Society What's your solution for this?

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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Yeah. Its pretty bad. My children aren't much older than that little girl.
When my oldest was about 1 someone attacked her, much MUCH more mild, but it was traumatizing to her. And my second daughter looked much like this poor girl, what is she, 2 1/2?
This is fucking enraging. I had to pace & talk myself down from murderous thoughts.
I'd want to kick their heads right in front of their parents, then fuckstart every family member who intervened & beat them to a pulp.

In the greater scheme this is the wrong response, but there is just no stopping that initial rage.
This is fucking infuriating.


Nov 14, 2019
When my oldest was about 1 someone attacked my daughter, much MUCH more mild, but it was traumatizing to her. And my second daughter looked much like this poor girl, what she, 2 1/2?
This is fucking enraging. I had to pace & talk myself down from murderous thoughts.
I'd wanting to kick their heads right in front of their parents, the fuckstart every family member who intervened & best them to a pulp.

In the greater scheme this is the wrong response, but there is just no stopping that initial rage.
This is fucking infuriating.

I don't think i could be held back.

Not a good look on my behalf but fucking hell.