Modern progressives espouse the same messaging, it only sounds different because it isn't the same context. Here's an example. Climate change is an issue. 100%. Whether or not it's man made isn't relevant. The progressive solution? Ban fossil fuels at all costs. They don't care about the inefficiencies of the technology that replaces it, they don't care about the unknown environmental legacy of the technologies that replace it, they don't even care that it needs to be a global be clear, i was just messing with ya here@TJ shat in me mouf! but i think u got that sinxce we joking right after this on the fight thread
my serious response to your comment about progressive is, lol come on dude. my progresive comment was about modern progressives, specifically nina turner. and what she stands for, which is some pretty great stuff.
ive only gone to 2 rallies in my life. bush in 2004 and bernie at the queensbridge rally in 2020
when i heard her there, i didnt like her. she seemed a little crazy with her "mommas gonna knock them outttt!" lol
but since then, ive heard her in countless 1 on 1s. and shes awesome. if she gets into congress, she very well may be the first person who unabashedly calls out everyone who is working for corporations instead of their voters, including biden
thats why trump donors and biden donors alike are funding her competition right now. bc her main opponent is another corporate hack
lets go nina!)) (2 days)
The climate movement often talks about "What will future generations say when they look back on how we handled climate change?" They don't seem to realize that doing something this second and at any and all costs will mean more foreign wars, more destruction to the environment and future criticisms about "Can you believe they put up these giant windmills? Those stupid things were incredibly hard on wildlife populations, made a whole bunch of land unusable and barely produced any power at all. What a bunch of morons."
Now, someone like me will say "Well, clearly they were wrong, but they thought the needed to do something." At this point Future Beard will be told by his progressive friend "No. It's wrong now and it was wrong then. Everyone involved was a bad person and everyone who didn't speak out was a bad person." We're not yet done making mistakes, progressives don-t seem to realize that.