It's Fedor. You think GSP was clean his entire life? Lol. The single most athletic fighter in history was the ONE guy who said "nope I'm above this"easedel;n13761 said:I always had GSP as the GOAT over Silva. I think this cements it with more people now

I wouldn't be surprised if Fedor was regularly administered PEDs at some point during his life as a Judo and Sambo player, as it was complete common practice in Russia for just about any athlete competing on a national scale. The Klitschko brothers talked about how when they were competing as teens, they would see doctors to get their "shots" administered by state sponsored programs and doctors. It was all PEDs.
Regardless, decision wrestle fuck machine GSP is far from the greatest ever. If you wanna base it off proven facts, GSP didn't finish like 10 straight guys even once, Anderson is a drug cheat, Jones is a coke head, Cain has fought 2 different people in the last FIVE YEARS.
That leaves us with the chosen one. Zulu aside, this man destroyed all high level, elite competition put in front of him when PRIDE was far and away the #1 MMA organization in the world, while the UFC barely stayed a float due to funding from billionaires. While the greatest HWs in the world fought in PRIDE and were destroyed by one man, the UFC was being ruled by Tim Sylvia, Cabbage Coreiera and Pe De Pano

That is the baddest motherfucker who ever lived, people. Get used to it
Never took PEDs to fight a welterweight and then run away from him for 5 rounds. Never tested positive for a steroid or cocaine - only ice cream