Makes him seem untrustworthy, unlikeable, and this isn't a court room. It's a job interview. Next applicant please.
92%+ of sexual assault accusers are telling the truth by the FBI data. So I always start from that preponderance. Not absolute, but I start with believing Ford and work back from there. From the fact that I think something probably happened, I then get Kav totally downplaying his drunken frat boy days and some other PR white lies under oath, makes me consider that he very well might have been black out drunk and got gropey with Mrs. Ford. Maybe that doesn't stand up in a court of law, but it's kav that undermined his own ability to tell me he was drunk or not by obviously hiding this particular aspect behind the facade.
If you aren't squeaky clean, own what you are and show me how its not a liability, instead of making it a liability.