@nuraknu , I'm going to share this with you because it took me a while to figure this part out. Lol
Not only are these outbursts learning experiences for him, they can benefit you. There is no shame in bribery and/or bargaining with your child.
The basic rules in this are:
Don't give in right away. You can't reward bad behavior.
However, you must acknowledge what he wanted and help him try to get it (later or next time)
What I wish I had realized is that I could benefit, too. For example, here is how it may have went down at my house in the beginning.
Son: I hate you.
Me: wow! Those are some strong words.
Me: Look, I know you want that game early. But I said I would buy it for your birthday and I will. On your birthday. In the meantime, find a free game to download and play until you get your new one. (Helped him find a solution.)
Here is how it would go down later
Son: I hate you.
Me: wow, those are some strong words.
*waits until he storms off to his room. Follow him in and sit calmly on the bed)
Me: I know you really want that game early.
*pause to let him say something if he wants
Me: hmmmm, you know what. I get frustrated when I have to pick up your toys every night.
Me: ok listen, if you pick up your toys every night before bed, I will buy you that game 2 weeks early. (He gets the game early
and I don't have to pick up his toys)
This is an example, but you can bargain for any thing/behavior you want.
Don't miss any opportunity. Lol