You‘re completely upside down on this and Paul clearly refutes replacement theology.
God clearly condemns Jewish leadership repeatedly yet says He will redeem the Jewish nation and they will repent.
Israel Will never cease to exist, God Himself will defend the nation.
You can see prophecy fulfilled with the nation coming back into existence, the language and currency returning, and the land transforming from a wasteland into a fruitful agricultural hub.
Le Chat Noir
That's entirely interpretation, again.
Paul - Read Paul's letters to the churches apart from the Roman-delivered scriptures you now have today.
The context of Paul, is a Roman Jew. Think of him like George Soros, initially.
He himself had jewish heritage. He sold out & watched his heritage further erode, saw the darkside, joined them in it, and was meagerly paid to persecute his heritage people. And he saw pharisees/saducees to the same in practice. He never met Jesus.
The copies of his letters were not written by him, keep that in mind. And they were "released" over 100 years later BY whomever(the circus aka church).
Examine these lettets critically like any other book you would in school, critically.
Who, what, when, where, why, how.
The rest - Do the same with "gospels" that were handed to you(same story, generations later, not authentic authorship).
Examine them individually & critically.
If you don't have time, get help from those who have studied the Greek, Hebrew, aramaic etc.
Robert Cargill univ. Iowa or Bart Erhmen.
Israel- Israel isn't even Israel.
This is a rabbit hole in itself.
You will HAVE to understand this, or it will continue to erode this planet & affirm the worldview. The prophecy that "His people" will return to the promised land needs to be examined, APART from the fact "Israel" is literally on a map, and the church(circus) affirms prophecy fullfilled by this "1 in a million" fact.
From the Christian perspective, this fulfilled prophecy means ALL OTHER SCRIPTURE must be "true".
So why not the other apocrypha or gospels that DON'T align with this, and are deleted from canon, and/or changed, and or mistranslated?
The "gospels"(Mathew & Luke) btw, wete written by "q" documents and Mark.
John is an ENTIRELY different book set.
So you CANNOT take this book(NT) as a book, but sets.
Look at doctrine/theology.
John 1-3
Pauls letters
Peter's(read ALL Peter's books & his Revelation)
Most people will never do any of this.
Nor will they study Greek, Hebrew, other text.
They will take the shortcut their entire lives & die.
"My people die daily for lack of knowledge".
Literal knowledge, not gnostic/ethereal "holy spirit knowledge".