Yeah, he burned up a few lives during thatPiece of shit dogs need to be put down and I honestly would not mind if that woman was put down too, she's a dumb cunt that makes dumb cunt decisions and the rest of her life probably reflects that. Poor cat was just minding his business on his property, though that bad ass probably should have backed down and ran.
I ran a 911 like that. Pistol between couch cushions, dog jumped on couch, boom.Yeah, gotta watch them pitbulls:
It's like the ER nurses hearing the patient say that they "fell on it."I ran a 911 like that. Pistol between couch cushions, dog jumped on couch, boom.
We didn't believe him for a good 20-30 minutes.
It happened with a hunter, guy had his rifle leaning against the bed of his truck, dog jumped up into it the bed and boom.I ran a 911 like that. Pistol between couch cushions, dog jumped on couch, boom.
We didn't believe him for a good 20-30 minutes.