Aannnnd another: Shooting at TN movie theater

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Feb 28, 2015
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Police say a suspect is dead after officers responded to reports of shots fired at a movie theater southeast of Nashville, Tennessee.

Metro Nashville police said in a tweet Wednesday afternoon that there was an active shooter situation at the Carmike Hickory 8 theater, but that the suspect was dead.

The Detroit News

I'm getting REALLY fucking tired of this bullshit. And I'm embarrassed that this country refuses to do anything about the staggering gun violence.

Saw this tweet and sums up perfectly how far our priorities are up our assholes in this country:

"Gun laws will change if theatre shootings cost the film industry more money than the gun industry makes. Money trumps body counts. #Antioch"

I'm also getting tired of hearing about ISIS when we have some serious domestic terrorist issues right here at home....being perpetrated by Americans.
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
girlandcoconut @girlandcoconut unfortunately I don't thing gun laws will make to big of a difference. Guns are integrated into our society, so until guns get confiscated (not going to happen) or people have a good incentive not to own guns, ie zero crime, hunting is outlawed etc, these things will unfortunately happen. The bad guys will always be able to get guns, as long as there are guns, period. It breaks my heart every time I see something like this happen, it's sad and it's disgusting. Shit like this is why I own guns.
Feb 28, 2015
Agreed, that may not be the answer, BUT, not even allowing that into the conversation doesn't help either. I mean, it's not just guns, I just read today that cops have killed more people with TASERS than police in some other countries have killed with guns. I think our population has some serious mental issues. and I think THAT is what ultimately needs to be addressed, the root cause which I believe to be largely mental health related. But we refuse to talk about it and refuse to do anything about it. As with everything, we decide to either react far too long after the fact with some asinine non-measures or stuff our heads in the sand. It really is a sad state of affairs all around.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Agreed, that may not be the answer, BUT, not even allowing that into the conversation doesn't help either. I mean, it's not just guns, I just read today that cops have killed more people with TASERS than police in some other countries have killed with guns. I think our population has some serious mental issues. and I think THAT is what ultimately needs to be addressed, the root cause which I believe to be largely mental health related. But we refuse to talk about it and refuse to do anything about it. As with everything, we decide to either react far too long after the fact with some asinine non-measures or stuff our heads in the sand. It really is a sad state of affairs all around.
I agree 100% with you on this being a mental health issue. Most of these people unfortunately should not have had gunsnor access to them.
I also think we really need to educate civilian gun owners more and have more classroom and hands on time for ccw courses, etc.
Feb 28, 2015
Every time I read another one of these stories (multiple times per day bc humans are fucking horrible) I start another search for land out in the middle of nowhere. It's honestly coming down to that for me, just get the hell out of dodge and let the crazy people be crazy with each other.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Every time I read another one of these stories (multiple times per day bc humans are fucking horrible) I start another search for land out in the middle of nowhere. It's honestly coming down to that for me, just get the hell out of dodge and let the crazy people be crazy with each other.
I've been discussing that with my parents as my 5 year plan. I can get work, working remotely so as long as I can get a half way decent Internet connection I'm good.

Want to go move into the middle of nowhere and have a huge garden with dogs and stuff? Could be funnnnnn


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I just read the news article. It was more of a hatcheting than a shooting, the only person shot was him. Also 3 people injured, 2 of the 3 from "pepper spray injuries" what ever that means. And 1 injury from the hatchet.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Just want to point out that there was NOT a guy with a REAL gun. He had an AIRSOFT gun (aka pellet gun). He also had pepper spray and a machete. He got shot by the cops and no one else. So long story short, gun laws (probably) worked in this situation and one less retard using up valuable oxygen.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I read today that an 11 year-old in Detroit is being charged with 1st degree murder because he found his fathers gun, threw it out the window into the backyard, went outside and climbed into a car parked in the yard.........enticed a 3 year old into the car which was still parked in the yard and shot him in the face! Fuck man!


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I read today that an 11 year-old in Detroit is being charged with 1st degree murder because he found his fathers gun, threw it out the window into the backyard, went outside and climbed into a car parked in the yard.........enticed a 3 year old into the car which was still parked in the yard and shot him in the face! Fuck man!
It's absolutely baffling to me the people leave firearms unlocked, loaded, and unattended. The father should be getting charged with accessory to murder. I'm not at all a fan of Canada's firearms classification system, but it doesn't seem very unreasonable to me that firearms owners should be expected to pass a background check and be expected to be held reasonably accountable for the actions of their firearms.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I agree that this is a problem.

But the war on drugs failed. I often wonder what makes the same people think a war on guns won't.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I agree that this is a problem.

But the war on drugs failed. I often wonder what makes the same people think a war on guns won't.
I'm not suggesting a proactive "War on" anything. I'm suggesting a level of responsibility to be expected of people. According to the NRA, most criminals acquire guns through thefts, or straw purchasers. There are pretty easy fixes that would curb most of those activities, but if you suggest it be law that you know who you sell your used gun to, or lock up your gun when it isn't being used, you're stomping all over the second amendment. Murders never going to stop, ever. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do anything about senseless deaths though.
Apr 3, 2015
Agreed, that may not be the answer, BUT, not even allowing that into the conversation doesn't help either. I mean, it's not just guns, I just read today that cops have killed more people with TASERS than police in some other countries have killed with guns. I think our population has some serious mental issues. and I think THAT is what ultimately needs to be addressed, the root cause which I believe to be largely mental health related. But we refuse to talk about it and refuse to do anything about it. As with everything, we decide to either react far too long after the fact with some asinine non-measures or stuff our heads in the sand. It really is a sad state of affairs all around.
this is an incredible post...damn girl, if I wasnt married I would let you date me!
Apr 3, 2015
no matter how many times I go to America, I am always blown away by the sheer amount of fear mongering the populous is fed and how "on edge" the population is.

but getting rid of guns is NEVER going to happen, the country was founded on war and death, sustained on war and death, and a future planned with more war and death.....now you want the party to end?? its just getting started IMO.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
no matter how many times I go to America, I am always blown away by the sheer amount of fear mongering the populous is fed and how "on edge" the population is.

but getting rid of guns is NEVER going to happen, the country was founded on war and death, sustained on war and death, and a future planned with more war and death.....now you want the party to end?? its just getting started IMO.
interesting point... I used to think that living in a place like the middle east, specifically the gaza strip where suicide bombers took people out in the market place was insane and wondered who would live in a society like that.... now i know i would because america is "virtually identical" with mass shooting/hatcheting/bombing/killing. i think i shall invest in security metal detectors and start selling them to theaters.

historically speaking...all of civilization was founded on war and death...america is just new to the party.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm not suggesting a proactive "War on" anything. I'm suggesting a level of responsibility to be expected of people. According to the NRA, most criminals acquire guns through thefts, or straw purchasers. There are pretty easy fixes that would curb most of those activities, but if you suggest it be law that you know who you sell your used gun to, or lock up your gun when it isn't being used, you're stomping all over the second amendment. Murders never going to stop, ever. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do anything about senseless deaths though.
Fair points.

It's just strange that the same people who scream about guns never seem to show the same amount of passion for things that kill far more people. Things that could also be regulated, if senseless deaths are all they care about.

Why isn't there a left-wing campaign to put restrictor plates in all cars? Why does anyone need to go above the speed limit?

It's the target that irks people.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Why isn't there a left-wing campaign to put restrictor plates in all cars? Why does anyone need to go above the speed limit?

It's the target that irks people.
This is an interesting point. More people die every year in America in car accidents than due to gun use. Putting some kind of mechanism in a car that allowed it to only go 25 mph max would certainly drop the motor vehicle death rate drastically, but won't happen, because it's not convenient for travel. We accept these guaranteed deaths every year and no one bats an eye.