General Mega Shit Thread

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
He's been quiet lately. Just pops up now and again to take someone out like max Manus. His dexterity is off the charts

member 3289

Pink dawn over Virginia.
The librarian at his local public library is probably wondering what happened to the weirdo who would sit on the free computers all day and type rants using his two index fingers.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The librarian at his local public library is probably wondering what happened to the weirdo who would sit on the free computers all day and type rants using his two index fingers.

Says the ugly troll who lives in Miami, tells of forum of mostly guys he is cool and parties and can't link a single pic of him partying

You are the fake, just cause you lie don't mean the rest of us do clown
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First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Pink dawn over Virginia.

Tough talk from across the pond ay

Why don't you spew some more of racist stuff you where spewing yesterday, show everyone your true colors

What was it, yesterday according to you my father is an inbred sandnigger, or something like that, maybe you can correct me on what kind of racist shit you where saying.
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First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
from our classy buddy Disciplined Galt @Galt

"You inbred piece of shit. I'll kill your daddy."

"Can we get a gofund me for this sand person to come to Thailand and fight me?"

"My father isn't an inbred deserter."

Hey, what is there to stop him if mods allow him to do that Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty Wild @Wild @Rhino @Song2

Now of course if I defend myself, I will get the pink

What a fun and fair place this is

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
from our classy buddy Disciplined Galt @Galt

"You inbred piece of shit. I'll kill your daddy."

"Can we get a gofund me for this sand person to come to Thailand and fight me?"

"My father isn't an inbred deserter."

Hey, what is there to stop him if mods allow him to do that Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty Wild @Wild @Rhino @Song2

Now of course if I defend myself, I will get the pink

What a fun and fair place this is
Got a point.........


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
from our classy buddy Disciplined Galt @Galt

"You inbred piece of shit. I'll kill your daddy."

"Can we get a gofund me for this sand person to come to Thailand and fight me?"

"My father isn't an inbred deserter."

Hey, what is there to stop him if mods allow him to do that Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty Wild @Wild @Rhino @Song2

Now of course if I defend myself, I will get the pink

What a fun and fair place this is
@Rhino isn't a MoD.

Galt always threatens to kill people.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
from our classy buddy Disciplined Galt @Galt

"You inbred piece of shit. I'll kill your daddy."

"Can we get a gofund me for this sand person to come to Thailand and fight me?"

"My father isn't an inbred deserter."

Hey, what is there to stop him if mods allow him to do that Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty Wild @Wild @Rhino @Song2

Now of course if I defend myself, I will get the pink

What a fun and fair place this is
That ain't right, personal attacks are uncalled for.

Also, You do know @Song2 is not a mod?


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Got a point.........

Yeah, this place is pretty fucked up. I thought I would be coming on a forum with good people talking about MMA and other fun stuff.

Instead from day 1 I got stalked hardcore, like 4 other posters here are even saying that. Total shitty gang mentality on here

and Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty and whoever else are the mods seem to not run this place fair because I see it daily in how I am dealt with on here.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Says the ugly troll who lives in Miami, tells of forum of mostly guys he is cool and parties and can't link a single pic of him partying

You are the fake, just cause you lie don't mean the rest of us do clown
In his defence, most clubs don't let cameras in the VIP areas.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Yeah, this place is pretty fucked up. I thought I would be coming on a forum with good people talking about MMA and other fun stuff.

Instead from day 1 I got stalked hardcore, like 4 other posters here are even saying that. Total shitty gang mentality on here

and Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty and whoever else are the mods seem to not run this place fair because I see it daily in how I am dealt with on here.
We should pink Leigh and Splinty, make them humble


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
We should pink Leigh and Splinty, make them humble

Not sure which one of them pinked me but that's some fucked up bullshit, clearly whoever did has no clue about fairness or even looking into both sides and seeing what is really going on.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
No, I thoguht he was

People like Disciplined Galt @Galt and jason73 @jason73 are fucking scum, but shame on these mods are letting this get to this point
I forget that galt means most of what he threatens online......he’s threatened to kill me several times and even once said he was gonna stab me in the face......he gets drunk and says all that then wakes up the next day and is sorry he said that stuff so I just think “k” but could see how him saying that to someone new is a problem and he needs to be talked to imo....


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
from our classy buddy Disciplined Galt @Galt

"You inbred piece of shit. I'll kill your daddy."

"Can we get a gofund me for this sand person to come to Thailand and fight me?"

"My father isn't an inbred deserter."

Hey, what is there to stop him if mods allow him to do that Leigh @Leigh and Splinty @Splinty Wild @Wild @Rhino @Song2

Now of course if I defend myself, I will get the pink

What a fun and fair place this is

You both seem pretty fucked up in that thread where you're posting just his side of the insults at each other...

How about how you're planning to fuck him in the ass and other weird things...
General - Staggering statistics | Page 5 | TMMAC - The MMA Community Forum

That third was locked because of the incessant shitposting.

Try to quit acting like the victim...

Random Galt post elsewhere. Totally in isolation.

I am Buddhist.
Your response...

Either this guy is a liar or he is unaware of the Buddhist mantra lol, because this fool acts like a petulant baby on here and does not espouse any of the Buddhist values.

You want to shit up this crazy thread. Keep doing it. I've already given you a pass. Go for it. Royal Rumble and Post 10 times in a row about how you're going to beat each other up.

But you're going to have to loosen up elsewhere.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
We should pink Leigh and Splinty, make them humble
Leigh, the selfless bastion of a leader and perfect role model for everyone, asked to be and was once pinked so he could “experience” what it was like for his victims


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You both seem pretty fucked up here where your posting just his side of the insults at each other... you're planning to fuck him in the ass and other weird things...
General - Staggering statistics | Page 5 | TMMAC - The MMA Community Forum

That third was locked because of the incessant shitposting.

Try to quit acting like the victim...

Random Galt post elsewhere. Totally in isolation.

Your response...

You want to shit up this crazy thread. Keep doing it. I've already given you a pass. Go for it. Royal Rumble and Post 10 times in a row about how you're going to beat each other up.

But you're going to have to loosen up elsewhere.

Because that is after you guys let him do that shit unchecked.

Jesus Man. that is what I am trying tell you. You guys let posters on here troll and say whatever they want to me, you do nothing, literally nothign about it.

Then I get pissed and go down to their level

Where where you when Jason 73 and Galt where telling me my Dad is an inbredi sandnigger and that I am a fag and a retard?

I clicked the Report button on them both times, is that not what that button is for? I tried to make it easy for you all by doing so

Look at the timeline, thats what I keep saying. Look at when shit starts

If you guys did what you needed to do and mod in a fair way, IT WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN TO THIS POINT

Sorry the caps, just trying to hammer that point home.

When people are allowed to run roughshod on me and no one does anything, I fight back. You all are like the NBA ref that ignores the guy pushing first, then you respond to the guy defending himself.



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Leigh, the selfless bastion of a leader and perfect role model for everyone, asked to be and was once pinked so he could “experience” what it was like for his victims
The only staff member to ever be pinked was Wild @Wild because I was having a bad day and fuck that guy.

I tried to pink Leigh @Leigh but it wouldn't work. Some sort of Elf spell reversal

member 3289

In his defence, most clubs don't let cameras in the VIP areas.
They do when you run the city like I do.

I've been married for almost 10 years so I don't go clubbing any more. I know that sounds insane when you realize just how much influence I have over this city, but it's true.

I could look on one of my old laptops for photos of me BALLIN out with each arm around a Miami 10 and a 1.75L bottle of Grey Goose in each hand, but I'm afraid that by the time I find the photos SensoriaUdorkia will have been banned.