Society Who will be the 2024 US Presidential Candidates

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
my bet right now would be:

Republican: Tucker Carlson
Democrat: Nina Turner
t minus 3 days until Nina Turner gets into the house

all the corrupt neoliberal dems better buckle up. bc some of their colleagues are true progressives. but they are weak as hell

nina turner will be the best progressive ever in congress

lets go!!



Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
Too soon to tell. Holding my prediction until after the mid-terms. I think it's unlikely Biden or Trump runs. Kamala hasn't done anything so far to prove she can win on any policy achievements and she's not weaponizing social media the way she could have.

I've been calling a split in the GOP since the insurrection- Trump will almost certainly challenge open seats in 2022 and depending on how many the Magats win, we may see a rebrand as the Patriot Party. If they get crushed, that will be it for them for a few years. But that will almost certainly be the name. In that case, we have a strong 3-party election cycle that the Dems can win- if they play Kamala against the classic Republican Party Candidate; probably Romney again, or someone similar. So you have Kamala vs Mitt Romney vs Ted Cruz or some other lunatic. Kamala is already fairly middle-of-the-road with the law-and-order background and the 4 years of experience. Mitt and Cruz split the votes on the right and Kamala runs away with it easily. Maybe Mayor Pete is her Vice to drag in those further out left.

I think the GOP has a serious problem is they let Trumpism split the party in 2022. The Dems have a serious problem if they can't convince Uncle Joe not to run again.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Too soon to tell. Holding my prediction until after the mid-terms. I think it's unlikely Biden or Trump runs. Kamala hasn't done anything so far to prove she can win on any policy achievements and she's not weaponizing social media the way she could have.

I've been calling a split in the GOP since the insurrection- Trump will almost certainly challenge open seats in 2022 and depending on how many the Magats win, we may see a rebrand as the Patriot Party. If they get crushed, that will be it for them for a few years. But that will almost certainly be the name. In that case, we have a strong 3-party election cycle that the Dems can win- if they play Kamala against the classic Republican Party Candidate; probably Romney again, or someone similar. So you have Kamala vs Mitt Romney vs Ted Cruz or some other lunatic. Kamala is already fairly middle-of-the-road with the law-and-order background and the 4 years of experience. Mitt and Cruz split the votes on the right and Kamala runs away with it easily. Maybe Mayor Pete is her Vice to drag in those further out left.

I think the GOP has a serious problem is they let Trumpism split the party in 2022. The Dems have a serious problem if they can't convince Uncle Joe not to run again.
agreed. i think the dems have a problem no matter who they run if its not a progressive. bc there are people like myself who voted biden and now regret thst decision.

so republicans shouldve had 2024 in the bag. but trump is alienating some of his party to vote neoliberal or libertarian. and like you said, his fillowers may form a new party lol

also, alot of people are still dying from covid, and if the majority are non vaccined republicans, that could make a difference in 2024

ugh. fuck trump. fuck biden. fuck kamala. fuck em all lol

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I think the GOP has a serious problem is they let Trumpism split the party in 2022. The Dems have a serious problem if they can't convince Uncle Joe not to run again.
He hasn't split the GOP, though. He has taken it over. There are no anti-Trump power players left. The party (and their voters) has unified around him.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
because i want to see real change and believe the only way that will happen is with an uncorrupted progressive

by voting for biden, people like myself helped him win. we chose the lesser evil

in hindsight, i wish trump won. bc a hillary loss, plus a biden loss, plus 4 more years of trumo destroying society may have primed casual democrats to finally open their eyes to who the corporate dems really are. which are corrupt, scum, losers

instead, biden is in office and seems good to most people relative to the embarassment that was trump

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
because i want to see real change and believe the only way that will happen is with an uncorrupted progressive

by voting for biden, people like myself helped him win. we chose the lesser evil

in hindsight, i wish trump won. bc a hillary loss, plus a biden loss, plus 4 more years of trumo destroying society may have primed casual democrats to finally open their eyes to who the corporate dems really are. which are corrupt, scum, losers

instead, biden is in office and seems good to most people relative to the embarassment that was trump
Almost as if they were manipulated to vote for Creepy Joe

The massive media fueled hate for Trump basically elected another in the Bush Clan line

Sneaky Sneaky

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
He hasn't split the GOP, though. He has taken it over. There are no anti-Trump power players left. The party (and their voters) has unified around him.

thats not entirely true. my republican buddies voted libertarian bc they cant stand trump.

so he does have a very firm hold on a majority of the republican base. but republicans have been the minority for awhile now. and he lost some of those he had

and he doesnt care. this is just a grift right now. he could care less about the republican parties future

edit: nm. i see what youre saying. he wont form a new party because he is the republican party now. youre right. i agree. hes part of a shrinking republican party


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
8 hour working day, overtime pay, paid vacation time, mandatory lunch breaks.........

Codifying those broke the back of the labor movement by taking all the power away from the workers. Workers received the absolute bare minimum of concessions. So yes, progressivism strikes again.

It's also absolutely absurd that someone would say "I mean sure, slavery was bad but it also got us a half hour lunch break!!!"

member 3289

Unless he suffers a medical emergency or dies, I don't see Trump deciding to sit the next election out. He has the Republican Party by the balls and is a shoo-in for the nomination.

Should he die or be incapacitated, the field is wide open. DeSantis has a lot of momentum but I don't think people realize how terrible a public speaker he is. He's also done a shit job as governor and will get crucified by Democrat attack advertising for his many fuck-ups.

member 3289

He hasn't split the GOP, though. He has taken it over. There are no anti-Trump power players left. The party (and their voters) has unified around him.

Yep. The only remaining Republican allowed to be critical of him is Mitt Romney. Maybe Liz Cheney, but let's see what happens in her next primary.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I highly doubt the U.S. has another "election", but if it does, Pence will be installed.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
to be clear, i was just messing with ya here BeardOfKnowledge @TJ shat in me mouf! but i think u got that sinxce we joking right after this on the fight thread

my serious response to your comment about progressive is, lol come on dude. my progresive comment was about modern progressives, specifically nina turner. and what she stands for, which is some pretty great stuff.

ive only gone to 2 rallies in my life. bush in 2004 and bernie at the queensbridge rally in 2019

when i heard her there, i didnt like her. she seemed a little crazy with her "mommas gonna knock them outttt!" lol

but since then, ive heard her in countless 1 on 1s. and shes awesome. if she gets into congress, she very well may be the first person who unabashedly calls out everyone who is working for corporations instead of their voters, including biden

thats why trump donors and biden donors alike are funding her competition right now. bc her main opponent is another corporate hack

lets go nina! :))) (2 days)