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Nov 15, 2015

lol trump has to have bullet points on what to say to florida shooting victims... imagine having to fake sympathy for shooting victims...
I hear you, dawg. I hear you.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Gotta love Mitt Romney grovelling for Trump's endorsement after all the shit they both talked against each other. No credibility, no integrity.


Nov 15, 2015
Careful bro, don't you know that should have come with a #TRIGGER WARNING?
The Trumptards get real offended when you post some truth. Have some decency!

All The Best People Plead Guilty!


Manafort's PDF conversion confusion becomes evidence in Mueller probe

In order to get a bank loan, Manafort and Gates had to show that they were still making money. So they endeavored to doctor a 2016 "profit and loss statement" (P&L) to show they were profitable in 2015.

The problem was that their original P&L had a deficit of more than $600,000. And good ol' Paul couldn't figure out how to edit his PDF. Who hasn't been there, amirite?

So he sent it on over to Gates, who worked his file converting magic. Then, Gates sent the Word doc back to Manafort. Who, with a few keystrokes, turned that deficit into a gain of $4 million — adding more than $3.5 million in fake profits. Voila, fraud!​
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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The guilty plea of Gen. Mike Flynn may be thrown out by the court, bringing the whole Mueller investigation crashing down.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan — who is the judge in the Flynn case — yesterday ordered the prosecution to present any “Brady” material (exculpatory evidence) in its possession to the court. He issued that order on Feb. 12, but he amended his order Friday to specify that he particularly wanted any Brady material that the prosecution had in its possession during the negotiations that led to Flynn’s guilty plea.

What makes this order unusual is that it comes after Flynn pleaded guilty and, in the plea agreement, agreed to forgo any further discovery of new evidence. But Sullivan’s order overrides the plea and orders the evidence to be presented anyway.

The Supreme Court has not ruled on whether the prosecution has to hand over Brady material during plea talks and on whether defendants can withdraw a guilty plea based on the failure to provide it. And the circuit courts are split on the issue.

But Sullivan, in a footnote to his order, traced the legal history and said that it was his opinion that a defendant could change his plea and that the prosecution had to hand over the Brady material during plea discussions.

Dick Morris: Flynn Conviction Could Be Thrown Out