General Lets talk about the Kavanaugh allegations and confirmation

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Kav will be confirmed as Supreme Court Justice???

  • Yes, he's voted into the Supreme Court

  • No, the vote fails or his nomination is withdrawn

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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


White House limits scope of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation
The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI’s investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, multiple people briefed on the matter told NBC News.

While the FBI will examine the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, the bureau has not been permitted to investigate the claims of Julie Swetnick, who has accused Kavanaugh of engaging in sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s, those people familiar with the investigation told NBC News. A White House official confirmed that Swetnick's claims will not be pursued as part of the reopened background investigation into Kavanaugh.
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Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
I would not be good with it, no.

I don't know that he's a liar, but - as someone who has also liked beer his entire life - the "I've never blacked out" claim is a bit much.
I’ve drank a ton in my life and never blacked out.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Do you mean pass out? Or wake up the next day and not remember the previous night?
Not the entire night. Just missing some events. Or some events are faded.

It has nothing to do with passing out.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Not the entire night. Just missing some events. Or some events are faded.

It has nothing to do with passing out.
Just wanted to make sure only one of us was still eligible for Supreme Court :cheers:


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
I’ve never gotten black out drunk from beer. That requires a lot of tequila

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
They said this live during the vote. Time is still a concern, so the FBI investigation was going to be limited in scope.

The goal posts aren't being moved here.
Trump says FBI has 'free rein' in Kavanaugh probe
"The FBI as you know is all over, talking to everybody ... " Trump told reporters Saturday in Washington on his way to a rally in West Virginia. "They have been all over it already. They have free reign to do whatever they have to do."

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Michael Che on Weekend Update -
"Are they Republicans so pro-life that they don't even have a Plan B for this?"

I laughed harder than I should have at that.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Bernie Sanders Calls for FBI Investigation Into Whether Brett Kavanaugh Committed Perjury
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is calling for the FBI to investigate whether controversial Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed perjury while testifying under oath at various times in the past–including during Kavanaugh’s defense on Thursday against allegations that he sexually assaulted and attempted to rape Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in 1982.

In a Saturday letter sent to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Sanders demanded that the FBI’s recently re-opened background investigation into multiple sexual assault and rape allegations against Kavanaugh should also include an inquiry into whether multiple statements made by the D.C. Circuit Court judge in front of Congress rise to the level of falsity.

“In order for this FBI investigation regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to be complete, it is imperative the bureau must not only look into the accusations made by Dr. Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, it should also examine the veracity of his testimony before the Judiciary Committee,” the socialist senator noted.

Sanders also dismissed the idea that the FBI should be ham-strung by a one-week time-frame for their multiple inquiries into Kavanaugh’s behavior and statements. He continued:

The Senate should not constrain the FBI to one week and must allow time for a full investigation. I would request that you inform the FBI that you will not consider their work complete until they examine the truthfulness of Judge Kavanaugh’s statements under oath while testifying before the Senate throughout his career, given the very serious fact that lying to Congress is a federal crime.

The anti-establishment former presidential candidate then supplied a series of statements and apparent misstatements of fact delivered by Kavanaugh at various times while under oath in front of the Senate.

“In 2006 Judge Kavanaugh told Congress he did not know anything about the NSA warrantless wiretapping program prior to it being reported by the New York Times. This year an email revealed that while at the White House he might have been involved in some conversations about this program,” Sanders noted, before asking, “Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?”

Sanders also took Kavanaugh to task for the judge’s apparently misleading statements regarding his role in the Bush administration’s illegal “enemy combatant” designation for individuals captured in the War on Terror.

Vermont’s junior senator noted, “In 2006 Judge Kavanaugh testified, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.” New evidence released as part of these confirmation hearing contradicts that assertion,” and asked again, “Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?”

But the rumored 2020 presidential contender didn’t stop there. He also suggested that Kavanaugh repeatedly lied during his shouting-and-tear-filled defense on Thursday:

Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly told the committee he never drank to the point where he didn’t remember something. He also denied ever becoming aggressive when he drinks. However there have been many reports from those Judge Kavanaugh attended high school, college and law school with that contradict this assertion. Was he being truthful with the committee? …

Kavanaugh claimed he did not drink on weeknights but an entry on his calendar for Thursday July 1 states, “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, Pj, Bernie, Squi.” Kavanaugh clarified to Sen. Booker that “Skis” referred to beer. Was his original statement to the committee truthful?

Law&Crime reached out to Senator Grassley’s office for comment on this article but no response was forthcoming at the time of publication.
Sanders Demands FBI Investigate Whether Kavanaugh Lied to Congress
Saturday, September 29, 2018

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 29 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sent the following letter Saturday to Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) demanding that the reopened FBI investigation into Judge Brett Kavanaugh examine the veracity of the judge's testimony before the committee, in addition to accusations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick.

"A fundamental question the FBI can help answer is whether Judge Kavanaugh has been truthful with the committee. This goes to the very heart of whether he should be confirmed to the court," Sanders wrote.

Sanders also called on the Senate to give the FBI as much time as the bureau needs to complete a thorough investigation. "First and foremost, we need the truth," said Sanders.

Below is the text of the letter:

Dear Chairman Grassley,

In order for this FBI investigation regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to be complete, it is imperative the bureau must not only look into the accusations made by Dr. Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, it should also examine the veracity of his testimony before the Judiciary Committee.

The Senate should not constrain the FBI to one week and must allow time for a full investigation. I would request that you inform the FBI that you will not consider their work complete until they examine the truthfulness of Judge Kavanaugh’s statements under oath while testifying before the Senate throughout his career, given the very serious fact that lying to Congress is a federal crime.

If you are concerned with a delay in this confirmation process, remember that Senate Republicans refused to allow the Senate to consider Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court for nearly a year.

In addition to investigating the accusations made by multiple women, a thorough investigation should include a review of Judge Kavanaugh’s numerous untruthful statements in his previous testimony before Congress. Specifically:

  • In his previous testimony before Congress, Judge Kavanaugh was asked more than 100 times if he knew about files stolen by Republican staffers from Judiciary Committee Democrats. He said he knew nothing. Emails released as part of these hearings show that these files were regularly shared with Kavanaugh while he was on the White House staff. One of the emails had the subject line “spying.” Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?
  • In 2006 Judge Kavanaugh told Congress he did not know anything about the NSA warrantless wiretapping program prior to it being reported by the New York Times. This year an email revealed that while at the White House he might have been involved in some conversations about this program. Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?
  • In 2004 Judge Kavanaugh testified the nomination of William Pryor to the 11th Circuit “was not one that I worked on personally.” Documents now contradict that statement. Newly released documents also call into question whether Judge Kavanaugh was truthful that the nomination of Charles Pickering “was not one of the judicial nominees that I was primarily handling.” Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?
  • In 2006 Judge Kavanaugh testified, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.” New evidence released as part of these confirmation hearing contradicts that assertion. Was Judge Kavanaugh being truthful with the committee?
  • Kavanaugh testified before the committee that he did not believe polygraphs were reliable. In 2016 he wrote, “As the Government notes, law enforcement agencies use polygraphs to test the credibility of witnesses and criminal defendants. Those agencies also use polygraphs to ‘screen applicants for security clearances so that they may be deemed suitable for work in critical law enforcement, defense, and intelligence collection roles.’ . . . The Government has satisfactorily explained how polygraph examinations serve law enforcement purposes.” (Sack v. United States Department of Defense, 823 F.3d 687 (2016)) What changed his opinion or was he misleading the committee as to his beliefs about the reliability of polygraph tests?
Additionally, several statements made by Judge Kavanaugh under oath regarding his treatment of women and his use of alcohol appear not to be true. The scope of the FBI’s investigation must include investigating the following statements:

  • Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly told the committee he never drank to the point where he didn’t remember something. He also denied ever becoming aggressive when he drinks. However there have been many reports from those Judge Kavanaugh attended high school, college and law school with that contradict this assertion. Was he being truthful with the committee?
  • Judge Kavanaugh testified he treated women “as friends and equals” and “with dignity and respect.” Numerous entries in his school yearbook would seem to contradict this. Was Judge Kavanaugh’s statement to the committee truthful?
  • Judge Kavanaugh claimed that he and Dr. Ford “did not travel in the same social circles.” Dr. Ford said she dated Chris Garrett, referenced as a friend in his yearbook. In fact she testified Garrett introduced her to Kavanaugh. Was Judge Kavanaugh’s statement to the committee truthful?
  • Kavanaugh claimed he did not drink on weeknights but an entry on his calendar for Thursday July 1 states, “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, Pj, Bernie, Squi.” Kavanaugh clarified to Sen. Booker that “Skis” referred to beer. Was his original statement to the committee truthful?
A fundamental question the FBI can help answer is whether Judge Kavanaugh has been truthful with the committee. This goes to the very heart of whether he should be confirmed to the court. If a thorough investigation takes longer than a week, so be it. First and foremost, we need the truth.


Bernard Sanders


Nov 15, 2015
Pretty disgusting response there man.
Is it? Let's see if you can follow me:
Illustration: Trump never believes the victim.
Ever. No matter what.
So, following TrumpLogic - Conway (queen of "Alternative Facts") MUST be lying.
Because .. Trump. Unless we only believe the victim if she works for Trump?
Thank you for playing point-counterpoint.