My house is only on 1/3 an acre of land, so I'll start by saying it was a bad idea right off the bat. So I gather my material I'm going to burn at about 1am, light it on fire and keep blowing on it to make it as hot as possible. TheRe is limited breeze, so the smoke is going pretty much straight up in the air. I'm sure if neighbors were awake they'd smell it, similar to when someone is having a bbq, and think someone is smoking a lot of weed. Well all the sudden a breeze comes into the equation and is blowing directly at a house across the street from me. The house is higher in elevation than my house by about 20', plus it's 2 story, so I can see the second level pretty clearly from my backyard. The lights come on upstairs and then the curtains open. There was a crystal clear billow of smoke going irectly from my property (small, dense, cloud in a perfect straight line), to their house where it was about 20' wide as it was opening up. Had I not been drunk at the time I would have been scared as a motherfucker, but I had my liquid courage in me and was laughing as the guy was peering out his window. He couldn't see me just the source of the smoke. I stomped out the fire I had created, grabbed a broom and swept everything I could into the yard, and went back into my house. A cop car went slowly through my neighborhood a few times, but never knocked on my door (my lights were out from start to finish of the blaze). As they say, possession is 9/10 the law. When I woke up in the morning and thought about th previous night's events I was sick to my stomach. I walked out into my backyard and the smell was strong, similar to putting your nose up to a bowl that hasn't been cleaned in a long time. There was also a huge resin stain on my concrete patio (didn't want to set my yard on fire, so I lit everything up on my patio). Great story, horrible experience, would not recommend.