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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Fox’s Chris Wallace Repeatedly Nails Sarah Sanders on Bogus Border Terror Threat Claims
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders ran into a buzzsaw Sunday morning when Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace challenged the Trump administration’s repeated false claims about terrorism and the southwestern border of the United States.

On this week’s edition of Fox News Sunday, Sanders told Wallace that President Trump meant what he said when he declared that he would keep the government shut down for “years” if necessary, in order to secure funding for his border wall.

But then, Wallace attacked a central theme of Trump’s push for a wall, the lie that tons of terrorists are streaming over the border with Mexico. He played a clip of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen claiming, at this week’s Rose Garden press conference, that “CBP has stopped over 3,000 what we call special interest aliens trying to come into the country on the southern border. Those are aliens who the Intel community has identified are of concern.”

“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said, and added that “the state department says, quote, ‘there were no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico,'” citing a report that was released in September.

“We know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is southern border,” Sanders began, but Wallace cut her off.

“I know the statistic, I didn’t know if you were going to use it, but I studied up on this,” Wallace said. “Do you know what those 4,000 people come where they are captured? Airports.”

“Not always…” Sanders said weakly.

“Airports. The state department says there hasn’t been any terrorists found coming across the southern border,” Wallace said.

“It’s by air it’s by land it’s by sea, it’s all of the above,” Sanders said, “but one thing that you’re forgetting is at the most vulnerable point of entry that we have into this country is our southern border. You have to protect it, and the more and more that individuals know that…”

“But they’re not coming across the southern border, Sarah, they’re coming and they’re being stopped at airports,” Wallace interrupted, once again.

“They’re coming a number of ways, they’re certainly, I’m not disagreeing with you that they’re coming through airports,” a flustered Sanders replied. “I’m saying that they come by air by land and by sea, and the more and more that our border becomes vulnerable and the less and less that we spend time and money protecting it the more that we’re going to have an influx, not just of terrorists, but of human traffickers and drug inflow.”


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That would be great and I've been for reducing gov't dependency on jobs for years.

And yet it would fuck job numbers up as unemployment would skyrocket.
that is how the liberal govt in canada is falsely keeping the unemployment numbers low. half of alberta is unemployed but ottawa is hiring people to count paperclips and creating unnecessary govt jobs to cook the books

Deleted member 1

that is how the liberal govt in canada is falsely keeping the unemployment numbers low. half of alberta is unemployed but ottawa is hiring people to count paperclips and creating unnecessary govt jobs to cook the books
@kneeblock ( kneeblock @Maroon i think ???)

This guy is crapping on Keynes!


Jan 28, 2015
This is so something you would post lol. First of all this is temporary and they all knew about it and agreed. You’re reaching kid lol. Either way you can post things all day, Trump is killing it. The country is in a great place and headed to an even better place. It’s like anything that was broke, things take time and it’s always worse before it gets better but In this case things have been great. He needs to get the border handled we all know that, trade with China was fucked but is being worked on and they are getting killed now, that is a problem that should’ve been taken care of years ago. We are getting more energy independent that is good, manufacturing businesses are getting better. I am happy to report my insurance went from 650 a month to 539. That is pretty sick. My company gave some nice ass bonuses to the peeps this year because we got some nice money with the deregulation’s so we paid it forward. That felt amazing. Funny how much the trump haters at my factory were praising him when I made the joke lol. We laughed but knew what was up Haha.


Jan 28, 2015
Kwing and gusto will find a way to make this a bad thing. Maybe the terrorist deserved a trial guys? Did trump somehow offend you guys by killing the guy? Or maybe this was really Obama who was responsible, yeah that’s it. Oh wait but then it wouldn’t really have been Obama that killed bin laden it would’ve been Bush... hmmm not fitting liberal narrative.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
that is how the liberal govt in canada is falsely keeping the unemployment numbers low. half of alberta is unemployed but ottawa is hiring people to count paperclips and creating unnecessary govt jobs to cook the books
The US government has a scheme like this too. It's called the military.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
This is so something you would post lol. First of all this is temporary and they all knew about it and agreed. You’re reaching kid lol. Either way you can post things all day, Trump is killing it. The country is in a great place and headed to an even better place. It’s like anything that was broke, things take time and it’s always worse before it gets better but In this case things have been great. He needs to get the border handled we all know that, trade with China was fucked but is being worked on and they are getting killed now, that is a problem that should’ve been taken care of years ago. We are getting more energy independent that is good, manufacturing businesses are getting better. I am happy to report my insurance went from 650 a month to 539. That is pretty sick. My company gave some nice ass bonuses to the peeps this year because we got some nice money with the deregulation’s so we paid it forward. That felt amazing. Funny how much the trump haters at my factory were praising him when I made the joke lol. We laughed but knew what was up Haha.
Good on you for getting a bonus.

Anyone other Americans as lucky as Pitbull?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Kwing and gusto will find a way to make this a bad thing. Maybe the terrorist deserved a trial guys? Did trump somehow offend you guys by killing the guy? Or maybe this was really Obama who was responsible, yeah that’s it. Oh wait but then it wouldn’t really have been Obama that killed bin laden it would’ve been Bush... hmmm not fitting liberal narrative.
Go to bed, you're drunk.

I just praised the American military for that in this thread this morning.

Keep my name outta your mouth boy.