Who is your favorite actor of all time/what's your favorite roles of theirs?

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I don't know how much of a joke this was meant to be, but Rowan Atkinson really is a great actor. Especially considering he uses little to no dialogue.
A lot of comedic actors really are great, but because they get type cast it goes unrecognized.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I still say Al Pacino had the greatest decade of any actor ever in the 70s. How can anyone even come close to topping that?

Panic in Needle Park, Godfather 1 and 2, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Justice for All... how can you even fuck with that?

Harvey Keitel - Reservoir Dogs, Bad Lieutenant, Taxi Driver
John Goodman - Barton Fink, Raising Arizona, Big Lebowski (all Cohen bros movies)

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
The Fan was pretty good, another great underrated one was The King of Comedy, he plays a wanna be comedian and it's brutally uncomfortable.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Christopher walken any movie or skit
Ah man, in Deer Hunter that dude was a tragedy. Awesome acting from him and DeNiro. Need to watch this again...we had this movie on a big record sized disk in the pre-VHS/beta video days. This and good bad ugly are my first movies, or earliest memories of film if that makes any sense. Mow!...Mow!! Fucking brutal.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
I vote-
Leonardo DiCaprio
Jim Gandolfini
Daniel Day Lewis
Tim Olyphant
Wes Studi
Will Farrel
Sam Jackson
Donnie Walburg

I could list many more favorites. I love all movie genres and great tv series.

Edit-I cannot choose one all-time favorite.
Last edited:


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Bronson is the man!!! I just watched the Valachi Papers the other day. Criminally under rated film IMO

sparkuri @sparkuri - what other Bronson movies would you recommend to check out? I have only seen a few but every single one was great. He's one of those guys I've long been meaning to look into, go on a binge of all their work etc

Anything you post, I'll watch! Thanks man.

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen half of his movies.
But grew up on movies like Hard Times, The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, The Dirty Dozen, Death Wish(s) Breakheart Pass, Mr. Majestyk, Hondo, The Mechanic(Original, with my other favorite childhood hero, Jan Michael Vincent), and of course Once Upon a Time in the West.

Think I'll go on a spree of my own!


MMA.X for knockouts , subs ,slams and more
Sep 18, 2015
Gahhh I love me some Walken, so good.
Ah man, in Deer Hunter that dude was a tragedy. Awesome acting from him and DeNiro. Need to watch this again...we had this movie on a big record sized disk in the pre-VHS/beta video days. This and good bad ugly are my first movies, or earliest memories of film if that makes any sense. Mow!...Mow!! Fucking brutal.
Yeah I really appreciate this guy skills for acting , I like the fact that he hasn't been typecast ... I mean I've seen him play good guys, bad guys , funny movies , dramas you name and this dude has been in. Have you guys seen true romance? He had a relatively short part in that movie but man he was so funny in that movie. Also love all his SNL skits


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Yeah I really appreciate this guy skills for acting , I like the fact that he hasn't been typecast ... I mean I've seen him play good guys, bad guys , funny movies , dramas you name and this dude has been in. Have you guys seen true romance? He had a relatively short part in that movie but man he was so funny in that movie. Also love all his SNL skits
Was watching Wayne's World 2 today. He was a smooth player n was stealing Wayne's old lady. You are correct he can do a wide range of characters. True Romance was so good. Tarantino is an awesome writer. Tony Soprano beat the shit out of the girl.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Have you guys seen true romance? He had a relatively short part in that movie but man he was so funny in that movie. Also love all his SNL skits
He was part eggplant in that one ;-)

Me and my family all do Christopher Walken impressions.
Well, really we do everyone, but my youngest brother has actually acted and done stage, and does a great Walken.
Of course we have to hear it ALL THE TIME...


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Bros. While I was out with no net for the last month, I spent a shit ton of time watching movies. Man, I have seen so many great ones, including several Pacino and De Niro flicks I didn't know existed/simply hadn't checked out yet (True Confessions, Sea of Love, more)

Sorry I keep bumping old threads today but man, tomorrow when I get back online, I am gonna list all the new stuff I've seen lately because I'd love to get some recommendations from you guys, based on similar tastes. Everyone in this thread seems to have great taste for sure.