They establish and enforce a world where people only speak their version of the story. This turns people's minds into objects that can be mainpulated. It places us inside of their world. We are subject to their dictates. Any perspective that is not in submission to the Jewish mind is labelled antisemitic.
You have to bring them into a bigger story so they are the objects to be manipulated.
Example: Cluster B Personality disorders are, primarily, a pathology created in the developing brain of a child subjected to trauma. Being a people still imprisoned into generational trauma, a large amount of Jewish people live among us under the disorders of Histrionic, Borderline, Narcisistic, Sociopathic and Psychopathic personalities. A percentage of them who are not subject to such things find themselves in some sort of schizo-effective disorders where deranged paranoid delusions have them behaving in ways not compatible with a civilized world. These are the same people who successfully target the most influential positions of every career and work collectively with their fellow tribesmen and women behind closed doors to move the world in accordance with their unfortunate mental condition.
Their strength is in story telling. They bewitch people with storytelling. Don't react to their story. Instead, you must change the story. This was the power of mustache man... He changed the story. He made them an object inside of his story, the German story.