm not privvy

Mr Smokalotapotamus

You gonna pass that bro??
Jun 23, 2018
You should get a OnePlus. Way more RAM and better camera. Will be a lot better to take pictures of your devil lettuce.

The pictures u posted are good. I'm curious as to how good they would be

I took this one with my friends iphone 11pro i think it is. whatever the new one is. I'd like to play with it more.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
So hypothetically - if a guy bought some property that was very isolated - how difficult is it to grow weed in a garden?

And how long does it take to go from seed to harvest in an outdoor situation? Meaning it would not be helped by grow lights, incense and 24/7 audio of Pink Floyd. Just normal outdoor growth with sunlight and water.


Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
So hypothetically - if a guy bought some property that was very isolated - how difficult is it to grow weed in a garden?

And how long does it take to go from seed to harvest in an outdoor situation? Meaning it would not be helped by grow lights, incense and 24/7 audio of Pink Floyd. Just normal outdoor growth with sunlight and water.

Too many variables to answer this question quickly. A natural plant will need the daylight getting shorter to trigger flowering. If you planted in early spring, or right now, the plant would not start to flower until around the end of July or beginning of August (if youmare in the northern hemisphere) unless you manipulate the light schedule (ie. Force flower by moving the plant into a dark room, or covering the plant with something that cuts off light). If you force flower you will need to be very consistent with what time you manipulate darkness or else the plant will more than likely turn into a hermaphrodite. A natural plant will flower from anywhere from 45 days-100 days, depending upon the strain. The strains I grow are typically 70-75 days of flower until I harvest. I don't recommend it, but you get buy ruderalis (autoflower) seeds and go from seed to harvest in 60 days anytime of year, no matter the light schedule. Breeders have gone a long way with ruderalis and now you can get just about any strain in this form, but they are not true to the strain you are choosing.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I hope that every person posting marijuana leafs in this thread will take some time to contemplate your actions... I realize that the wicked weed has got a hold of you but please think of your loved ones before you inject another marijuana dose. I have come to think of many of you as friends and as @conor mcgregor nut hugger has stated before, there is nothing cool about having your mother find your dead and bloated corpse in your bed surrounded by Cheetos and your lips wrapped around a bong. Get help before it is too late...



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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Knew a dude named "Roge"
Short for Roger
Big redheaded dude

He was the Mexi hookup
like 25-50 an ounce back when we payed 250-300+ for good bud...the mex came by the jar
It was real mex brick weed...looked just like you stoned for about 45 minutes if you were lucky, barely stoned

Rog had sugar gliders living in closets upstairs

Had two 250-300Lb mastiffs wanted to eat me...He would say don't flinch when they would sniff on ya...lmao

Had a 100lb + tortois roaming upstairs also...gang of ferrets in another room just spazzing about everywhere

Rog had the worst tweak jaw I have ever seen and had some southern tweak accent

Haha that was amazing times...WTF was I doing in my youth...I only smoked herb and never drank in those days

We never even smoked the Mexi...just sold some of it to get funds to purchase actual stony herb

How he ended up in Oregon is anybodies guess...1997-98 is the timeframe

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
Knew a dude named "Roge"
Short for Roger
Big redheaded dude

He was the Mexi hookup
like 25-50 an ounce back when we payed 250-300+ for good bud...the mex came by the jar
It was real mex brick weed...looked just like you stoned for about 45 minutes if you were lucky, barely stoned

Rog had sugar gliders living in closets upstairs

Had two 250-300Lb mastiffs wanted to eat me...He would say don't flinch when they would sniff on ya...lmao

Had a 100lb + tortois roaming upstairs also...gang of ferrets in another room just spazzing about everywhere

Rog had the worst tweak jaw I have ever seen and had some southern tweak accent

Haha that was amazing times...WTF was I doing in my youth...I only smoked herb and never drank in those days

We never even smoked the Mexi...just sold some of it to get funds to purchase actual stony herb

How he ended up in Oregon is anybodies guess...1997-98 is the timeframe
We used to see that brick shit all the time in high school. Before knowing any better, I'd purchase it quite often thinking that a 1/4 for the same price as a gram was way better value. Always ended up with a high, tons of snap, crackle, and pop seeds jumping out of the bowl on fire, the ultimately a headache a half hour to an hour later. Didn't take long to get turned onto kind buds.
Funny story:
So I'm hanging with some friends and one shows up with the dirtiest brick weed I'd seen in a while. I think I was 18 at the time. I am talking some serious shit on the quality, and everyone else is chiming in. None of us had any weed, so after talking tons of shit, we all smoked it. The high was fast and intense, and it was absolutely laced with opium. We labeled it the opi-mex. The source for this shit was around all summer and it was hilarious packing people bowls with it and just watching their reactions. Price was about $40 a 1/4 and my sources at the time were not reliable, so that summer I certainly purchased more than my fair share of it.