I get what you're saying, but it's more like saying that our understanding of the butterfly and it's larva stage may change of be redefined.
I agree with you there. Theories are always being added too. Thats how the scientific process works.
Maybe it was his poor wording. To say a Theory can ever go back to being a Hypothesis or may never
make it past hypothesis stage means he either doesn't understand what hypotheses and theories
are or he mis spoke.
A Hypothesis in simple terms is a a completely untested idea of causal relationship.
A scientific Theory is a hypothesis that has been tested, well substantiated, re tested
by peers under different conditions and then it must demonstarate the ability predict accurate
answers applied to future problems.
For a Theory to go back to being a Hypothesis Firas would have to go back in time and not allow
those tests and peer reviews to be conducted. The tests have already been done on a Theory. Its never
going to become a Hypothesis again. It can be added to or changed with additional data or even be revolutionized
and completely dis proven but it can't become or be a Hypothesis again.
Had he said Theories can never prove anything as they can only disprove and may also
be added to given new data then that would have made perfect sense and been accurate
but to suggest a Theory never makes it past the Hypothesis stage is an inaccurate understanding
of the terms he was discussing.
Funny thought - We could be wasting our energy trying to figure out what he meant as he may have
simply confused "Common Theory" with Scientific Theory as well. I noticed they both kinda loosely associated
them. I'm going to go back and rewatch as I don't think Firas could be that mis informed
If I say I have a Theory that Egg is secretly a wanna be fighter then what I actually mean is that I have
an "untested idea" or more accurately a hypothesis but what I don't have is a Theory.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gklQ3GbmufI