What happened to the UFC only being able to stop a fight for a positive PED test?

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Jan 18, 2015
easedel;n13761 said:
I always had GSP as the GOAT over Silva. I think this cements it with more people now
It's Fedor. You think GSP was clean his entire life? Lol. The single most athletic fighter in history was the ONE guy who said "nope I'm above this"

I wouldn't be surprised if Fedor was regularly administered PEDs at some point during his life as a Judo and Sambo player, as it was complete common practice in Russia for just about any athlete competing on a national scale. The Klitschko brothers talked about how when they were competing as teens, they would see doctors to get their "shots" administered by state sponsored programs and doctors. It was all PEDs.

Regardless, decision wrestle fuck machine GSP is far from the greatest ever. If you wanna base it off proven facts, GSP didn't finish like 10 straight guys even once, Anderson is a drug cheat, Jones is a coke head, Cain has fought 2 different people in the last FIVE YEARS.

That leaves us with the chosen one. Zulu aside, this man destroyed all high level, elite competition put in front of him when PRIDE was far and away the #1 MMA organization in the world, while the UFC barely stayed a float due to funding from billionaires. While the greatest HWs in the world fought in PRIDE and were destroyed by one man, the UFC was being ruled by Tim Sylvia, Cabbage Coreiera and Pe De Pano

That is the baddest motherfucker who ever lived, people. Get used to it

Never took PEDs to fight a welterweight and then run away from him for 5 rounds. Never tested positive for a steroid or cocaine - only ice cream


Deleted member 1

ministry of silly walks;n13716 said:
they shouldn't be allowed to touch him. he has a prescription that's legal where lives,

TRT, excess caffeine, benzos... Lots of things are legal. Lots of things aren't allowed in sport.

and weed is in no way performance enhancing.
And while I agree, the point is banned, not performance enhancing.

Are fighters in more danger themselves by being high in the cage? Should a drunk guy be allowed to compete?
We are worried about another fighter getting an advantage where he could hurt someone, not just win. Should we also sanction fighters who create this unequal competition through the ingestion of banned substances?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
The day that someone kicks another persons ass because of weed, is the day that I give up on all things combat sport :)


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
If you think Jon Jones has never touched a PED after both he and DC's ridiculous levels came out, you are foolish

Jones brothers are both in the NFL, one of them is a gigantic 350 pound monster who runs as fast as a track athlete.

But Jones, though not morally above cocaine, would never touch a PED! He was gifted by god!


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I'm obviously trolling/fucking around, but my entire point is that EVERYONE is dirty.

The few that are not should be held in a higher regard than the ones that do. Especially those who made it to elite/championship level.

BJ Penn, Matt Serra, Bisping (not a champ but a regular top guy for years).... Who else? Like I said Fedor never tested positive but he was in PRIDE and got tested a total of 7 times in his career. Regardless of that argument, take one look at the guy and how his body deteriorated physically, naturally over time, and I HIGHLY doubt he was hitting stacks of shit like Jon Jones and Anderson during their dominant runs. Maybe he was though, probably, who knows.

I bet if you took Jones, Anderson, Fedor and GSP and put them all against each other with not a single PED used in their career, Fedor beats all of them. Based on talent and skill alone, not freak athleticism that is guaranteed to be from PED use, Fedor is the greatest. If Fedor was a massive PED freak who got as lean as possible and fought at 185 (which is where he'd be with PEDs and the training methods of modern UFC fighters), he would be known as the undisputed GOAT across all circles. Skill wise, Fedor is the greatest.

Lol @ the UFC. At least PRIDE didn't try to pretend they were on a moral high ground to this shit.

Either give me PRIDE where everyone is juiced out of their minds smashing each other or stop with the bullshit already because nobody is being fooled. Lol @ "the GOAT" Anderson Silva, the man who had such a mediocre career by age 30 he retired. Comes back, becomes the most explosive, accurate, fast guy in 185 history. But he never took drugs, because " it’s bad because this is a problem. It’s bad not just for the UFC, but for the sport."


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015


Seriously would not be surprised if every single loss he had was to a drug cheat (other than Diaz, Edgar & maybe Pulver), similar to Bisping. I'm not kidding either. MAYBE K1 chubby Machida was not using at the time he fought BJ - but I highly doubt he never has either. Funny how men already in their later years can make such dramatic transformations

Here he is in his UFC career at 205 and 185. I guess he just started training really, REALLY hard

Not like a guy in Anderson Silva's team/circle would ever touch PEDs

Fedor, BJ & Diaz = the real GOATS


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Galanis - I think you have your idea right here for your first blog...


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I was thinking the same thing actually

I will probably start it tomorrow so I can focus a bit more (it's late here), mainly because with the initial onslaught of all this new information, it's hard to see things from a 100% unbiased perspective without letting emotion get involved - like the posts I made fucking around above.

I don't "troll" but every single thing involved in the news today has been so hilarious, absurd, ridiculous, etc. It's hard not to treat the entire thing like a joke. Definitely gonna write about this, the way PEDs have such a prevalent presence in MMA, etc

I will make sure to post pics of Fedor eating ice cream to further my points ;)

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
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Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
i wouldn't be surprised if bj, bisping, and serra all used them either tbh. aren't steroids legal in the uk? i know they used to be. you don't have to look a certain way to be on them, so it's impossible to tell. i got pretty big from lifting 3 to 4 hours a day for a couple years, and i was accused of it, and never touched them.


Galanis;n13644 said:
So when Jones vs DC was allowed to go on, Dana's explanation basically was that the only reason they could stop a main event fight from happening due to a positive out of competition test, is if the positive test was for PEDS - not street drugs, like Jones was using.

Here's Dana's quote. Pretty funny, he said this on January 7th, and then Anderson popped January 9th. I wonder why he wasn't pulled? I wonder if any reporter will even be allowed to ask Dana about this, or if they will get their credentials revoked like usual

""So what happens is, they do these tests leading up to a fight, these random drug tests, and he tested positive. (The fight was allowed to go on) because, No. 1, he was healthy. No. 2, the reason you would stop the fight and drop the hammer on a guy is if he tested for performance enhancing drugs,"
White explained.""


white is toasts, their gonna grill him well done.


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
easedel;n13735 said:
1st off its a fucking joke that weed is still being tested considering how long it can last in your system. On that note though, Diaz is a fucking moron for smoking so soon before a fight. It may be a joke people can get popped for it but its doesn't mean you can do it. Stop smoking when you know you have a fight. Fining people for weed is basically a stupid tax.
What makes you think he smoked it soon before his fight? Did they release how man ng he failed for? I havent smoked since last November and I am still failing for weed. The medical stuff that he smokes can stay in your system for 3 months.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
ministry of silly walks;n13874 said:
i wouldn't be surprised if bj, bisping, and serra all used them either tbh. aren't steroids legal in the uk? i know they used to be. you don't have to look a certain way to be on them, so it's impossible to tell. i got pretty big from lifting 3 to 4 hours a day for a couple years, and i was accused of it, and never touched them.
Illegal to sell, but not illegal to possess steroids in the uk.

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
Zeph;n14023 said:
Illegal to sell, but not illegal to possess steroids in the uk.
thanks for clearing that up for me. i knew something about it was legal from some body builder on a documentary. been years since i saw it though. he said people would give him samples to try out, and the sample that helped him lift the best turned out to be liquid ecstasy i think.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I am requesting a copy of Silva drug test as they released Jones, I wanna see the official date that is listed. I wouldn't be surprised to never see these copies released. I am sure they had the results before hand but after the Jones incident they are spinning it with we just got the results. LMAO


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
ministry of silly walks;n14034 said:
thanks for clearing that up for me. i knew something about it was legal from some body builder on a documentary. been years since i saw it though. he said people would give him samples to try out, and the sample that helped him lift the best turned out to be liquid ecstasy i think.
That is probably similar to cocaine in that it warps perception of performance. You are feeling so good, that even though you are doing stuff sloppy you aren't noticing or you just aren't feeling the pain that is associated with lifted extra weight.


dacofty;n14049 said:
I am requesting a copy of Silva drug test as they released Jones, I wanna see the official date that is listed. I wouldn't be surprised to never see these copies released. I am sure they had the results before hand but after the Jones incident they are spinning it with we just got the results. LMAO


Insert Crown here
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Galanis;n13675 said:
Pretty funny how Anderson was a solid journeyman in his 20s who became an athletic phenom with unmatched speed and reaction time in his mid to late 30s.

I believe a fighter gets better with every fight if he is putting the time in.
I guess peds can make you stronger, heal faster, but i don't really know if it can give you hand speed, amfetamine can boost your reaction time but can those peds which he tested postive for do that?


Insert Crown here
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
ministry of silly walks;n13716 said:
they shouldn't be allowed to touch him. he has a prescription that's legal where lives, and weed is in no way performance enhancing.
I'm not from the US so i don't know the laws really, but i really don't understand that in one state something is legal and if you cross a state line it's forbidden.
It's the same country the laws should be for everybody in it, i see it as a form of discrimination, but i live in the netherlands so we are probably damn hippies in the eyes of an american.

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
Zeph;n14065 said:
That is probably similar to cocaine in that it warps perception of performance. You are feeling so good, that even though you are doing stuff sloppy you aren't noticing or you just aren't feeling the pain that is associated with lifted extra weight.
i can't remember the details, but he did say it made him feel great. he ended up getting pretty messed up from it, and that's why he got the sample tested. he ran a website to inform people of his results with each kind that he tried, so people had first hand information. that's a nice idea in itself, but i'd never take a free sample of anything dropped of by someone i didn't know.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I dont understand why some drug tests take longer to get results back than others. How did Silva get licensed to fight? Apparently Nick failed multiple tests for marijuana before the fight and initially couldnt get licensed. He only got licensed to fight a few days before the fight when he finally submitted a negative test.

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
delightone;n14146 said:
I'm not from the US so i don't know the laws really, but i really don't understand that in one state something is legal and if you cross a state line it's forbidden.
It's the same country the laws should be for everybody in it, i see it as a form of discrimination, but i live in the netherlands so we are probably damn hippies in the eyes of an american.
our federal government refuses to agree with the hundreds of studies (some even paid for by them), because they don't like telling people that they lied to us for so long. the states are doing this on their own because they see it as a medicine/ recreational drug with health benefits, and have the facts to prove it. we all know it's much safer than alcohol and cigarettes, so they want to allow people to be able to make the choice for themselves. some states have to many people that still cling to the "drugs are bad m'kay", and refuse to look at any studies, so they keep it illegal there. the people that think you're all hippies for allowing people to make their own choices, are fucking idiots, and you should just ignore them.