Will the Zuffa era be remembered for it's inequality?

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TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
I will remember them for buying a failing business for 2 mil and making 4 billion when they sold it. Zuffa has still made more millionaire fighters than any other mma promotion
I agree.

We can criticise but I dont think anyone else could have achieved quite what they have for fighters or the sport.


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
Yes, and with that comment let's forget about the fact that they spent 100's of millions growing the sport all over the world. Paying Lawyers, Lobbiests and countless others to get MMA passed in Every US State. The provinces in Canada, Germany, Austrailia, Ireland and may other countries too. Not to mention the Millions of dollars spent on USADA testing which at the same time has also cost them money with fighter suspensions and fight cancellations. The UFC has to be commended for saving the sport and it's huge growth. Without them the sport of MMA would most likely gone the way of the DOODOO Bird. I absolutely agree the UFC should pay their fighters more. The gross income you're using in your split is a bit off. I'd like to see where it lays when all cost's are done, see what's left to make a fair split with the fighters.
Would love to know that. How much is "true" profit and how much did they spend putting on the event and promotion. We only look at fighter pay, other shit costs money too.

It's still not paying enough... just saying be nice to have a full picture


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
According to Meltzer, the UFC is paying fighters 14%. Those aren't my numbers.
That is exactly my point. Gross means very little in buisness. Net is the factor in a a companies REAL PROFIT. Here's an example. Before I retired I ran a company with an average gross income of approx 78 mil annually. We paid our employees well, but if you used our "GROSS" income it would have shown we only paid them 3.12 percent of the gross. However our net was a totally different story it was approx 7.4 mil. Therefore the employees were getting 29.6 percent of the profits. And don't be fooled by that either. A good portion of that goes back into the buisness and isn't just divided by the owners.