Champions league is an annual competition. It's not an organized league.
Then how about you count out the playoffs from your leagues, and see where the revenue is then. At this point I'm starting to become sure that you do not think before posting. It makes no sense to compare the NFL or NBA including playoffs to one single football league in a country with 20% the population of yours, and then even leave out all the bigger competitions. Do you understand that? The systems are
different, and the circumstances are
When you get back from Neverland, maybe you'll come to realize that money makes the world go round.
If your life only revolves around money, I feel for you. Its sad. Is money your god? What makes you happy?
But again the question: Why are you here? Why are you an MMA-fan? Think about it. Why does this sport interest you? Why are you passionate for it? Why does it matter to you? It can't be money. Please dude, think.
So if we talk about sports that matter the most, revenue should be the chief factor in determining what matters and what doesn't.
And when we use that logical interpretation, America and Americans dominate the sporting world outside of the EPL.
Hmm no? Please read the statistic again, not just your chart that does not show an equitable picture, and try to comprehend. Be logical.
When it comes to money, European football clearly takes the cake over any US-sport. And its not even the biggest stage of the game! The World Cup.. Continental Cups.., if you really want to make this about revenue, you are going to lose. Well, you already are.
It is just more distributed in football. More competitions, more leagues, not just one big league, not just one larger than life game in the superbowl.
It is different, and I am not trying to shit on any of your systems, if it works for you, fine. Why do we gotta fight about it? Its silly.
Both have its place.
Seems to me this is about your ego now, or you are just trolling and baiting. Can you live with it that football is the sport that matters most? Even financially? And in my opinion, number of fans is still the biggest factor.
You sound like a typical butthurt European who just mad that his country doesn't really matter any more.
You are the past, we are the future. Accept this and your life will be easier.
This is funny. We just won the World Cup!
biggest sporting event you can win! You jealous?
Let me answer that for you: You probably are not jealous, because you don't care for the sport, right? Exactly!
So why would I be butthurt over the NFL doing good? Are you kidding? Your brain works in strange ways. And I even watch the superbowl most of the time, its a nice show and a good occasion to have a fun night with buddies (including Americans).
I am just astounded by your ignorance. Do you want to get political now? I really doubt you have the proper knowledge for that, honestly.
But yeah, I answered a bit personal now as well, since maybe that will reach you and make you think, if arguments can't do it.
Either way, your tactic of diverting the argument with personal and unrelated jabs does not exude sovereignty.