Good looking out. The main goal is just to not be malicious...don't be a dick. If you'd get your ass kicked for it in real life, don't do it here.
Even the fighter bashing thing isn't really about a protected class. I'm not going after anyone for saying war machine is a rapist piece of shit instead of "a rapist. "
It's more to steer as much toward a friendly objective interaction as possible so we can all disagree without telling each other to fuck off. By limiting the personal attacks it should encourage people to have difference of opinion without the fear of reprisal.
I've mentioned before, and I'm just way too busy for the next month to really focus on it, but I am down for the users to review the site rules and Constitution as wanted. We can always use an admendment to clarify things or change things.
At the end of the day the only thing I really want is for the users of this website to be happy with what has been created. If things are going the wrong direction, then we need some help pointing the right direction. Same goes for the need for clarifying things. If it's not clear, then we need to have a pow-wow and figure it out.
Don't be an asshole. Beyond that, I'm 100% flexible On anything and I think that
@Wild and
@BirdWatcher are of the same mindset.