General Woman Killed, Eaten by her two Pitbulls

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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I do get it but there are exceptions to every rule. I’m not saying my dogs are perfect and I’m also not willing to put my kids on the line to find out. But my dogs are family dogs and well behaved. I don’t let them run around like a bunch of crazy fucks. They are kenneled every night and when people come over they go in their kennel as well. I do that because there are a lot of people that are afraid of pit bulls or dogs in general. It’s OK to have an opinion but blasting somebody who owns that breed of dog just doesn’t make sense. Not everyone can own a squirrel as a pet.
If one of your dogs came at me with tail up I'd probably stab it.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
Honestly a bad idea if you're a 100 pound girl to take on caring for two of these dogs too.

Does anyone recall the video of a lady walking her two rotts and they attacked a cat sitting on someone driveway? The female owner hit the pavement face first and had no control of those two big dogs whatsoever and couldn't stop them from mangling the cat.
Funny, this happened to me while on a walk with my dog. Some tiny old woman was walking two GIANT wolf-looking dogs. We tried to give them a wide berth because my dog isn't social, and she couldn't hold them back. They literally dragged her on the ground toward us. It was crazy to see.

Wish I could have helped but if I let go of my own dog it would have been worse, so I just had to hurry her away and leave the dumbass kaiju-dog owner to help herself.
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Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
I have three pitbulls and four kids. There hasn’t been a time that I feared for my kids when they’re around my dogs. Now my dogs once in a while get into it with each other but never towards the family. Any dog at anytime can snap on their owner. It’s not just pits. I’ve seen chows fuck people up and same thing for German shepherds. Akita’s also have been known to fuck a motherfucker up. No I’m not saying every pitbull is nice but not every pitbull is going to eat their owner.
I was reading the article just yesterday and they were saying how the pit bulls were actually eating that lady’s rib cage. Now that’s some crazy shit.

Beautiful animals!


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Take the rest of what is lumped into the pitbull-type and you are left with nothing other than visual identification, which is inaccurate
According to a study on four shelters only, and 4 human subjects. It doesn't say anything about the data recovered on dogbites that were fatal. Were those accurately determined? The Pitbull as a collective term will be more accurate than any other term for a dog. I'd argue they would be more incorrect if they'd assign the term Poodle to a few of these cases were it cannot easily be determined whether we're dealing with a Pitbull.

The numbers are staggering, the margin of error you're trying to assign to this Pitbull "witch-hunt" are simply not covering it. Even if 50% of last years 22 Pitbulls were wrongfully identified, that is still over 50% more than any breed of dog on the list.

If you own a Pitbull and you enjoy your dog, what does this information change for you? You probably still love your dog as much, but you're more informed.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I do get it but there are exceptions to every rule. I’m not saying my dogs are perfect and I’m also not willing to put my kids on the line to find out. But my dogs are family dogs and well behaved. I don’t let them run around like a bunch of crazy fucks. They are kenneled every night and when people come over they go in their kennel as well. I do that because there are a lot of people that are afraid of pit bulls or dogs in general. It’s OK to have an opinion but blasting somebody who owns that breed of dog just doesn’t make sense. Not everyone can own a squirrel as a pet.
You're doing it right.


Jan 28, 2015
You just don't get it man. How many stories do you need to read about how wonderful the pit bull was with children and then out of nowhere started mauling a child?
When has that ever happened, please provide proven examples.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
According to a study on four shelters only, and 4 human subjects. It doesn't say anything about the data recovered on dogbites that were fatal. Were those accurately determined? The Pitbull as a collective term will be more accurate than any other term for a dog. I'd argue they would be more incorrect if they'd assign the term Poodle to a few of these cases were it cannot easily be determined whether we're dealing with a Pitbull.

The numbers are staggering, the margin of error you're trying to assign to this Pitbull "witch-hunt" are simply not covering it. Even if 50% of last years 22 Pitbulls were wrongfully identified, that is still over 50% more than any breed of dog on the list.

If you own a Pitbull and you enjoy your dog, what does this information change for you? You probably still love your dog as much, but you're more informed.
The information bothers me because as you have seen on this thread there are some people that think the breed is a "ticking time bomb" and others who are nervous just being around them. After a dog attack they do not do dna testing to prove or disprove what breed an animal is. Animal control simply make a determination based on visual identification only. If 50% of the time they are wrong, that is a huge margin of error, and would account for half of the stories in the news being inaccurate. I would argue that mqny, many more are inaccurate because they include mixes and other breeds. When referring to pitbulls, i go with the ukc and akc registry; dogs that have true purebred lineage. Let's hypothetically say that irish people and irish-like were placed into a negative category, and being banned from certain countries or cities, but the way they were identified was simply by visual identification. Imagine how many false identifications there would be. There are many europans, russians, central, and south americans that would be wrongly accused. Animal control aren't exactly rocket scientists. Training is 1-2 years.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
some people that think the breed is a "ticking time bomb"
Because they are. They are bred for the fight, century upon century. A Pointer points, A Retriever retrieves, a fighter fights. It's in the DNA of those dogs, and we put them there. Pitbull attacks are unlike other attacks, they come without signs of aggressiveness, it's all just a snap. Something triggers that dog and it goes off like a bomb, a time-bomb.

If 50% of the time they are wrong, that is a huge margin of error, and would account for half of the stories in the news being inaccurate.
Let's assume they are, then there's still a staggering amount of dog fatalities by Pitbulls. It's undeniable. That is what people get riled up about, that there's always an army of people blaming the victims, making up stories, anything to absolve these dogs from blame/involvement.

Let's hypothetically say that irish people and irish-like were placed into a negative category, and being banned from certain countries or cities, but the way they were identified was simply by visual identification.
Profiling happens yes, especially when Irish people would bite their fellow man to death. But I think the analogy is flawed, dogs are far more diverse than humans in race, which transends color, but size and shape by significant amounts. Also, humans are not bred to specific purposes unless you believe the slave theory.

I understand people come to defend their dog. It's like with cars, if I point out what a shitty car a Caddilac is, surely people come out of the woodworks to defend their brand. Doesn't change the numbers though.

And if the media needed a four legged scape-goat, why not a Poodle? or a Jack Russel? Or any other breed? Because it jumped right into their lap.

What the real manipulation is that people question the victims after their demise, they question the numbers, they challenge the sources that present the data, they do anything to sow the seed of doubt surrounding their favorite breed. It's like dealing with Vegans. Don't be like Vegans.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
When has that ever happened, please provide proven examples.
Yet another example of a woman with two pitbulls and the unfortunate outcome.

I think men and women strong and burly enough to headlock or punch the dog into submission if the time ever came are perfectly fine to keep these dogs but if your pits were to attack and all you can do is yell those people are usually the ones who provide the perfect storm for outcomes like this.