Just to be clear this is not a troll thread or bait for fans of this sort of entertainment I'm just genuinly curious. We used to have a sub forum on the topic but it didn't see much traffic but members have recently asked for it to come back.
I get wrasslin for a younger audience as I used to be a fan. As a little kid I'd love the bigger than life characters and the moves. As a teen we'd smoke endless amounts of weed and watch Raw on Mondays then Smackdown on Thursday and get all fired up to play WCW vs NWO on the Nintendo 64. Those days were fun but as an adult a can't imagine watching an entire episode of this on TV. I get what
@FeeO calls the embarrassment shivers.... I actually feel awkward watching after a minute.
Recently there was that clip of Josh Barnett doing some sort of Wrasslin stuff in his open workouts and a few people here seemed genuinly impressed, please help me try to understand.