General Who was the most talented MUSICIAN to come out of the Seattle grunge scene?

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Active Member
Aug 14, 2024
Dave Grohl wasn't really from Seattle.
Even though he hooked up with nirvana he was from the coast. I can see an argument either way but not sure if he counts .
The question was "came from the Seattle Scene." I think that means Grohl qualifies since he was in "the scene."


Active Member
Aug 14, 2024
Grohl being from the East coast really explains his attitude to me... He's not all depressed and moody like the other Seattle guys.


atlA kcuf
Aug 13, 2024
Grohl is certainly the most broadly talented. But seeing as how music is subjective, and I never really got jazzed over Nirvana or Foo Fighters, I have to go with a tie between Chris Cornell and Jerry Cantrell.

That whole period of time was blacked out for me; it was early in my professional career, and i had a young family, so I didn't listen to a lot of music and didn't keep up with whatever new was coming out. A while after that, a friend gave me one of his Soundgarden CDs, and I took it home and listened to it. It blew my mind. I could not get over how great Cornell's vocal sounded, and I loved the guitar riffs. I found AIC much, much later. In fact I just saw Jerry Cantrell with his band open for Bush a few weeks ago.


Mar 3, 2015
He still had the best voice in the grunge era. No one touched his range and emotions when singing.

Eddie Vedder is second


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Vedder and Layne had "cool" voices totally unique.
Chris Cornell's voice & musical range blew them both away, and they both said it.
And they both collaborated with him, Vedder on Temple of the Dog & Layne on SAP.
There is no comparison.

Layne & Chris.


Vedder & Chris.


Cool thread, brings back tons of memories.
Layne sounded better on live songs imo, rather than albums


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Layne sounded better on live songs imo, rather than albums
What's rare is these 3 guys we're talking about all regularly outperform their studio voices.
Axel Rose for example could never hit his album clarity, and imo most singers either couldn't or didn't.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Right Turn is such an epic song that most people have never heard.
I had to hunt down SAP as a kid being an AIC nutgugger, at the time it was hard to find.
Right Turn was never played on the radio, I was looking for "Got me wrong".
I drove to Tacoma to buy a guitar I found in the Little Nickel wants ads because I had that sporadic teen spirit that could inly see in the now, & I HAD to learn guitar to play Got Me Wrong & Led Zeppelens Hey Hey What Can I Do?
Those 2 songs, AC/DC's Back in Black, and Over the Hills and Far Away by Zep were my first 4 guitar tunes.
Although I did it for me, it took my pussy game to new heights.

Brother was also underrated.


On AIC, I remember trying desperately to get to Tower Records when Jar of Flies came out, as in the marketing team included 2 dead flies within the cellophane packaging of like the first 5000-10,000 cassettes. The crowd was overwheling and they were gone within like 45 minutes. Major disappointment.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
What's rare is these 3 guys we're talking about all regularly outperform their studio voices.
Axel Rose for example could never hit his album clarity, and imo most singers either couldn't or didn't.
I don’t like studio albums as you find out how good they are. I love acoustic music


Engorged Member
Aug 13, 2024
AIC for me. Great fucking band.
Yeah, they're one of the handful of bands that makes me not able to write off the 90's as completely mediocre. Then again, what came after made me soften my stance a bit on that decade. Candlebox was another one from that scene that I still put on time to time.