General What is the best polling data out there

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Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
I've never been polled, might be the spam setting on my phone setting blocks it
I get 15+ texts daily that I send to my spam folder asking who I'm voting for. I don't think they call anymore just send out mass texts to get replies.


Jun 23, 2018
I get 15+ texts daily that I send to my spam folder asking who I'm voting for. I don't think they call anymore just send out mass texts to get replies.
if you're registered to vote, you'll get them. they also poll much more heavily in battle ground states where it matters. but lots of people don't bother answering them. i've responded a few times in my life. don't really bother anymore.


Dec 15, 2018
With the country as perfectly polarized as it's been for 15 years or so, they're somewhat worthless these days. Almost all of them are within the margin of error. The days of landslide victories are over. Battleground states will continue to be dissected and picked apart by campaigns until the last minute.
This is so true. Thanks to demographics, the Democrats are gonna win every Presidential election in our future. Georgia and Arizona are almost there followed by North Carolina. That's already enough but throw in Texas and it's a wrap...

My God these Reagan-era landslides...
