Me thinks: America has a tendency to saturate a market with crapola ie UFC is everywhere at all times-- remember how America nearly OD'd on Rhonda? You couldn't get away from her even if you wanted. No disrespect to her or her accomplishments. Although I don't see the WWE as a template by any means, at least they have the good sense to groom their talent to get maximum bank on their PPVs. If they were to just throw together a bunch of rasslers together and shite out PPV after PPV they would alienate their fans. So, I think you really hit on something that everybody is feeling. Y'all(the Promoters) are taking us(the fans) as a bunch of suckers. Not to mention paying the fighters peanuts for putting their asses on the line. Really not a lot has changed since the gladitorial times unfortunately. Remember in the early UFC days they marketed it as NO RULES! and BLOOD, BLOOD and more BLOOD!?? Now they really try to push the spectacle/edgy hipster angle down our throats. I remember Tyson said: "As hard as I work in the gym, there are people working harder to take my money from me." Can't remember who said, "Wherever there is money you will find three things: talent, crooks and talented crooks."