General Shooting at Broward County high school, shooter still at large

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Jan 28, 2015
The largest casualty count from a school is the Bath School Massacre, perpetrated in 1927, a time when you could buy a fully-automatic .50 machine gun. It was committed without the use of a firearm.
I totally agree with your statement. You can make all guns illegal and it wont stop anything. If someone wants a gun they will find them. This is totally a mental health issue and imo a social media issue as well. People who want to throw politics into this or anything else are scum imo.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I'm lazy and kind of hoping he'll just stop asking me questions.

Criminals have to be punished and that punishment has to fit the crime according to the law/societal perceptions of evil at a given time.

Taking away or restricting someone's freedom is the appropriate punishment we use when a person commits a serious crime.

But I don't believe that any person or group of persons should be granted the power to decide that, on a state level, someone must die for a crime he/she has committed. This is too much power for us to have. This is going too far, and it is incredibly inhumane.

Yes, of course people, especially the family members of murder victims, are going to feel that the culprit deserves to die, but at a state level, no person should hold such immense power as to be able to decide such a thing.
Agree. The power to do good is the power to do evil.

The power to kill bad people is the power to kill good people.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
I think you're mistaken if you think that depriving someone of a particular weapon platform, you deprive them of the ability to inflict mass casualties. Even if someone is forbidden from legally owning or possessing a firearm, they're already legally forbidden from killing their fellow man. Someone who's willing to murder is willing to steal or lie to gain the means to the end.

It's not a weapon problem, it's a mental health problem. The most important aspect of that problem (IMO) is the stigmatization of mental health issues - which is closely related to the problem of access to mental health treatment.
I agree with this 100%. It's just like when I got visited by the ATF for making homemade fireworks that they decided to call "pipebombs". In court it was illiterated that the use of an electronic detonation system was a bit over the line, when i was just considering it a safety issue.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
I totally agree with your statement. You can make all guns illegal and it wont stop anything. If someone wants a gun they will find them. This is totally a mental health issue and imo a social media issue as well. People who want to throw politics into this or anything else are scum imo.
or they use trucks like they did in Nice

Guns are what they focus on b/c people have a natural instinct to want to do something after a tragedy, it's not very comforting to know that outside of putting well armed, better trained good guys at every school there's not a lot that can be done. You can't round up the hundreds of millions of guns in America & stop nutjobs from getting their hands on one of them, & most of the proposed laws after these school shootings wouldn't have even stopped the shooting that was the catalyst for bringing the bill to the floors of Congress.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
or they use trucks like they did in Nice

Guns are what they focus on b/c people have a natural instinct to want to do something after a tragedy, it's not very comforting to know that outside of putting well armed, better trained good guys at every school there's not a lot that can be done. You can't round up the hundreds of millions of guns in America & stop nutjobs from getting their hands on one of them, & most of the proposed laws after these school shootings wouldn't have even stopped the shooting that was the catalyst for bringing the bill to the floors of Congress.
armed, well-trained good guys is a small strategic obstacle for someone intent on mass murder

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Sad situation but have to laugh at mainstream media playing armchair psychiatrist after all these shootings. Watching Don Lemon and another shitdick showing Instagram posts from the shooter where he was - OH MY GOD - talking about wanting to buy a certain shotgun, posing with a handgun and knives, and showing a meme of a paper target that has been shot. Then stupid Don Lemon actually says "and nobody alerted the police about these posts?" Alert them about what, retard?

"Hello, police? There's a guy on Instagram posing with a handgun... was it legally obtained? I have no idea, but he's posing with it! Oh and he says he's going to buy a $300 shotgun when he gets the money! Please send in the feds!"

There's been so many studies done that show media coverage is a huge motivator for these deranged mass killers. They can immediately go from nobodies to having the world knowing their name, having their picture everywhere, having everyone obsessing about them and wanting to know more, having the POTUS talking about you, etc. But mainstream media like CNN will spend the next month shitting on Republicans and the NRA for stuff like this, meanwhile they're giving guys like Cruz EXACTLY what they want. Maybe Rolling Stones can give him a nice dreamy cover page like they did for Dzhokhar.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
or they use trucks like they did in Nice

Guns are what they focus on b/c people have a natural instinct to want to do something after a tragedy, it's not very comforting to know that outside of putting well armed, better trained good guys at every school there's not a lot that can be done. You can't round up the hundreds of millions of guns in America & stop nutjobs from getting their hands on one of them, & most of the proposed laws after these school shootings wouldn't have even stopped the shooting that was the catalyst for bringing the bill to the floors of Congress.
This follows the point that the vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns yet every mass shooting gets the 'ban assault rifles' argument. I'd like to hear @Splinty response to this, as he is a military man. Is there that much of a difference in a confined space (schools) whether your firing with a .22 or a 5.56? Assuming they are both semi automatic, Either way, you can still fire a shot as quickly as you can pull a trigger, and either way, you don't want to be on the wrong end of such.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
Also, I'm not speaking as to someone who is militarized, I'm referring to unarmed kids in a high school.

member 603

Some of you in this thread make my fucking head hurt..... Gun violence in America has been an epidemic for longer than any of us have been alive. The Government (FUCK ALL these politicians.... Republicans AND Democrats) has turned a blind eye to it because it benefits them, either by NRA lobbyist kickbacks, or by thinning out the urban areas with violence. Dumbasses will blame everything from music to video games, but not see that Mental Illness (long ignored), Economic Slavery (keep them poor), and lack out common sense oversight are HUGE factors.

In MASS shootings, the AR-15 has been the biggest culprit, personally, I DON'T SEE THE NEED FOR ANYONE TO OWN THIS WEAPON. It is a "Spray and Pray" gun designed not for accuracy, but rapid fire killing capability. I know a lot of hunters.... More than a vegetarian should know.... These guys laugh at these bitches who get AR's, because those motherfuckers don't know how to shoot. Every hunter I know uses bolt rifles or bows, never have I EVER seen one bust out a AR on a hunting trip. I am not blaming a weapon here, but lets use some common fucking sense people.... Hand guns, sure, own one... I do.... Go to a range and practice, go to a tactical range and practice... They are great for personal protection.. You're not walking the streets of America with a goddamn AR over your shoulder like it's downtown Beruit... And if you are, THAT'S the motherfucker you need to take that fucking gun away from.

I'm mad as fuck at this, 17 innocent kids died, in ANOTHER school shooting, in this piece of shit country where after ANOTHER mass shooting incident, assholes want to start name dropping how people drove cars into crowds, or stabbed someone with a knife, or Chicago, or Hillary's emails, or or or or or.........No one ONCE has sat down and said, lets have a logical discussion here.....This is a sickness where people defend a weapon over human life. You use semantics to pivot away from the problem (technically, it wasn't a FULLY automatic weapon)... You think the families in ANY of these tragedies give a fuck about that? I see (even in here) assholes talk about the 2nd Amendment... You think that even if you owned ALL the AR's, and this fucked up government tried to "come for you" that you'd stand a chance to defend yourself? With drone strikes and bio-chew weapons, you would be dead before you saw a goddamn person, so by that, should we all get a nuke just in case? As much as the knee-jerk response to these massacres are played out, the blaming and pivoting and defense of it is too...... You NRA/2nd Amendment people call the people angry and effected by these events "snowflakes", say that "If THEY had AR's too, it wouldn't have happen", and sit thousands of miles away from that community with your bullshit black ribbons, and bullshit thoughts and prayers, and your #(WhateverSchool/City/State)Strong as families make plans to bury their loved ones, but not once want to come to the table and say LETS FIGURE THIS OUT...... I'm fucking over this bullshit.

Yeah I know this a long rant, I know that this will get negative ratings, but I also know that I have friends in the Coral Springs Jiu Jitsu community who had kids at that school (spoke with them last night)... As a dad, who has a son living in another country, I hope to never have to deal with this..... And since he's not in America, chances are I never will.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
This follows the point that the vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns yet every mass shooting gets the 'ban assault rifles' argument. I'd like to hear @Splinty response to this, as he is a military man. Is there that much of a difference in a confined space (schools) whether your firing with a .22 or a 5.56? Assuming they are both semi automatic, Either way, you can still fire a shot as quickly as you can pull a trigger, and either way, you don't want to be on the wrong end of such.
huge difference. F=ma, and there's a lot more deceleration happening on twice the bullet mass, when comparing a 22LR to a 5.56.

22LR = 120 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle
223 = 1250 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Some of you in this thread make my fucking head hurt..... Gun violence in America has been an epidemic for longer than any of us have been alive. The Government (FUCK ALL these politicians.... Republicans AND Democrats) has turned a blind eye to it because it benefits them, either by NRA lobbyist kickbacks, or by thinning out the urban areas with violence. Dumbasses will blame everything from music to video games, but not see that Mental Illness (long ignored), Economic Slavery (keep them poor), and lack out common sense oversight are HUGE factors.

In MASS shootings, the AR-15 has been the biggest culprit, personally, I DON'T SEE THE NEED FOR ANYONE TO OWN THIS WEAPON. It is a "Spray and Pray" gun designed not for accuracy, but rapid fire killing capability. I know a lot of hunters.... More than a vegetarian should know.... These guys laugh at these bitches who get AR's, because those motherfuckers don't know how to shoot. Every hunter I know uses bolt rifles or bows, never have I EVER seen one bust out a AR on a hunting trip. I am not blaming a weapon here, but lets use some common fucking sense people.... Hand guns, sure, own one... I do.... Go to a range and practice, go to a tactical range and practice... They are great for personal protection.. You're not walking the streets of America with a goddamn AR over your shoulder like it's downtown Beruit... And if you are, THAT'S the motherfucker you need to take that fucking gun away from.

I'm mad as fuck at this, 17 innocent kids died, in ANOTHER school shooting, in this piece of shit country where after ANOTHER mass shooting incident, assholes want to start name dropping how people drove cars into crowds, or stabbed someone with a knife, or Chicago, or Hillary's emails, or or or or or.........No one ONCE has sat down and said, lets have a logical discussion here.....This is a sickness where people defend a weapon over human life. You use semantics to pivot away from the problem (technically, it wasn't a FULLY automatic weapon)... You think the families in ANY of these tragedies give a fuck about that? I see (even in here) assholes talk about the 2nd Amendment... You think that even if you owned ALL the AR's, and this fucked up government tried to "come for you" that you'd stand a chance to defend yourself? With drone strikes and bio-chew weapons, you would be dead before you saw a goddamn person, so by that, should we all get a nuke just in case? As much as the knee-jerk response to these massacres are played out, the blaming and pivoting and defense of it is too...... You NRA/2nd Amendment people call the people angry and effected by these events "snowflakes", say that "If THEY had AR's too, it wouldn't have happen", and sit thousands of miles away from that community with your bullshit black ribbons, and bullshit thoughts and prayers, and your #(WhateverSchool/City/State)Strong as families make plans to bury their loved ones, but not once want to come to the table and say LETS FIGURE THIS OUT...... I'm fucking over this bullshit.

Yeah I know this a long rant, I know that this will get negative ratings, but I also know that I have friends in the Coral Springs Jiu Jitsu community who had kids at that school (spoke with them last night)... As a dad, who has a son living in another country, I hope to never have to deal with this..... And since he's not in America, chances are I never will.
this post is a cacophony of logical fallacies. Which one would you like to address first?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If they ban ar-15s the next shooting will take place with a mini 14. Its not the gun its the mentally ill person that pulls the trigger


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
@Rhino - how about we start with "your perception of need is not a factor in Natural Rights".
Fun Fact: handguns are used twice as often as rifles in mass shootings.

member 603

Just so everyone knows, I have PMed Filthy @Filthy to have this conversation with him (so that I don't have to sift through responses). I want his insight, I welcome the dialogue, I'm angry, and I look forward to his wisdom on this..... Yeah I'll snap at him a little, but I will also listen and see what he has to say.

member 603

If they ban ar-15s the next shooting will take place with a mini 14. Its not the gun its the mentally ill person that pulls the trigger
Could not agree more.... My thought is, let's not give the mentally ill extended magazines and unlimited rounds. All I am saying is that if I went into a Home Depot, Lowes, Bauhaus, or whatever home improvement place that is native to your location, and picked up 100 machetes, someone at the front counter is going to ask a question..... So should NOT the same due diligence be put in to the person that orders/purchases extended magazines, and thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition? Just INQUIRING, looking into that person.... Look a man in the eyes and see what's there.... Some twitchy fuck walks in looking to buy a gun, would you not ask what his deal is?


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Just so everyone knows, I have PMed Filthy @Filthy to have this conversation with him (so that I don't have to sift through responses). I want his insight, I welcome the dialogue, I'm angry, and I look forward to his wisdom on this..... Yeah I'll snap at him a little, but I will also listen and see what he has to say.
What if we want to hear it?

We have an AR-15 ( I think). I know we have guns that look like that.
I have 2 teenage boys. One is on ROTC. He can't wait to join the military.
They both play shooter games.

I may need to hear some of it.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Could not agree more.... My thought is, let's not give the mentally ill extended magazines and unlimited rounds. All I am saying is that if I went into a Home Depot, Lowes, Bauhaus, or whatever home improvement place that is native to your location, and picked up 100 machetes, someone at the front counter is going to ask a question..... So should NOT the same due diligence be put in to the person that orders/purchases extended magazines, and thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition? Just INQUIRING, looking into that person.... Look a man in the eyes and see what's there.... Some twitchy fuck walks in looking to buy a gun, would you not ask what his deal is?
I get your anger and frustration. As I said earlier if a gunman shows up at my school I’ll likely be one of the first persons they encounter. So obviously this is something that scares me. Everyday it crosses my mind.
But calling people dumbasses for wanting to explore any possible reasons for these doesn’t open a very easy path to conversation.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
I get your anger and frustration. As I said earlier if a gunman shows up at my school I’ll likely be one of the first persons they encounter. So obviously this is something that scares me. Everyday it crosses my mind.
But calling people dumbasses for wanting to explore any possible reasons for these doesn’t open a very easy path to conversation.
Our schools have all doors locked. They have a front door you have to be buzzed through. There, the staff are behind a window, you state your business and have to be buzzed through to actually get into the school. I am a sub nurse and have to show my badge and ID to be buzzed through. They also have armed policemen stationed at middle and high schools. They are working on elementary schools. Most of the time, the federal government will pay for these policemen if the law enforcement agency only fills out the paperwork for a grant.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Our schools have all doors locked. They have a front door you have to be buzzed through. There, the staff are behind a window, you state your business and have to be buzzed through to actually get into the school. I am a sub nurse and have to show my badge and ID to be buzzed through. They also have armed policemen stationed at middle and high schools. They are working on elementary schools. Most of the time, the federal government will pay for these policemen if the law enforcement agency only fills out the paperwork for a grant.
That’s very different then mine. I Have nothing like that. I wear a badge but there is no security check. When guests or anyone show up they enter the front door and are checked but already in, if they attack.

How easy would it be for someone to hop the fence to your campus? I could get on any school in my district and nobody would even know.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Our schools have all doors locked. They have a front door you have to be buzzed through. There, the staff are behind a window, you state your business and have to be buzzed through to actually get into the school. I am a sub nurse and have to show my badge and ID to be buzzed through. They also have armed policemen stationed at middle and high schools. They are working on elementary schools. Most of the time, the federal government will pay for these policemen if the law enforcement agency only fills out the paperwork for a grant.
Well thank God our schools are locked down like prisons to protect kids from hunters and well armed militias.

member 603

I get your anger and frustration. As I said earlier if a gunman shows up at my school I’ll likely be one of the first persons they encounter. So obviously this is something that scares me. Everyday it crosses my mind.
But calling people dumbasses for wanting to explore any possible reasons for these doesn’t open a very easy path to conversation.
I hear you Brotha, my frustration comes from the fact that we can't even agree (not you and I personally, but the topic manner) that mental illness is a cause, because that opens up a whole other discussion.... And then it's the "can the mentally ill buy these weapons?", and then, "well it's not the weapons, because someone could use a car, or a plane, or a poodle"...... And by the time the arguing and pivoting and fighting stops, we forget about the original reason for the discussion (ANOTHER mass shooting in America using a AR-15), and that gets swept away..... until the next time it happens and the cycle starts again. When is enough enough? Someone earlier blamed the media, in part I agree, but if the media has talked about these guns, and the (not addressed) crazy person sees it with evil in his soul and crazy on the brain, he'll (or she'll... not excluding) may go out and buy THAT PARTICULAR weapon..... So shouldn't a dialogue be started and discussed about it that doesn't include stats from the 1983 shooting spree with a .38 Special that happened in Small Town that says "It could happen with any gun"?

I'm just tired my friend, I have no more platitudes, no thoughts or prayers, no words of advice to give, because logic was the biggest death in this country the last 20 years.

Mr Hawkins you're cool as hell, and I wish you safety always my friend..... Anyone comes for you or your school, I'll go and kill them myself


Oct 20, 2015
Our schools have all doors locked. They have a front door you have to be buzzed through. There, the staff are behind a window, you state your business and have to be buzzed through to actually get into the school. I am a sub nurse and have to show my badge and ID to be buzzed through. They also have armed policemen stationed at middle and high schools. They are working on elementary schools. Most of the time, the federal government will pay for these policemen if the law enforcement agency only fills out the paperwork for a grant.
There was an armed officer on campus.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
huge difference. F=ma, and there's a lot more deceleration happening on twice the bullet mass, when comparing a 22LR to a 5.56.

22LR = 120 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle
223 = 1250 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle
I was just saying that being on the receiving end of either is going to ruin your day.