I remember on the UG someone putting up a commercial from either Lowe's or Home Depot a few years back. It was a happy black family in their garage I think reading together with the garage door open and their white neighbor who was doing lawn work basically says "howdy neighbor" and they close the automatic garage door like they were annoyed by the friendly white guy...Notice anything?
White people...
Fuck I just lost my shit watching that
Fuck I just lost my shit watching that
When my oldest was about 1 someone attacked her, much MUCH more mild, but it was traumatizing to her. And my second daughter looked much like this poor girl, what is she, 2 1/2?Yeah. Its pretty bad. My children aren't much older than that little girl.
When my oldest was about 1 someone attacked my daughter, much MUCH more mild, but it was traumatizing to her. And my second daughter looked much like this poor girl, what she, 2 1/2?
This is fucking enraging. I had to pace & talk myself down from murderous thoughts.
I'd wanting to kick their heads right in front of their parents, the fuckstart every family member who intervened & best them to a pulp.
In the greater scheme this is the wrong response, but there is just no stopping that initial rage.
This is fucking infuriating.