General Woman can't control her dogs

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Posting Machine
Nov 18, 2023
Piece of shit dogs need to be put down and I honestly would not mind if that woman was put down too, she's a dumb cunt that makes dumb cunt decisions and the rest of her life probably reflects that. Poor cat was just minding his business on his property, though that bad ass probably should have backed down and ran.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Piece of shit dogs need to be put down and I honestly would not mind if that woman was put down too, she's a dumb cunt that makes dumb cunt decisions and the rest of her life probably reflects that. Poor cat was just minding his business on his property, though that bad ass probably should have backed down and ran.
Yeah, he burned up a few lives during that


Posting Machine
Nov 18, 2023
LOL, i was mad a good hour after seeing the video. We have this stupid chick at work that has a giant dog that was never trained. It has no respect for her, she walks it at lunch and it just drags her around. It jumps up on people, barks whenever it feels like it. You can just tell the poor thing is miserable because it has no structure, it doesn't want to be in charge but has no choice because she's so worthless. And yes, she's just as incompetent and useless at her job too.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2021
Oh man the video made me so sad and so mad at the same time. I’ve got a bully and trained the heck out of him and use an E-collar whenever I’m not in my yard. These dogs are serious and you gotta be mindful of that. My dudes a small 42 pound ball of lean muscle who absolutely doesn’t submit to any animal. So gotta train it into him