Some of you in this thread make my fucking head hurt..... Gun violence in America has been an epidemic for longer than any of us have been alive. The Government (FUCK ALL these politicians.... Republicans AND Democrats) has turned a blind eye to it because it benefits them, either by NRA lobbyist kickbacks, or by thinning out the urban areas with violence. Dumbasses will blame everything from music to video games, but not see that Mental Illness (long ignored), Economic Slavery (keep them poor), and lack out common sense oversight are HUGE factors.
In MASS shootings, the AR-15 has been the biggest culprit, personally, I DON'T SEE THE NEED FOR ANYONE TO OWN THIS WEAPON. It is a "Spray and Pray" gun designed not for accuracy, but rapid fire killing capability. I know a lot of hunters.... More than a vegetarian should know.... These guys laugh at these bitches who get AR's, because those motherfuckers don't know how to shoot. Every hunter I know uses bolt rifles or bows, never have I EVER seen one bust out a AR on a hunting trip. I am not blaming a weapon here, but lets use some common fucking sense people.... Hand guns, sure, own one... I do.... Go to a range and practice, go to a tactical range and practice... They are great for personal protection.. You're not walking the streets of America with a goddamn AR over your shoulder like it's downtown Beruit... And if you are, THAT'S the motherfucker you need to take that fucking gun away from.
I'm mad as fuck at this, 17 innocent kids died, in ANOTHER school shooting, in this piece of shit country where after ANOTHER mass shooting incident, assholes want to start name dropping how people drove cars into crowds, or stabbed someone with a knife, or Chicago, or Hillary's emails, or or or or or.........No one ONCE has sat down and said, lets have a logical discussion here.....This is a sickness where people defend a weapon over human life. You use semantics to pivot away from the problem (technically, it wasn't a FULLY automatic weapon)... You think the families in ANY of these tragedies give a fuck about that? I see (even in here) assholes talk about the 2nd Amendment... You think that even if you owned ALL the AR's, and this fucked up government tried to "come for you" that you'd stand a chance to defend yourself? With drone strikes and bio-chew weapons, you would be dead before you saw a goddamn person, so by that, should we all get a nuke just in case? As much as the knee-jerk response to these massacres are played out, the blaming and pivoting and defense of it is too...... You NRA/2nd Amendment people call the people angry and effected by these events "snowflakes", say that "If THEY had AR's too, it wouldn't have happen", and sit thousands of miles away from that community with your bullshit black ribbons, and bullshit thoughts and prayers, and your #(WhateverSchool/City/State)Strong as families make plans to bury their loved ones, but not once want to come to the table and say LETS FIGURE THIS OUT...... I'm fucking over this bullshit.
Yeah I know this a long rant, I know that this will get negative ratings, but I also know that I have friends in the Coral Springs Jiu Jitsu community who had kids at that school (spoke with them last night)... As a dad, who has a son living in another country, I hope to never have to deal with this..... And since he's not in America, chances are I never will.